Daily Thoughts: We find
ourselves today standing between Easter and Pentecost. In the first reading we
look ahead to the day of Pentecost and we encounter Peter and the others boldly
proclaiming the Good News. All fear seems to be gone and thousands of people
come to believe in a single day because of their preaching. In the Gospel we
find ourselves at the tomb on Easter Sunday morning once again in one of the
most beautiful scenes of the Easter Gospels – Mary Magdalene’s encounter of the
Risen Jesus. It is from this profound encounter that Mary Magdalene becomes
known as the Apostle to the Apostles.
It is through these two very different
scenes that we are reminded of the transforming presence and spirit of the
Risen Christ. On that Pentecost morning the Spirit descends upon all gathered
in the Upper Room and pushes them out into the world proclaiming the Good News.
It is a powerful Spirit, a life giving Spirit, a Spirit on fire with the love
and presence of God, it is a Spirit that cannot be missed or stopped. On Easter
Sunday morning the presence and Spirit of the Risen Christ gently and lovingly
invited Mary Magdalene into the Mystery of the Resurrection.
St. Paul’s words from his First Letter
to the Corinthians come to life in our readings today – “There are different
gifts but the same Spirit….” We are reminded today of the many gifts of the
Spirit. Gifts that push us forward in faith and gifts that comfort us and
remind us of the gentleness of God presence in our life.
Like Mary Magdalene we enter this day
looking for the Spirit of the Risen Christ in our life and when we hear him
speak our name we might want to just hold on to that moment. However Jesus will
send us forth like Peter and the others to boldly proclaim the Good News with
Have a blessed Easter Tuesday everyone!
Daily Prayer: Loving Jesus,
come back into our society, our family life, our hearts, and reign there as our
peaceful God. Enlighten us with the splendor of faith and the love of your
tender heart so that we will work for the good of all your people, especially
those in need, Impart on us your own spirit, a spirit of discipline, serenity and
gentleness preserving the flame of enthusiasm always alight in our hearts. May
this day be a day when you find a home at the center of our life, and are borne
on our shoulders as your joyful Easter people. Amen! (Adapted from a prayer by St. John XXIII)
A Runner’s Thoughts: “That's the
thing about running: Your greatest runs are rarely measured by racing success.
They are moments in time when running allows you to see how wonderful your life
is.” (Kara Goucher) And so to in the spiritual life our best days are when we
realize just how much God loves us!
Daily Blessings: Tuesday
greetings and blessing to all! I hope your Tuesday has started off well.
Perhaps for some this is your first day back to work and for others it is just
another Tuesday the second day in a work week. As for myself I have settled
into my life this week here in Jamaica, West Indies. My travel on Sunday went
smoothly and I arrived here just outside of Mandeville in Jamaica. Yesterday I
spent the day visiting some of the Passionists here and getting ready to begin
the retreat with the Passionist Volunteers.
Our retreat began last night with an
opening talk and prayer and at 9 am this morning we will gather again to
continue our journey. I would ask your prayers for the six young people whom I
will journey with these next three days. Pray that they will have open spirit
to the word and presence of God in the lives and that God’s loving spirit will
enliven them on their journey through life. And if you could offer and extra
prayer for their preacher that he will proclaim with joy and spirit to them the
Good News!
My prayer of blessing for all of you is
that your day will be filled with Easter joy as you make your own journey
through it. That your encounters with others, your travel, your experiences, your
times alone will be touch by our joy filled God and that your will encounter
God’s loving presence in many was as you make your way through this day! Peace
in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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