Sunday, February 28, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 02/28/2016

Daily Thoughts: The Gospel today presents us with the stark reality of life that at any moment it can end. The question that Jesus is asking is are we ready? The Galileans and those who died at Siloam when the tower fell did not died because they were sinful. They died because of the violence and accidents of life. These kind of tragedies happen every day as I mentioned above the question is are we ready? If not, then eternal death not just physical death will be our outcome.

The good news is that God is a merciful God slow to anger and rich in kindness. However, we have to be willing to accept and give fruit to God merciful grace. In the parable that ends the Gospel today, God plays the role of both the orchard owner and the gardener with us as the fig tree.

God is always willing to give us a second chance, sometimes even a third, fourth and fifth chance but we need to respond to the grace given, we need to produce some fruit. In other words, time is of the essence as the Galileans and the people in Siloam learned. Now is the time to bear fruit, to do the good that we can, because there might not be later.

This seems to be St. Paul’s message to the Corinthians today also. He looks at all God did for the Israelites bringing them out of slavery, help them throughout their journey to the promised land and yet some did not take advantage of God mercy and kindness. They grumbled and chose a different path and in the end paid for it. St. Paul challenges the Corinthians and us not to make the same mistake. We have to be ready. We have to be people who bear the fruit of God’s merciful love always.

Have a blessed and holy Sunday everyone!

Daily Prayer: O God, grant us peace, goodness and blessing; life grace and kindness; justice and mercy. Bless us with the light of your presence, for in the light of your presence you give us law and life, love and kindness, justice and mercy, blessing and peace. And in your eyes it is good to bless your people with great strength and peace. Blessed are you, O God, who blesses your people with peace. Amen (Adapted from a Traditional Jewish Prayer)

A Runner’s Thoughts: Remember, as we run, it is not as if God is waiting at the finish line, or the end of the block or back in the driveway or at the side door. Rather, each step takes us closer to the realization that God's presence - God's grace - is with us already, and we need only to pay attention to that presence. In other words, let us let go of our expectations today as we run and let God! (Adapted from Running the Spiritual Path by Roger Joslin)

Daily Blessing: Sunday greetings and blessings to everyone! It will be a full morning today, with four masses beginning with the 8 am mass and ending with the 12:30 pm mass. It will be a morning and early afternoon of inviting people to the mission and hoping that God touches their hearts.

While I am unsure what this day will bring as the sun has not risen just yet it seems that today will be a sunny one a quite a bit warmer than yesterday. If that is the case perhaps this afternoon will be a good time for a run. It will be nice to get off of the treadmill and get out on the open road for a change. I hope the weather by you will be sunny and at least a little warmer too!

May God bless you with a holy and relaxing day, with some sun, some milder temperatures, some smiles and the grace of God’s joy and mercy to enjoy a beautiful day. When night comes may you also have a restful and peaceful night so that you can rise refreshed tomorrow to begin a new day and a new week!

Blessing and peace to all. Remember to give God a little time today and may God’s grace and peace be with you! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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