Sunday, November 29, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 11/29/2015

Daily Thoughts: On this First Sunday of Advent I find one of my favorite lines of Scripture in today's Gospel. "But when these signs happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand." Now this might seem strange to you, and I have to say I might not say it in the same words, but I believe what Jesus is getting at is to be hopeful, confident and proud (good kind of pride) in your faith, in your relationship with God. I might say it this way, "Stand up straight, stick out your chest, hold your head high be ready for God's presence in your life!"

A number of years ago, when Pope Benedict was still pope, there was a synod of bishops in Rome that focused on the New Evangelization. During the synod one of the cardinals said that we need this New Evangelization because we are embarrassed by our faith. Now upon hearing this I took offence. I have never been embarrassed by my faith. I have been embarrassed by some of our leadership at times. I have been embarrassed by the institution at times. I have been embarrassed by the actions of some of the people with the Church at times. I have even been embarrassed by my own actions at times but I have never been embarrassed by my faith, my belief in God and my relationship with God, my membership in the Church and the Body of Christ. When it has come to my faith, I have always want to stand up straight, with my chest out and my head held high and believe!

Advent is a new beginning, a time of hopefulness, a time to look at the trials, tribulations, struggles, disappointments, difficulties of life and say I believe! To say we believe! As we begin our journey through Advent may we take the words of the scriptures to heart today and everyday throughout this Advent Season and make ready to "Believe" once again in our Faithful and Loving God!

Have a great Sunday everyone and don’t forget to give God a little of your time today.

Daily Prayer: Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in us a wonder at the wisdom and power of your Father and ours. Receive our prayer as part of our service of the Lord who enlists us in God's own work for justice.

Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in us a hunger for peace: peace in the world, peace in our homes, and peace in ourselves.

Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in us a joy responsive to God's joy. We seek God’s will so we can serve with gladness, joy, hope, and love.

Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in us the joy and love and peace that is right to bring to the manger of our Lord. Enliven in us, too, sober reverence for the God who acted there, hearty gratitude for the life begun there, and spirited resolution to serve the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, whose advent we hail. Amen. (Adapted from a traditional Advent Prayer)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “As a runner, you have to face the truth about yourself on a regular basis, and it makes you more honest. You can't pretend to be faster than you are. You can't pretend that you are better prepared than you are. You cannot pretend to be a runner, you actually have to run.” (John Bingham) So to in the spiritual life… You cannot pretend to be a person of faith, you actually have to live your faith!

Daily Blessing: Sunday blessings and greetings to all and happy Advent! Yes, today we begin a new Church Year with the Season of Advent, a season that helps us prepare for the great feast of Christmas. A season that helps us pause in the midst of our journey of life to remember how things began and to where and what this journey of life is all about. I hope you will have a blessed and holy Advent this year, one that will enliven you with joy and hope for your journey ahead.

It is a rainy morning here in Fairfax, VA and I anticipate a rain drive back to New York later today. I cannot complain as the weather here has been beautiful the last few days which has made this year’s Thanksgiving a wonder celebration. I hope the weather by you is better today especially if you are traveling. Travel safe no matter what the weather!

Today as we begin this New Year, this journey of Advent once again I pray for God’s blessing upon all of us. I pray that God will bless all of us with the wonder and awe of God’s presence during this wonderful season and always. I pray that God will bless us with the wonders of His mercy, hope and joy. I pray - O come, O come, Promised One of the ages. Come into our lives, come into our work places, come into our faith communities, come into our families, come into our homes, sit at our tables; dwell with joy in each of our hearts. O come, O come, Emmanuel, and set our hearts, our faith on fire with your mercy, joy, hope and love.

Have a blessed and holy First Sunday of Advent everyone! May you find the time during this hope filled season to connect with God each day. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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