Friday, November 27, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 11/27/2015

Daily Thoughts: Our readings today focus us on the end time as they have throughout this last week of the liturgical year. They ask the question are we ready for what is to come? Are we ready for God’s perfect kingdom?

We already know how to live in an imperfect world.  Jesus has shown throughout the course of his life how to live in this imperfect world, especially during the last days of his life – his dying and rising from the dead.  He brought the Kingdom of God to this very imperfect world and invited us to join with him by living lives that help to illuminate the Kingdom of God in our difficult times.

When we look at our world we can get scared by all the violence, anger, wars and rumors of war that threaten us daily – the most recent violence in Paris and Beirut.

Jesus has already shown us over and over again how to respond. We are to love God, neighbor and self. We are to live out the reality of the Beatitudes. We are to trust in the goodness of God. And finally we are to open ourselves to the poor and those who call out the Christ life that is within us.

Pope Francis reminds us over and over again that we are to do something in our life that counters the bad news and negativity that we see daily on TV and listen to on the radio every day.  We all need to be encouraged that our attempts to bring love into a loveless world because these simple gestures, these random acts of goodness are themselves gifts of God.

We are asked to see the “end is near” visions of our readings today as challenges and blessings from a loving God.  Our simple acts of faith, hope and love have effects that go way beyond the present moments into a future and a hope that God has planned for us.  We face a world that wants to imprison us, but God’s Kingdom calls us into a future of promise and hope. So rejoice, stand erect and raise your heads because the Kingdom of God is at hand!

Have a great Saturday everyone!

Daily Prayer: O God, Creator of all, hear the prayers of your people today. Prayers that seek peace. Prayers that seek truth. Prayers that seek your love. Help us to know what is most important in life in the midst of a world that often speaks to us words that are not life giving, placing importance on the trivial. May we hear with our hearts your words of everlasting life! Amen!

A Runner's Thoughts: When you run be a pilgrim. As you run search for God in the ordinary. It is not a pilgrimage to some place special. Your run may be nothing more than a trip around the neighborhood but if your intention is to talk with God, then you are a pilgrim!

Daily Blessing: Friday greetings and blessings to all. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I must admit I am moving slowly this morning too much excellent food yesterday. There is a thought in my head that says go out and run five miles but I am fighting that wisdom today!

It looks to be another beautiful day here in Fairfax. I hope that same is true where you are. You could not have ask for a nicer day yesterday in order to enjoy the gift of Thanksgiving.

My prayer of blessing today is… Loving God bless us – Bless us and keep us safe. Let your face shine upon us and show us your compassion especially in those moments when we may struggle. May your love and peace embrace us, all whom we meet and especially those whom we love. May all our journeys be safe and may we continue to enjoy your gifts of family, friends and rest this day. Amen! Have a great day everyone! Shop if you must but also take some extra time with family and friends to just enjoy life! Blessings today and always. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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