Friday, March 4, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 03/04/2016

Daily Thoughts: I have always been a bit jealous of the scribe in today's Gospel because Jesus says at the end of the exchange that the scribe is not far from the Kingdom of God. For me it would be a comfort to know that I was not far from the Kingdom. It is one of my greatest worries. I try to live a good and faithful life but there are times when I look around and wonder if I have missed the boat! I listen to people talk about their faith, I see their actions, I am aware of what they think is important and valuable in terms of faith, church, belief and religion and I wonder if I have taken the wrong path.

Sometimes I wonder if what I believe brings me close to the Kingdom? The Church as it stands today seems a far cry from the Church that Jesus seems to be putting together as we read the Gospel. Our religious leaders often, not always, seem to be closer to the scribes and Pharisees than to the disciples of Jesus. The institution we call Church often seems closer to the institution that Jesus often challenged and confronted during his ministry.

We seem to take some words in the scriptures at face value but others are glossed over and interpreted in ways other than what they say. We seem to be absolutely sure of what Jesus said, meant or wanted in certain situations and yet we discount or ignore other things because they don't seem to fit into the institution.

I pray. I try to love whomever I meet. I truly value my relationship with God. I care about people no matter who they are and what they have done. I try to find God in all people. I value life in all forms. I want to be of help to people who struggle. I want to be a welcoming, forgiving person, religious and priest. I want to help people know and believe in God. Yet at times I am not sure whether I am on the right path. I don't always pray in traditional ways. I am more willing to accept a person where they are even if they don't fit into the laws of the institution. I want to dialog. I want to find a way for all to be close to the Kingdom. I don't want to judge. I don't want to be self-righteous and I certainly don't have all the answers.

I want to live Hosea's words today, I want to return to the Lord, but I am not always sure the institution takes me in that direction. I live to be a man of faith, I live to be a man of hope and I live to be a man of love. I pray that like the scribe I am a man close to the Kingdom of God!

Have a blessed Friday everyone!

Daily Prayer: O God of all good gifts, fill our hearts with your loving presence. Grace us with the wisdom to recognize the way to your Kingdom. Enliven us with your word, your spirit that we may walk the path you have set before us. Give us the understanding to live your commandments of love with joy. Help us to get beyond ourselves and value the gift of others. May we always be a people who seek your Kingdom by living in the hope of your mercy, joy and love. Amen!

A Runner's Thoughts: Remember running can give us spiritual focus. When we run we have the time to be a person of prayer. It can be a prayer of few or many words. It can be one prayer or many prayers. It can be a simple breath that brings God into our being and it can be the exhaustion of giving all to God as we finish our run.

Daily Blessing: Friday greetings and blessings to all. I hope you have had a good week. I am in the midst of getting caught up on mail, emails and paperwork that have crossed my desk in the last week. There are always things to do. I always seem to be looking ahead preparing for missions, retreats and other commitments down the road. It is hard to stay in the moment.

Today will be headed to Mount St. Michael’s High School in the Bronx for a 7:30 am mass and then it will be on to the Wartburg Home for an 11 am mass. The rest of the day will be spent preparing for my next mission.

Tomorrow I head out to Lindenhurst, New York on Long Island to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish. Yes, I said Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Two weeks in a row I will be celebrating mission under the direction of Mary’s title of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Do you think the Good Lord might be trying to tell me something?

My blessing prayer today is that God will bless all of you with a peaceful end to this work week and the joy of entering a weekend with family, friends and many good experiences. Be well and safe my friends, have a great day and the beginning of a wonderful weekend wherever you are and whatever you are doing. Please remember me and the people who will have to put up with me in the coming week’s mission in your prayers! God’s blessings upon all today and always! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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