Thursday, June 30, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 06/30/2016

Daily Thoughts: “When God is going to do something wonderful, [God] always starts with a hardship; when God is going to do something amazing, [God] starts with an impossibility.” (Anne Lamott, Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith)

In some ways I think both our readings today speak to Anne Lamott’s thoughts about God. In our first reading Amos faces the struggle and hardship of all prophets, not being accepted. He faces banishment and probably death. But Amos stands his ground after all this is not about him. He was a shepherd and a dresser of sycamores and he was fine with this simple life. No this is not about Amos, this is about God and his relationship with Israel. Amos’ parting words for Amaziah are not so merciful! But as Lamott says, if God is going to do something amazing God starts with hardship and the impossible. It was certainly a hardship and maybe even an impossible task for Amos. But, then God stepped in and the tables turned.

We might look at the Gospel (Matt. 9:1-8) in the same way. Jesus seemly, at least for the scribes, starts with an impossibility, forgiving sins which lead to another impossibility the healing of a paralytic. Yet from these two seemly impossible actions the hardship of sinfulness and a physical disability are taken away, in other words something amazing and wonderful takes place.

The key to both of our stories is faith and faithfulness, Amos’ faith, the paralytic and his friends’ faith and God’s faithfulness. Perhaps was we journey through this day we should give pause to look at the ways our faith is tested. May the hardships and the impossibilities of our journey through life be by the grace and mercy of God turned into the very faith and hopefulness that heals, forgives and proclaims God’s presence in the world.

Have a great Thursday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Search us today, O God, and know our hearts; test us and know our thoughts and action. See if there are any wicked ways in us. If there are forgive us. If there are heal us. May we always be truly faithful so that you can lead us down the path of wonder and amazement. Amen!

A Runner’s Thoughts: “Not just exercise, but a way to get in touch with and reclaim myself in an often fragmenting world, running also serves as a powerful antidote to clinical depression, a metaphor for the creative process, and, in its most profound moments, a spiritual practice.” (Alison Townsend)

Daily Blessing: Thursday greetings and blessings to all. It is hard to believe but this is the last day of June! It seems like only yesterday that we were still dealing with cold gray days. It is a beautiful sunny morning here in Pelham. It is the kind of day that is worth getting out of bed early for. I hope your day is starting off well and that it will be a day of positive energy and many blessings!

May God bless your day with much grace and may you find joy in whatever you will be doing, working, relaxing, having fun or even traveling. I pray that God will be with you throughout this day and bless you with the richness of his presence and love. If you will be traveling at some point in the next few days, please do so safely! Blessings today and always and may these coming days of holiday be filled with family, friends and fun! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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