Saturday, July 18, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 07/18/2015

Daily Thoughts: In today’s gospel we are made aware once again of the struggles between Jesus and the religious leaders of his time.  This time rather than taking them on Jesus withdraws to a friendlier place.  Many people follow Jesus and in a quiet way he heals and teaches.  We find out that Isaiah words from long ago are now being fulfilled by the presence and ministry of Jesus -

    Behold, my servant whom I have chosen,
    my beloved in whom I delight;
    I shall place my Spirit upon him,
    and he will proclaim justice to the Gentiles.
    He will not contend or cry out,
    nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets.
    A bruised reed he will not break,
    a smoldering wick he will not quench,
    until he brings justice to victory.
    And in his name the Gentiles will hope.

In this passage Isaiah talks about the tenderness of God and Jesus lives out that tenderness.  A bruised reed will not be broken, but strengthened.  A smoldering wick not quenched, but ignited into a strong flame.  Jesus brings to life the love and tenderness of God by uplifting the meek, strengthening the weak.  Jesus provides comfort to those who are mourning and encourages those who are struggling to “be strong, and fear not.”

As Pope Francis might say Jesus reminds us in our Gospel today of the endless mercy of God. In the midst of all that the world throws at us God is tenderly holding us, protecting us and giving us hope to continue our journey through life. Yes, God’s mercy truly endures forever!

Have a great Saturday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Loving Jesus, you were rich and yet for our sake, you became poor. You promise in your Gospel that whatever is done for the least of your sisters and brothers is done for you. Give us grace to be always willing and ready to provide for the needs of those who are struggling physically, emotionally or spiritually so that your Kingdom of service, hope, joy and love may extend throughout the world, to your unending glory. Amen. (Adapted from a prayer by St. Augustine of Hippo)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “Except for .001 percent of the running population, everyone's in the exact same position: There will always be people slower than you, and people faster.” (Ask Miles) – So to in the spiritual life…

Daily Blessing: Saturday blessings and greetings to everyone! It is another beautiful day here is Scranton as we enter this second day of novena. Hope you the day has started of beautiful wherever you are.

I would like to send a shout out to my beautiful little grandniece Natalie Ann who celebrates her first birthday today. It was just a week ago that I had the privilege of spending the weekend with her and my two other grandnieces. We all survived our time together and I was truly blessed to have been given the opportunity to be with them. The thing I remember most about Natalie’s birth a year ago is something her father as he announce her birth to the family - “She’s got five fingers and five toes and she’s beautiful!” Well she still has five fingers and five toes even after a weekend with her great uncle and she certainly is still beautiful. Happy Birthday Natalie Ann!

Here in Scranton our first day of novena was inspiring and the spirit is alive here as we make this ten day journey of faith. And we have gotten off to a good start on this our second day. As I mentioned yesterday if you have any intention, petitions or prayers send them along to me and please know that I will include them each day in my novena prayers.

My prayers today continue to go out to all the families of the people Marines who were killed the other day in Tennessee. My heart and prayers goes out to all who lost someone and I pray for those wounded. What a tragedy! What a world! It is at times hard for me to believe we can be so cruel to one another, however each day we seem to be confronted by violence, bigotry, racism, terror, hate and uncaringness.  Let us continue to pray for peace.

My prayer of blessing today for all of us is that God will grace us with the strength to somehow help the world take a step closer to peace by living our life with compassion, love and joy today! Please my friends don’t begin this day with hate in your hearts. Don’t see the world through the eyes of the 24 hour news stations. Don’t point your figures and blame. Don’t disrespect others not like you. Allow God’s blessing to touch your life and be a person of peace, of compassion, of hope, of joy and of love today. Be this person today for your family, for your friends, for your faith community, for those you work with, for those you meet, for the world, and for yourself.

Have a great Saturday everyone, put a smile on your face and trust that you are loved by God even in those moments of struggle. May God bless you today and always and thanks for being the person that you are because you certainly make this world a better place and life worth living! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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