Daily Thought: "The Lord speaks of peace to his people and
his holy ones and to those who turn to him.” the entrance antiphon for today
mass. What a wonderful thought, “The Lord speaks of peace…” to consider as we
enter a new day. However if we read on in our Gospel for today I am not sure
Jesus is speaking of peace. He tells us, that persecution, pain, struggle and
difficult time are ahead if we believe. He says these struggles and
persecutions will come from everywhere they can even come from our family.
This seems a far cry from peace! It seems that believing,
having faith takes a tremendous amount of trust in God and trust is not always
easy. However, if we have that trust then peace can happen!
In the midst of our daily struggles, in the midst of
everything that makes it hard to have faith, to hope, to love can we are asked
to trust in God presence and action in our life and if we do we will encounter
the peace that the Lord speaks of for his people today and always!
Have a great Wednesday everyone!
Daily Prayer: O God, let us have hearts ready to trust in your
abundant kindness and mercy that we might always be ready to say great and
wonderful are your works, Loving God!
A Runner's Thoughts: “Every day is a fresh start; don't measure
yourself by yesterday's troubles.” (Dagny Scott Barrios) So always run with
imagination and see as you run God is running towards you!
Daily Blessing: Wednesday greetings and blessings to everyone! I
hope your Wednesday has started out well. I made it to Fairfax, VA yesterday
evening and I am enjoying the beginning of what looks to be a beautiful day
here. If you are traveling today please travel safe I think the weather in most
of the country is supposed to be pretty good but even in good weather you still
need to travel safe. There were some crazies on the road yesterday. I guess
they are there everyday!
My prayer of blessing today is that everyone will have a
truly blessed and joyous Thanksgiving. May your gatherings tomorrow be blessed
with family, friends, good food, funny stories that will create a joyous feast
of love! May God’s great and wonderful love touch your life today, tomorrow and
always! May God’s blessings be upon your travels, your gatherings, your meals,
your conversations and all who gather with you. Don’t forget to give God thanks
in some way! Have a wonderful Wednesday wherever you are and whatever you are
doing! Many blessings as you journey through life today. Peace in Christ's
Passion...Fr. Paul
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