Friday, July 17, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 07/17/2015

Daily Thoughts: “Something greater than the temple is here.” A line from our Gospel today (Matt. 12:1-8) and we might be tempted to think it was meant only for those to whom Jesus is speaking. But it is meant for us here and now. We might not have Jesus standing in our midst but we have his Spirit with us and it is greater than any temple, any church or any cathedral. The challenge is the same for us as it was for those who gathered to listen to Jesus; we have to recognize the presence and the Spirit of God in our midst.

Jesus gives us a clue on how to make sure that we don’t miss the presence of God. The clue is to be people of mercy. People a tune to and compassionate towards the struggles, challenges, difficulties and failings of others and ourselves. People willing to help and not judge; people willing to be compassionate and not self-righteous. People willing to include not exclude.

Living life from a stance of compassion and mercy is not always easy; it can be difficult and challenging. However being a compassionate and merciful person does help us to be ready and open to encounter something greater than ourselves the presence and friendship of God.

Have a great Friday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, thank you for the abilities that you have placed in our life. Help us to acknowledge these gifts and give us the courage to develop and use them in helping to make your presence known. Help us to be merciful and compassionate people who are always aware of something greater in life. We pray this so that we may never miss the gift of your presence in our life and that we may share it with the world around us. Amen!

A Runner’s Thoughts: When we run in a spiritual way, we are brought into the process of God-ing. Meaning as we run we are not moving toward God but interacting with God along the way. Our run becomes a direct physical, emotional and spiritual way of becoming who we are, our authentic selves. In the process we open up vast and unlimited opportunities to connect with God in new, life giving ways!

Daily Blessing: Friday blessings and greetings to all! It is beautiful day here is Scranton, we could not ask for better weather to open this year’s St. Ann’s novena!

Here in Scranton our first day of novena has gotten off to an inspiring and the spirit filled start. Some of you have passed long prayer intentions to me through Facebook, Twitter or my web site and I certain will honor and prayer for thoughts intentions throughout the novena. I am always open to taking prayers, petitions and intentions as an important part of my job is to keep the people of God in prayer so if you have a need, petition or intention send it to me through my web site, Facebook or Twitter. And please know that I will include your intentions each day in my novena prayers!

My prayers today are for the Marines who were killed in Tennessee yesterday, their families and friend and those who were wounded in the tragedy – I also prayer for an end to such violent.

My prayer of blessing today for all of us is that God will grace us with the strength to somehow help the world take a step closer to peace by living our life with compassion, love and joy today! Please my friends don’t begin this day with hate in your hearts. Don’t see the world through the eyes of the 24 hour news stations. Don’t point your figures and blame. Don’t disrespect others not like you. Allow God’s blessing to touch your life and be a person of peace, of compassion, of hope, of joy and of love today. Be this person today for your family, for your friends, for your faith community, for those you work with, for those you meet, for the world, and for yourself.

Have a great Friday everyone, put a smile on your face and trust that you are loved by God even in those moments of struggle. May God bless you today and always and thanks for being the person that you are because you certainly make this world a better place and life worth living! Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

PS If you like to make a prayer intention go to and click on contact under the prayer request section or send me a message through Facebook, Twitter or email!

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