Think about it, Paul’s question to us
is, if God is for us who can be against us? Paul’s answer is nobody! A second
question is who or what can separate us for God’s love? It seems that Paul’s
answer to this question is the same, nothing and no one! However, that is not
really true because for me Paul leaves out one thing – us. We are the only ones
who can separate us from God’s love. We are the only ones who can get in the
Our challenge today and every day, if I
can paraphrase Jesus in today’s Gospel, “[We] must continue on [our] way today,
tomorrow, and the following day.” (Luke 13: 33) but we do it knowing that God
is for us and nothing but ourselves can separate us from God’s love. Thus if we
are true, faithful, hopeful and committed to our friendship with God it is
always going to be a great day!
Have a great day everyone and Happy
Daily Prayer: O God, lover of
all who hope in you, without whom nothing has foundation, nothing is holy,
grace us in abundance with your love, compassion and mercy and grant that, with
you as our friend and guide, we may use the good gifts that are within and around
us in such a way so that we will hold fast to a hope that will endure. We make
our prayer today through Jesus Christ our Lord in whom the love of God for us
is always present. Amen!
Runner’s Thoughts: Three days
until the NYC Marathon and my words of inspiration and faith for today are – “I
run because long after my footprints fade away, maybe I will have inspired a
few to reject the easy path, hit the trails, put one foot in front of the
other, and come to the same conclusion I did: I run because it always takes me
where I want to go.” (Dean Karnazes) And I believe, I have faith in God, in
Christ, in the Spirit, because long after I am gone maybe I will have inspired
a few to reject the easy road, hit the Eucharist, prayer and community, put one
foot in front of the other, and come to the same conclusion I did: I believe
because it always takes me to God’s love!
Daily Blessing: Happy Halloween
everyone! I hope your morning has gone well; it was a busy one for me. The day
here in Pelham is dreary yet a little on the mild side but there is certainly a
fall feel to the air. The weather for Sunday looks to be cold and windy, I don’t
mind running in the cold but the wind from the northwest is often not pleasant!
So if you have a notion to pray for me on Sunday, pray for a gentle breeze,
Well if you will be heading out trick or
treating tonight please be safe and if you are headed out tonight but not trick
or treating drive alert so the little ones or anyone out and about will be
As this week winds down I offer this
prayer and blessing for all today – Loving God, give us friends who will love us
for who and what we are, and keep ever burning before our vagrant steps the
kindly light of hope... And though we come not within sight of the castles of our
dreams, teach us to be thankful for life, and for time's olden memories that
are good and heartwarming. And may the evening's twilight find us gentle still
and at peace. Blessings to all – Amen! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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