Friday, June 24, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 06/24/2016

Daily Thoughts: Perhaps one of John the Baptist’s most profound sayings which can be found in John’s Gospel (John 3:30) goes like this, “He (Jesus) must increase and I must decrease.” Why is this so profound? Well because in it John shows us a humility not found very often.

Think of our world, when someone rises to power, fame, fortune the last thing they want to do is let go of control, step out of the spotlight, and turn things over to someone else i.e. Mr. Trump and to be fair many others. Yet, that is exactly what John the Baptist does. He is “the man” all eyes are focused on him, he has center stage and yet once Jesus enters John is willing to step out of the bright lights and let Jesus take over.

Today we celebrate the birth of John the Baptist. We remember his coming into the world and how he was dedicated from conception to be the forerunner, the announcer of Jesus’ presence in the world. From the very beginning John knows that at some point his presence will no longer be necessary, his mission will be completed and he will have to decrease.

Remembering John the Baptist reminds us of our challenge to live as prophets, as disciples of Jesus. Life is not about us and if we take on the journey of discipleship, of proclaiming the presence of God we too will all be called to decrease so that God can increase.

Yes, our feast today reminds us that like John the Baptist, we too are wonderfully made so let us praise God with the living of our life today so that like John we can be ready to proclaim God’s presence to whomever we encounter!

Have a great Friday and may you receive many blessings in the spirit of John the Baptist today and always!

Daily Prayer: O God, it is hard sometimes to believe that you are really present in this world of ours. But with the help of your grace we do believe it! So in the spirit of your faithful prophet, John the Baptist today, please help us to live our life in such a way that it will be easier for others to recognize you. When we find doubt, help us to bring a little light. Where we find discouragement, let us be a ray of hope in the darkness. To those who feel estranged and alienated from you and your Church, let us be like a bridge and when we encounter people who have been hurt or feel misunderstood, grace us with the wisdom to leave only the imprint of your healing love and compassion.  Loving God, wherever we go and to whomsoever we meet, help us to be an instrument of your compassion, love and peace. Amen. (Adapted from a prayer by Sr. Bernice Kuper, S.P.)

A Runner’s Thoughts:  Samuel Shoemaker once said, “Prayer may not change things for you, but it for sure changes you for things.” Let's make our next run a prayer and allow ourselves to be changed!

Daily Blessing: Friday greetings and blessings and happy Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist! I hope everyone’s day has started off well. We begin the day here in Covington with clouds but the sun should come out by the afternoon. I hope the sun is shining wherever you are and that you are moving about today with a lively step and a hopeful purpose. If not, I pray that your day will get better!

We enter our sixth day of retreat here at St. Joseph Heights in Covington, KY. The sisters on retreat continue to have a good spirit and I look forward to another day of journeying with them. Please continue to keep the sisters in your prayers and if you can afford an extra prayer for their preacher it would be greatly appreciated.

I pray for God’s blessings today upon you, your work, your ministry, those whom you meet and those whom you love! May you enjoy the places you go to, the people you encounter and the experiences that you have and also know that as you journey through this day you are in my prayers!

Remember, “Seek God and you will find God and every good thing as well!” (Meister Eckhart) May you be rich in the spirit of John the Baptist today. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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