Daily Thoughts: I find the
scripture readings today rather interesting and contrasting. On the one hand we
have the second half of the creation story which we began yesterday and in the
Gospel we find Jesus at odds with the religious leadership over traditions,
rules, regulations and rituals.
I always find the ending of the sixth
day of creation rather comforting, "God looked at everything he had made,
and he found it very good," a change from the previous five days when God
found everything "good." There seems to be a little something extra
to the work of the sixth day the creation of humankind, a creation that forms
us in the image and likeness of God. There is a specialness to this sixth day
of creation that ends with the proclamation "very good."
It might seem prideful or conceited to
think of ourselves as very good yet that is how God found us at the time of
creation. The sad part though is does God find us that way now? I would answer,
"Yes." There is a very goodness in all of us the problem is many of
us have covered it over with junk, buried it and neglected it in search of
something greater or more self-fulfilling, something that will gratify us for
the moment.
All of us carry around within us the
image and likeness of God which makes us special and important the trick is to
find it, to believe it and to live it.
That brings me to the Gospel, Jesus'
struggle with the religious leaders continues event to this day. I have often
struggle myself with the way we as an institutional Church have put more emphasis
on traditions, objects, rules, regulations and rituals rather than on people.
Do not get me wrong, traditions, rules, regulations, and rituals are all
important but not at the expense of people. One of my biggest struggles is that
at times we treat inanimate object far better than we treat people. Jesus'
mission, his message, his ministry, his living of life was about people. He did
not disregard traditions, rules, regulations and rituals but he put them in
their proper place as helps, as guides not as the be all and end all. He never
valued traditions, rules, regulations and rituals over people. He never made
them (rules, regulations, rituals) the faith of the community. He never let
them hide the image and likeness of God.
I think if we want to be honest with
ourselves we need to be challenged by today's Gospel. We need to take a long
hard look at what we do with traditions, rules, regulations, rituals in our
faith life. We need to realize that perhaps at time we are just like Scribes,
Pharisees and religious leaders in the Gospel today, tradition, rules,
regulations and rituals get in the way of faith, get in the way of people, get
in the way of God!
Have a great Tuesday everyone!
Daily Prayer: Loving God, we
give you thanks this day because we are fearfully and wonderfully made in your
image and likeness. Help us realize and recognize this awesome gift. Strengthen
us to live our life so that your image and likeness may be encounter by all we
meet. Guide us so that our traditions, rules, regulations and rituals do not
hide your image within us but serve as tools that help to enhancement of our
faith and not become our faith. May the living of our faith always put people
first and help us to live in the hope that one day we will hear you proclaim
our life as very good! Amen!
A Runner's Thoughts: Run in a new
place today, for new places can stretch our capacity for finding the presence
of God as we run!
Daily Blessing: Happy Tuesday
everyone! I hope your day is going well. Today I am enjoying the warmth, sun
and beach. I am letting my batteries recharge before the Season of Lent begins
next week. It is nice breathing in the salt air and looking at life from a
different perspective.
My prayer of blessing today is that
wherever you are, whatever this day has brought your way and will bring your
way I pray in the hope you have found and will continue to find many blessings
as you live this day! Enjoy your afternoon, the people you meet, the things you
do and the time you spend being the gift you are! Blessings to all! Have a great day with many blessings! Peace in
Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul
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