Monday, February 9, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 02/09/2015

Daily Thoughts: Today's Gospel (Mark 6: 53-56) focuses on the sick coming to Jesus and the first reading from the Book of Genesis (Genesis 1:1-19) begins to tell us the story of creation. It is through God’s loving creative act that we become community and when we can recognize God’s presence in the community then healing can take place.

When we know or feel God’s presence sometimes all it takes is touching the tassel on Jesus' cloak and healing takes place and the living of life gets better. God's goodness is never absent we can encounter it each and every day of our lives but it takes work because there is so much "non-goodness" out there! If we believe in the presence of God, if we believe that Jesus is always in our midst, walking by in people around us – then we always have an opportunity to touch a tassel on his cloak and encounter his goodness.

Let us pray today for the gift of God's Goodness in our lives. Let us pray for the wisdom to recognize those moments when Jesus is near and the courage to reach out and touch his tassel. Let us live in the hope today that God's creation is still at work and that God will look at us at the end of the day and say "Very Good!"

Have a great Monday everyone!

Daily Prayer: O God, be in our moments of rest today and give us what we need so that as this day takes its course and we encounter moments of stress, strain, struggle and effort we might also find your peace. And when evening comes and we look back over this day and we see how fragmentary everything seems to be, and how our plans have not fully been accomplished. Help us to take everything exactly as it is, putting everything in your hands and leaving our life with you. Then in your peace may we find rest, real rest in you and rise refreshed to begin our next day of new life in you. Amen!

A Runner's Thoughts: As you run today take with you whatever image of God that is most important to you and allow that image to accompany you on your run, also look for goodness in everyone you encounter. Look for goodness in yourself!

Daily Blessing: Monday greetings and blessings to all! It is an early morning for me. In a little while I will be headed to the airport for a long day of flying, at least I am hoping we get off the ground. But if all goes well I will be enjoying warmer temperatures and some sun by the end of my journey!

I hope all of you had a nice weekend and that your day and week has started off well. I also hope that your morning is not too affected by this latest storm that seems to have landed here in Pelham this morning. It seems that travel here in the northeast will be rather slow this morning. I have not heard anything about air travel but I probably will not until I get to the airport!

My prayer of blessing is a simple one today – I pray for God’s blessing upon all of us and I pray in the hope everyone will have a great Monday. However if our day happens to start slow, or disorganized, or in a panic, may we not worry and may it all come together by day's end! If our day happens to start with a peaceful purpose may these two graces see us through to the end of the day! If our day happens to start with struggle and tension may we find moments of peace and calm that sustain us through the day. If our day happens to start without God, may we let God find us so that we will not walk and work alone!  Have a safe and productive day and if that cannot happen know that you are prayed for and loved! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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