Saturday, April 5, 2014

Making a Joyful Noise through Lent 04/05/2014

Making a Joyful Noise through Lent – 04/05/2014
“The joy of the Gospel is such that it cannot be taken away from us by anyone or anything (cf. John 16:22). The evils of our world – and those of the Church – must not be excuses for diminishing our commitment and our fervour. Let us look upon them as challenges which can help us to grow. With the eyes of faith, we can see the light which the Holy Spirit always radiates in the midst of darkness, never forgetting that “where sin increased, grace has abounded all the more” (Romans 5:20). Our faith is challenged to discern how wine can come from water and how wheat can grow in the midst of weeds.” (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel)

The words of Pope Francis today remind us that like Jesus we will be challenged every step of the way through our journey of faith, but that we cannot give up. That in the midst of our struggles God’s grace is always there ready to help us. Pope Francis asks us to be the joyful noise of the Gospel wherever we go bring our joy to whoever we meet.

In our scriptures today (Jeremiah 11: 18-20 and John 7: 40-53) we are reminded that Jesus really never had a chance with the religious leadership of his time, prophets, like Jeremiah, never fared well no matter where they came from but the thought that Jesus came from Galilee sealed the deal. The religious leadership had made their judgment and nothing was going to change it, not even one of their own, Nicodemus calling for justice.

Jesus throughout his ministry cautioned about making judgments. He healed, taught, forgave, showed compassion and asked us to love even our enemies. His parables always reflected ways to live and not to live. They always reflected a relationship with God so that people could understand the presence of God in their life. He showed compassion to all and forgave sinners. All of this was too much for the religious leadership of his time. Jesus' way did not fit into their view of the world, their way of living in the world. They were prejudice in the case of place, they didn't like Galilee but at other time their prejudice took on different forms. The prejudices that we allow to make a home in us can often be the very thoughts and actions that judge us!

Jesus and Jeremiah became the trusting lambs led to the slaughter. They never had a chance because their message was of God not the world. Their actions, their teachings, their lives give us examples of how to trust and hope in God's love. They help us to look at life through the eyes of faith not the eyes of prejudice.

As we enter this day let us be aware of how we often judge people without listening to their story, without knowing who they really are. Let us trust in the presence of God that every person can bring to us. Let us be people of justice, truth, compassion and love. Let us be open to finding God's presence, God's goodness everywhere.

Have a blessed Saturday everyone and don’t forget to make a joyful noise with your life today!

Daily Lenten Prayer: Compassionate God, make us channels of your faith, hope, love and peace. Grace us with hearts open to your loving presence in all that we meet. Help us with your wisdom so that we might let go of our judgments, our prejudices, and our condemnations. May we be people with generous hearts always rich in a harvest of compassion, mercy and love. Amen!

A Runners' Thoughts: Remember if we have the desire to run with God, then the specifics of the techniques used do not matter very much just keep hold of the desire and God will be with you!

Daily Blessing: Happy Saturday everyone! I hope your Saturday morning has started off sunny and well. The sun is out here in Pelham and after a cloudy, gloomy, rainy day yesterday the sun is a nice way to start off a new day. I have to admit with all the travel it has been a long Lent and I can feel myself getting tired yet there are miles to go, missions to give before I take a break so please pray that I maintain the mission spirit and energy so that I can be my best everywhere I go!

I head out later this morning to St. Mary’s Parish in Barnesville, MD. It is interesting in the fact that they do not have a Saturday evening mass so I will not begin my preaching until Sunday morning but I still need to head out today because of the distance.  Once again if you are in the Barnesville, MD area stop in and celebrate with us this week. The mission service will be at 9: 00 am and at 7:30 pm Monday through Wednesday. The 9:00 am mission service begins with mass and after mass the mission talk. Please keep the faith community at St. Mary’s and their preacher in your prayers this week!

My prayer of blessing today is that God will bless us all with the energy, the spirit and the enthusiasm to continue this journey of Lent and this journey of life. That God will bless us with a joy for life, for other people and for ourselves. And that whatever we do, wherever we go, whoever we meet will be touched by the joy that we bring! Have a great Saturday everyone. I hope you will get some time to rest and relax. I also hope you will be spending time with people you love. Remember to give God a little time this weekend! Peace...Fr. Paul

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