Daily Thoughts: In today’s Gospel (Matthew 1: 1-17), we are
reminded that Jesus was part of the great human family. A family made up of
saints and sinners and everything in between. It might seem tedious to read
this long list of names many of whom we know nothing about and some that seem
very familiar. I use to get so nervous when Matthew or Luke’s genealogy would
appear as the Gospel, but over the years I began to feel comfortable with it
and now I even look forward to proclaiming this Gospel. I guess I have grown
familiar with the case of characters!
Isn’t that what life is about growing accustom to life.
Seeing people and things differently, telling the stories that reminds us who
we are and from where we have come. Remembering the characters good and bad
that make up our lives and molded us into the people we are today.
When we read or hear the genealogy of Christ whether from
Matthew or Luke we are reminded that even though Jesus is God, he is also
human, also part of this great human family and the characters, the women and
men, who believed, who struggled, said yes and sometimes no, who embraced a
relationship with God and sometimes didn’t, who lived life making it possible
for Jesus to come into this world to embrace us with his love.
Here’s to the characters in all of our lives. Here’s to the
characters of the human family. Here’s to Joseph and Mary the last in the story
today who said yes that we might celebrate Jesus the Christ!
Have a great Thursday everyone!
Daily Prayer: Loving God, creator of all the times and seasons
of our lives. Grace us with a faith this day that is grounded in the characters
of our lives who have made it possible for us to be the women and men we are
today. Gift us with the wisdom to remember the stories of our life and help us
to life the story of today and make you presence once again. Amen!
A Runner’s Thoughts: “Your body will argue that there is no
justifiable reason to continue. Your only recourse is to call on your spirit,
which fortunately functions independently of logic.” (Tim Noakes) Thankfully
our spirits run on faith, hope, love and the presence of God!
Daily Blessing: Thursday greetings and blessings to all. Today
we begin the “O Antiphons” during evening prayer of the Church and we are a week
away from beginning our celebration of Christmas. So you might say that we have
begun the downhill roll to Christmas and the New Year!
It looks to be a cloudy and rainy day here in Pelham and the
temperature has certainly gotten cool but the say the 60’s will return by
Christmas go figure. I hope wherever you are that your day has begun well and
that it will be a good day throughout.
I pray for God’s blessing on all of us today. O God of Mercy
enliven us with your Wisdom and touch our spirits with your grace, so to enable
us to bring the Good News in word and deed wherever we go and to whomever we
meet. O loving God bless us so all our travel is safe, and through your Wisdom
help us to live this day in your presence and rest this night in your peace.
Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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