Daily Thoughts: In the book, Thoughts in Solitude, Thomas
Merton writes, “If our life is poured out in useless words, we will never hear
anything, never become anything, and in the end, because we have said
everything before we had anything to say, we shall be left speechless at the
moment of our greatest decision.”
Merton’s words remind me of the chief priests and elders in
the Gospel today. They always had a lot to say to and about Jesus. They
constantly questioned him, trying to catch him in a “slip of the tongue.” Yet,
in today’s Gospel they were left speechless.
I have always thought these religious leaders were not bad
people. They were just fearful people. They were people afraid to stop long
enough to listen, to hear and to recognize God’s gift in their midst because it
might mean they would have to change.
Perhaps our reflection today might be to ask ourselves if we
are willing to stop and listen. Each day we encounter God in many ways. Are we
like the chief priests and elders afraid to listen to, and acknowledge God’s
presence? Are we afraid that if we do we might have to change?
Advent can be a busy time, lots of things to do before
Christmas. Do we dare stop the rush and take some time to listen, to hear, to
recognize God’s presence? Let’s hope so because if we do this just might be one
of the greatest moments in our life!
Have a great day everyone!
Daily Prayer: Loving God, teach us to take the time listen
today. Help us to recognize your presence in our life. Guide us always in your
way of truth, mercy, joy and love. Amen!
A Runner’s Thoughts: “If we push on, we begin to feel a vague,
tingling sense of who, or what, we really are. It's a powerful feeling, strong
enough to have us coming back for more, again and again.” (Adharanand Finn)
Doesn’t this quote speak about life and faith also? Doesn't it speak to God’s
presence in our life?
Daily Blessing: Monday greetings and blessings to all! It is a
foggy morning here in Pelham. The experts say we will have a rainy but mild
day. You know what they say into everyone’s life a little rain must fall. It is
just 11 days until Christmas – so let's make it 11 days of wonder rather than 11
days of worry and stress!
I hope this finds you all well and energized for a new day. I
got my Christmas Cards in the mail yesterday and finished decorating the house.
So life is pretty good in this part of the world if I do say so myself.
Later today I will be heading up to St. John and St. Mary
Parish in Chappaqua, NY to help with confession this afternoon and evening.
This is Reconciliation Monday in the Archdiocese of New York and all the parishes
are offering confessions from 4 – 8 pm today. If you are in the Chappaqua area
stop in and I assure you, you will have a compassionate confessor. For everyone
else remember reconciliation can be a great way to pause and put our life into
perspective. It is an outward sign of God’s mercy, flowing from the life of
Christ, giving us grace! It is worth the time.
I will adapt a prayer from mass today as our blessing prayer
for today – Loving God, through the gift of your presence during this new day
in our lives help us as we walk amid passing things to always love the things
of heaven and hold fast to what endures. Bless us all with your gift of hope
that we may bring your presence to whomever we meet and to every place we go!
Amen! Blessings to all today, travel safely and enjoy the gift of this day.
Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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