Monday, March 31, 2014

Making a Joyful Noise through Lent 03/31/2014

Making a Joyful Noise through Lent - 03/31/2014
“The Christian ideal will always be a summons to overcome suspicion, habitual mistrust, fear of losing our privacy, all the defensive attitudes which today’s world imposes on us. Many try to escape from others and take refuge in the comfort of their privacy or in a small circle of close friends, renouncing the realism of the social aspect of the Gospel. For just as some people want a purely spiritual Christ, without flesh and without the cross, they also want their interpersonal relationships provided by sophisticated equipment, by screens and systems which can be turned on and off on command. Meanwhile, the Gospel tells us constantly to run the risk of a face-to-face encounter with others, with their physical presence which challenges us, with their pain and their pleas, with their joy which infects us in our close and continuous interaction. True faith in the incarnate Son of God is inseparable from self-giving, from membership in the community, from service, from reconciliation with others. The Son of God, by becoming flesh, summoned us to the revolution of tenderness.” (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel)

“Run the risk of a face-to-face encounter with others…” These words of Pope Francis echo our scriptures today. True faith is not based on extraordinary signs and wonders. True faith is grounded in the ordinary signs and wonder that we encounter every day. True faith is based in relationships, in experience, in our connections with others that allow God to be present in our life!

Jesus words in the Gospel (John 4:43-54) today are as true for us as they were for the people of Jesus’ time, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will not believe.” We are always looking for signs and wonders. If I pray to the Blessed Mother and my prayer is answered I will believe. If I pray to St. Jude and my prayer is answered I will be believe. If my friend, my family member is cured of cancer I will believe. If the Blessed Mother, one of the saints, if God would just appear to me and tell me what to do I would believe.

We are always chasing miracles, apparitions something extraordinary and if we can just find one, experience one, we will believe. Or will we? There were many people during Jesus’ time who saw him heal or raise someone from the dead and did not believe or only believe for a short time. Take his disciples as an example, all of the things they saw, all of the experiences they had with Jesus and yet they still ran away. They still betrayed him. They still denied him. Belief is not easy and signs and wonders are not the cure. Living and believing every day requires work. Putting time into our relationship with God, prayer, good works, care and attention to others, especially those in need are what will make faith, belief possible.

There are signs and wonders going on around us every day. The sun rises and sets. People do good things for others. God is present in nature, people and us. We just have to stop and take notice. We have to be willing to stop and look at the ordinary things around us because they will make the extraordinary possible.

God desires nothing but happiness for our lives as we hear in the words of Isaiah (Isaiah 65:17-21) today. The only thing that gets in God’s way is us! There was a commercial a while back, I think for an insurance or investment company and it opened with a person doing something kind for another person. Someone saw the gesture and did something nice or kind for another person. The commercial continued with one act of kindness after another until it came full circle back to the original person and the original act of kindness. Signs and wonders are going on around us every day all we have to do is stop and take notice. If we do – faith, belief in God will be much easier!

Have a wonderful day everyone and don’t forget to make a joyful noise with your life today!

Daily Lenten Prayer: Loving God, be always with us in times of stress and struggle. Help us to know that you are close even when we cannot feel your presence. Grace us with wisdom to always know that you are there helping us and watching over us. As St. Paul says, “nothing in heaven and on earth can separate us from your love.” Help us to believe and live St. Paul’s words. Enliven our hearts with faith and hope in your joy filled love today and always! Amen!

A Runner’s Thoughts: Before your next run pause for a moment take a deep breath and ask God to run with you. When you finish your run, take a moment to reflect on the sense of God’s presence that you felt as you ran. Try to carry this presence with you as you go through the rest of your day.

Daily Blessing: A Monday greeting to all! I hope everyone had a nice weekend, that you got a little rest and relaxation and that you are looking forward to a good week. If not you are in my prayers! My weekend of preaching went well here in West Texas and looking forward to our second evening of mission tonight. I think it will be a very interesting and faith filled mission. The people here are enthusiastic and seeking the Word of God. Again I ask for your prayers for the faith community here at St. Lawrence and their preacher.

My prayer of blessing today is that your week, your Monday will start of well and that today will be rich in the presence of God. May God bless you in all that you will do today. May today be blessed with many wonderful people who help you to find the presence of God in your day, in your work, in your journeys and in the people who are most important in your life. May God bless you with the gift of joy today and always.

May everyone have a great Monday with blessings upon all you do and upon everyone you meet! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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