Our readings today talk about expectations. We all have expectations for our
life, for experiences we enter into, for our relationships, for our jobs and
ministries, for the world around us. Sometimes our expectations are met even
exceeded, however sometimes we are disappointed. At times our expectations can
be unrealistic and there is no way they can be met. At other times our
expectations cloud our ability to enter into a situation and get the best out
of it. Our expectations of people, place, things and experiences can at times
hold us back from realizing the graces or blessings of a particular experience
or moment.
This is
the case in our readings today. Naaman seeks healing for his leprosy from
Elisha the prophet. When told to go to the Jordan River and wash seven times he
becomes indignant. He thinks Elisha should do something spectacular, that there
should be a great event that brings about his healing. Naaman is finally
convinced to let go of his expectations and healing comes.
people of Nazareth have certain expectations for Jesus. They think they know
him. They think they know what to expect from him. Thus they make it difficult
for Jesus to be the healing, loving forgiving person he is everywhere else. The
people of Nazareth cannot let go of their expectations and Jesus must move on.
scriptures remind us today that God works in mysterious ways. If we have
expectations for God, for Jesus, for the Holy Spirit, then we might be
disappointed, however if like Naaman we can put aside our expectations, if we
can let go and let God, then great things can happen. Most importantly we will
be able to recognize God's presence in our life when we most need it.
Have a great
Monday everyone!
Loving God, open our hearts to the endless possibilities of your love, your
mercy and your presence in our lives today. Help us to let go of our
expectations and be open to the many mysterious ways you touch our lives
especially with your mercy. Grace us with the strength to let go and let you
guide and direct us today. Heal us with your love and grant us the wisdom to
recognize you today and always. Amen!
Runner's Thoughts: Remember, as we run, it is not as if God is waiting at the
finish line, or the end of the block or back in the driveway or at the side
door. Rather, each step takes us closer to the realization that God's presence
- God's grace - is with us already, and we need only to pay attention to that
presence. In other words, let us let go of our expectations today as we run and
let God! (Adapted from Running the
Spiritual Path by Roger Joslin)
Monday greetings and blessings to everyone! I know Monday's are not always easy
but hopefully you can ease into today without too much struggle, however if
today you are having a difficult beginning to Monday and this new work week
please know my prayers are with you!
I don’t
know anyone with a birthday today but I would like to send a shout out to all
who are celebrating their birthday today. It is February 29th and
this day comes along only once every four years so I am sure for those born on
this day it is a treat to celebrate on their actual birth date for a change. I
guess in one sense there is a silver lining to being born of February 29th
you only have to count you age every four years! Many blessing to all who
celebrate February 29th and may this truly be a day of celebration
for you – Happy Birthday!
In about two
hours I will open the mission at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Pelham
Manor, NY. My preaching at all the masses over the weekend seems to have gone
well. The faith community here is very friendly and I am looking forward to the
three days and evenings of mission. Once again I ask your prayers for the faith
community at OLPH and their preacher during these days of mission!
I offer
my prayer of blessing for all of you as we begin this new work week together.
May God bless this day and week and may it be one filled with many blessings for
you, your loved ones and all the people you encounter on your journey through
this day and week. In those moments of struggle this week take a deep breath
and know that God is with you because God is with you always. Peace in Christ's
Passion...Fr. Paul
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