Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 06/22/2016

Daily Thoughts: At times when I face the scriptures for a particular day I want to just close the book and tell the community gathered, “Let’s all just sit quietly and listen to what God is saying to us today.” Well, I had that feeling early this morning when I looked at the readings for today (2Kings 22: 8-13; 23: 1-3 and Matthew 7: 15-20). The theme whether we are looking at the first reading or the Gospel seems to be laws, rules, regulation. I have to admit these are not my favorite topics for conversation or preaching. I know that they are important. I know that laws, rules and regulations are necessary.

The readings emphasize rules and decrees and warn us of false prophets.  Yet sometimes it is a challenge to understand what are the “decrees” to be followed and what are the ones of “false prophets.”  I know there are times when I need to stop and examine myself – my actions, my words, my thoughts and my blunders – to reflect on just where my relationship with God is. I know that some of the laws and decrees of the world that I live in seem contradictory to God’s expectations.  I am often challenged to find a sense of balance and truth in the living of life.

A litmus test for me, is the feeling that I get in the midst of choices and decisions in my life.  There is that little voice that always seems to speak up when I am trying to rationalize that what I’m doing is okay.  If I really stop and am honest with myself I realize that I’m cutting corners or putting a spin on it so that I can do what I want not necessarily what God wants. I walk along with my feet of clay until I take the honest route and shake dirt from my feet. I guess you can say I argue with myself until rid myself of the “false prophets” and find my way back what is real honest and true - Jesus. 

A common question we sometimes hear used is – What would Jesus do? It is a question that I have asked myself often and at times in answering the question I find that I am not in sync with Jesus. In these moments I need to pause and challenge myself to do what is right – to truly forgive someone without reservation or to reach out without resentment or expectation of payback and help someone – to think that life is just about me, to look beyond myself! That is what my friend, Jesus, would do, that is what I am called do! 

You might say that it is a Jesus thing or today it is a Pope Francis thing. It is finding the presence and hand of God at work in the living of life.  Laws, rule, regulations and decrees might not be sexy but that guide and direct us through the pitfalls of life and often help us to make the right choices.

Have a great Wednesday everyone!

Daily Prayer: O God, grant us grace to desire you with our whole heart, so that desiring you we will always seek you with our whole heart and find you; and in finding you, we may always love you, and may let go of those thing that separate us from you, for the sake of Jesus. Amen. (Adapted from a prayer by St. Anselm of Canterbury)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “To be a consistent winner means preparing not just one day, one month or even one year - but for a lifetime.” (Bill Rodgers) I know Bill Rodgers is talking about running, racing, but I also think you can apply what he says to faith. Faith is a lifetime of preparation, work and investment. We need to be about faith, our relationship with God each and every day!

Daily Blessing: Wednesday greetings and blessings to all! I hope this midpoint of the week will be kind to you. We are expecting a sunny and warm day here in the Ohio River Valley but there is a chance for some storms later in the day. I hope your Wednesday weather will enhance your day in some positive way.

Our retreat here at St. Joseph Heights the Provincial Center for the Sisters of Notre Dame is going well. The sisters have all settled into the routine of retreat and I as preacher am constantly trying to stay one step ahead of them. Please keep the sisters in your prayers and if you have the time offer a prayer for the preacher too!

My prayer of blessing for all of you today is that you will have a great day wherever you are and in whatever you will be doing! May this day be one filled with blessings, hope, peace, laughter and sunshine! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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