Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 04/08/2015

Daily Thoughts:  “Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know the things that have taken place there in these days?” We encounter two famous stories in our readings today. In Luke’s Gospel it is the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus and in the Acts of the Apostles it is the story of Peter and John curing the man at “the Beautiful Gate.”  In some ways putting the two stories together on this Easter Wednesday can help us to enter into the mystery and power of the Resurrection.

The story of the two disciples on the road, in my book, is a classic. It has all the elements of our faith life. The struggle with the things of the world, of life, the missed opportunities of encountering Jesus because we are so focused on our struggles; the moments in time when we sense God’s presence, when our hearts burn but we don’t realize it until the end of the experience and those instances when Jesus becomes present to us in the breaking of the bread.

We have all been where these two disciples have been. We have been on that road in our life. We have been blind by our own lack of hope, our own disappointments, our own struggles. The gift, the hope of this story is that God that Jesus never gives up on us. He is always trying to enter our lives to remind us of the story and open our eyes to his presence.

Peter and John understood that as they entered Jerusalem through “the Beautiful Gate.” The opened the eyes of the crippled man who want silver and gold but ended up with much more. The power of the Risen Christ can transform our lives sometimes profoundly and sometimes simply but when that moment comes we just to be ready and not be blinded by our own lack of hope, our own disappointments, our own struggles.

Let’s not be the only ones who do not know the story, who have given up hope. Let us be people of faith and hope today whose hearts are burning with the word and presence of God and through the living of life who proclaim – “Jesus is Risen, Alleluia!”

Have a blessed and joy filled day everyone!

Daily Prayer: Jesus, we come before you at the beginning of this day. Take Lord, and receive our hearts; the words of faith that we speak, the works of justice that we do, our joys and sufferings. When we come to the Eucharistic table of life, gather our offerings to your own for the life of the world. At the end of this day, place us with Mary, your mother, and for her sake take our hearts to your heart. Amen! (Adapted from a prayer by the Maryland Province of Jesuits)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “Succeeding in running should be seen as an allegory for succeeding in every aspect of life. Set goals, plan out how to achieve them, then stick to the plan.” (Kim Griffin)

Daily Blessing: Happy Easter Hump Day everyone! Yes, it is Easter Wednesday so our camel is decked out in Easter eggs and lilies today proclaiming the good news that it is Hump Day. I hope your day has started well and that wherever you are the sun is out or will be out and you will get to enjoy its warmth!

This is the second full day of our retreat Jamaica. I am celebrating retreat with six very faith filled and talented volunteers. Please keep these six young women and men in your prayers and also say an extra prayer when you get a chance for their!

I send Easter blessings to all of you today. As I was preparing for mass yesterday I reflected on the fact that whenever I get to this week each year I think of the movie Ground Hog Day, because for these eight days of the Easter Octave each day we celebrate Easter Again. So Happy Easter and may God bless you today with the gift of Easter joy wherever you are and in whatever you are doing. May you be found rich today in the grace and presence of God and may you share your Easter joy with everyone you meet. May your hearts burn today with the presence and the spirit of the Risen Lord! Peace in Christ's Passion and the Risen Lord...Fr. Paul

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