Whenever I hear or read today’s Gospel (Matt. 9:9-13) I think of all those
times when people, often times leaders, especially religious leaders, refuse to
attend something, a graduation, dinner, fundraising event or some other
gathering because a certain person is going to be there or be honored. Often
the objection centers on an issue like abortion, contraception or some other political/faith
issue. I am sure those who protest the presence of this person have good
reasons; reasons often intensified by some others who believe it would bring
scandal to attend.
Jesus often sat, talked, ate and was found in the company of public sinners and
people at odds with the faith community. Situations that the religious leaders
of his time thought were bringing scandal. Jesus’ statement to the Pharisees
today seems to indicate that these are the very people he came to encounter and
help. Why is that not the same today? Why are we not willing to be present to
people who need help today? Do we not trust God’s presence? Do we not trust
that people can change? Do we think that people cannot be affected by what we
bring to a moment though faith? Must people always believe first before we are
willing to talk to them or be in their presence? Do we really not value our own
witness of faith?
Jesus did
not convert every person he met. He did not change the attitudes, the opinions
or the actions of every person he encountered. Jesus simply was willing to
listen, to share, to be present to and to treat all people as God’s children.
He was willing to break bread, to share a meal and hope that through the
encounter a person’s heart might change.
I realize
that none of us are Jesus, however if we are true disciple should we not humbly
follow in his footsteps and trust in our faith, in our witness to the Gospel?
Have a great
Friday everyone!
Prayer: Compassionate
Jesus, you are alive and at large in our world, help us to follow and find you
as we live our life today. Help us to find you in the people we meet; the places
we go; the work we do and in the plans we make. Gift us with the grace to be
one of your disciples so that we might see with your eyes, hear the questions
you ask and welcome all people with your trust and love. Give us the patience,
compassion and wisdom to change the things that contradict God’s love through
the power of the cross and the freedom of your Spirit. Amen! (Adapted from a prayer by John V. Taylor)
Runner’s Thoughts: As we run today let us listen to ourselves, let us run
with hope and joy, let us make each step an offering of our heart in which the
imprint of God in our life is made present.
Friday greetings and blessings to all. It looks to be another sunny day here in
Pelham. You might say a perfect start to the long Fourth of July weekend. I
hope the same is true by you and if you are getting an early start on the
weekend and traveling today please travel safely.
We had a
nice thank you party for Fr. Edward last night. It brought to a close his time
as host and producer of The Sunday Mass. Most of the staff of The Sunday Mass
gathered at Sergio’s in Pelham and a good time was had by all. We ask God’s
blessings on Fr. Edward as he goes forth into his new endeavors and upon The
Sunday Mass that we might continue the good work and spirit that he started.
My prayer
of blessing today is that God will bless you with a day that will help you to
look at the positive in life not the negative. May God bless you with a vision
of hope and not despair, with the grace to believe that the impossible can
become of the possible. May God bless you with the time today to look around
you with wonder and amazement and not cynicism and negativity! May God bless
you with a positive Friday that will take you into a wonderful Fourth of July
weekend! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul
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