“...a priest is
someone willing to stand between a God and a people who are longing for one
another's love, turning back and forth between them with no hope of tending
either as well as each deserves. To be a priest is to serve a God who never
stops calling people to do more justice and love more mercy, and simultaneously
to serve people who nine times out of ten are just looking for a safe place to
rest. To be a priest is to know that things are not as they should be and yet
to care for them the way they are.”
I hope I live up to what it means to be
a priest most of the time. I know at time I do fail and I pray that my failures
do not hurt others or keep them from God. I do know that things are not as they
should be and I hope and pray that I do care for all the way they are!
I have a great day everyone!
Daily Prayer:
Loving God, Often we hold on to the
things we own and we are afraid to open our clenched hands. Who will we be when
we have nothing left to hold on to? Who will we be when we stand before you
with empty hands? Please help us to gradually open our hands and to discover
that we are not what we own, but what you want to give us. Amen! (Adapted from a prayer by Henri
J.M. Nouwen)
Runner’s Thoughts: Six days until the
NYC Marathon and so my words of inspiration, my words of faith today come from Dean
Karnazes, “Struggling and suffering are the essence of a life worth living. If
you're not pushing yourself beyond the comfort zone, if you're not demanding
more from yourself - expanding and learning as you go - you're choosing a numb
existence. You're denying yourself an extraordinary trip.” (Dean
Karnazes, Ultramarathon Man: Confessions
of an All-Night Runner)
Daily Blessing: As this new
work week begins we find ourselves getting ready to say “good bye” to October
and its menagerie of colors, crisp morning air and sun drenched afternoons and
we prepare to welcome November with its fading colors, ever darkening days and hustle
and bustle of the soon approaching holiday season. So in the midst of this in
between week I offer this prayer of blessing to begin your week and send you on
your way to November…
Loving God, Creator of this new day,
bless my friends and all so that we may live your truth in everything we do. That
we may express your love to everyone we meet. Touch us with your grace so that
we may share our enthusiasm and make each moment better; so that we may give
life to our hopes; so that we may walk by faith; so that we may dance and sing
to your music of life; so that we will always embrace your blessings and your
love and make today and everyday worth remembering. Amen! Have a great Monday
everyone! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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