Friday, May 10, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 05/10/2013

Daily Thought: “Do not be afraid. Go on speaking, and do not be silent, for I am with you.” – “Whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you.” Perhaps these are two of the hardest statements in the scripture to trust.  They come to us today from the Acts of the Apostles and John’s Gospel. The first the Lord speaks to St. Paul one night in Corinth and the other Jesus speaks to his disciples.

How often have we asked God for something and yet it doesn’t happen, we don’t get it, we have to settle for life as it is not as we want it to be? How often are we called to speak or we feel compelled to speak because of our faith but the words just will not come out because we are afraid of the consequences?

Living by faith is no easy task, it wasn’t in Paul’s time, and it wasn’t in Jesus’ time. The world is often a cruel place, a place where words and actions can cause us pain, sorrow and problems even if they are true and right. The feelings and emotions of the mob are usually what rules. The Gospel message is not for the weak or afraid because many leave it at the church door on Sunday, if they have heard at all.

Our faith tells us that God is with us. That whatever we ask in Jesus’ name we will be given, then why is there so much sickness, death, pain and sorrow in the world? Why were three young women held hostage for over 10 years, did no one ask for their return in Jesus’ name?

It is easy to say that we are Christian and call ourselves Catholic but living out our faith is never easy. In some way God is always there, God always responds to us, God always gives us what we need, God always stands beside us when we speak the truth. However the world always makes it hard to hear, feel, see and know God’s presence in our life.

As you live today, as you wonder through this life trying to believe, trying to speak, trying to trust in God remember love casts out fear. It makes us able to speak even in the most difficult times and it makes present the most profound gifts that God gives to us!

Daily Prayer:  Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my entire will, all I have and call my own. You have given all to me. To you, Lord, I return it. Everything is yours; do with it what you will. Give me only your love and your grace that is enough for me. (St. Ignatius of Loyola)

Runner’s Thought: As runners in faith, if we embark on the path of praying while we run we can expect surprises, missteps, and perhaps great leaps toward a personal relationship with God. We might think of running as our escape from the struggles, tensions, problems and issues of life but through prayer it can also be a moment, a time, when God will reach out to us in unique ways!

TGIF everyone! The sun has returned to Pelham and it looks and feels like it is going to be a beautiful warm day. I hope that is true where ever you are too! In a few hours the weekend will officially begin and I pray you are looking forward to a restful and fun filled weekend.

 Sunday is Mother’s Day and I will certainly give time to the memories of my own mother, memories that are near and dear to me. To all of you mother’s out there have a great day and know you will be in my prayers!

On a sad note, I found out last night that a favorite watering hole of mind for many years has closed. The Greentree Bar and Restaurant located in the Riverdale section of the Bronx closed its doors on April 30th. I spent many hours there over the last 18 years often with a beer in hand enjoying the fireplace, the food and the fine people I met there. The Greentree’s closing closes a chapter in the book of my life, with the retreat house gone which was a great love of my life and now the Greentree there is little to bring me back to that section of New York.  To all my Greentree friends I say thanks for your friendship and the memories. Blessing to all of you wherever you are and wherever you go!

And blessings to all of you on this Friday in May enjoy the rest of your day and have a great weekend! Peace in Christ’s Passion and Hope in the Risen Lord…Fr. Paul

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