Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Monday Thoughts - 12/31/2012

Daily Thoughts: This last day of the year we are treated to the mysticism of St. John. The profoundly familiar opening of his Gospel, "In the beginning was the Word..." It is not an opening story like in Matthew, Mark and Luke, it is a mystical reflection on God, creation and Jesus' entrance into the world. It is a reminder of where we have come from and the profound love of God we journey towards.

In the first reading John in his letter speak to a community, a church, under persecution, struggling with the reality of life in a world made up of many different realities.  Things appear to be coming to an end, but John reminds the community about what they know, what they have been taught, and about the relationship with God that they have entered into, so that no matter what happens they will remain faithful.

These readings speak to our realities this last day of the year. Things are coming to an end, perhaps not in the way John envisioned them but a calendar year is coming to an end. Over the past year we have seen many struggles, many signs that point to loss, tragedy, the absence of God and a hopelessness. However, John reminds us, as he did his own community, about what we know because we are friends of God. John reminds us of a new beginning, of by whom we have been created and the hope that needs to remain alive in our hearts.

We can encounter "fiscal cliffs," tragic losses, challenges to our faith, natural disasters but we know the love of God, we know that the Light shines in the darkness of life, we know that that world often does not know God, but we do and we will live in the Light and bring it to the world today and always.

Daily Prayer: Ever-living, ever-loving God, help us this day to walk in the Light of your love and truth. Help us to keep alive the hope of your loving presence even in the darkness that often surrounds us. Help us to embrace the your gift of grace so that we too may help peace come to life in our own lives and in the world...We continue though out this Christmas Season to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for firefighters who risk their lives; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Run with the wind today into a New Year blessed by God!

Greetings friends, I am a little late today as I took a sleep in after my long drive from the Midwest yesterday. I am thankful to be home yet there is a lot to do to bring this year to and end and ready myself for the year to come. I pray you are where you need and want to be. That you will get a chance to celebrate with family and/or friends tonight. If you need to travel please be safe. If you are going to be out and about at midnight, please be safe! Blessings on this last day of 2012 and much hope and many new dreams for 2013. See you next year! Peace in the Christ Child...Fr. Paul

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Holy Family Sunday Thoughts - 12/30/2012

Daily Thoughts: I will be traveling today making the 14 hour drive from Indianapolis to New York. It is a bit ironic I have just spent a week plus with family and today, the Feast of the Holy Family, I leave them. Also for those of you who tune into The Sunday Mass you will see me as celebrant of the Mass today, the miracle of TV!

In my homily today I mention one of my favorite fictional characters from TV, Special Agent, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, from the show NCIS. During one of the past episodes Abby has a struggle with family. She finds out that she was adopted. In a very touching scene she goes to Gibbs and says that she doesn't know who she is now and Gibbs' reply goes something like this, "Abby, family is more than science and DNA, family is about the people who care about you and you have a lot of people who care right here." To me it was a touching scene that reflected some of Gibbs' wisdom but I think it also reflects our feast today.

We might look are the Holy Family and say how can it be an example of family life. They were the perfect family, how could my family even begin to measure up to them? They were special people, blessed in a unique way by God. Jesus is The Son of God. Mary came into the world without sin. An angel came to both Joseph and Mary. How can we ever measure up to the Holy Family? In a word by caring!

Gibbs was right the basic value of family is that family cares no matter what. All of the stories we find about the Holy Family are stories about people who care for each other and for those around them. The gift of the Holy Family is the grace of caring! Perhaps our challenge today is to remember the people who care, those we are connected to by DNA and those we are not!

Daily Prayer: God the Creator of all families, graciously help us to imitate the love of the Holy Family for each other and the world. Grace us with the gift of caring so we might always bring your loving presence to a world that at times forgets to care. May your gift of family always keep hope alive within us. We continue though out this Christmas Season to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for firefighters who risk their lives; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! For truly blessed are all who hope in you! Amen!

Runner's Thought: A truly successful run is one in which the work of returning to God's presence in practiced over and over again.

As I said that the beginning I am traveling today I has your prayers for safe travel for me and my niece and her family as they to make the long trip back to Virgina. Have a blessed and holy Sunday and of you are with family may it be a special on. Peace in the Holy Family...Fr. Paul

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Saturday Thoughts - 12/29/2012

Daily Thoughts: I have always liked the story of Simeon that we find in the Gospel today. It is a very tender scene. However there is something missing in this Gospel the story that follows this one, the story of Anna, to me it just seems natural to include both stories. Two people that who have dedicated their lives to God waiting for this moment. You can hear the joy in their voices as they realize the purpose of their lives coming to completion, both embraced by the Holy Spirit graced with the gift of hope.

They do not sugar coat their message they tell it like it is, or should I say like it will be. There will be sorrow and struggle but also life. Rather than speak about the "rise and fall" Simeon speaks of the "fall and rise." The cross is part of Jesus' story but it is not the end. Death leads to life, doubt is embraced by faith, sorrow and struggle turns to joy!

Perhaps as we listen to Simeon today we need to remember that in being a person of faith our direction in life is always "upwards." Hope means that no matter how difficult things seem to get, no matter what the struggle God is always with us. If we can be patience like Simeon and Anna the light of God will always direct our way, death, doubt, struggle and sorrow will become life, faith and joy!

Daily Prayer: Loving God help us to embrace the joy and hope of Simeon and Anna this day and always. Help us to know that the struggles and difficulties of life are stepping stones to your gift of everlasting life.  Help us to find peace so that we to can proclaim the glory of God. We continue though out this Christmas Season to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for firefighters who risk their lives; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! For we like Simeon want to tell the story of God to all we meet this day! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Run with a smile today and you will not only light up your journey but you will bring light to the whole world!

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone. If you are traveling be safe, whether you are or aren't blessings on your day and all you meet. Peace in the Christ Child...Fr. Paul

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Friday Thoughts - 12/28/2012

Daily Thoughts: The most striking line in today's Gospel is, "A voice was heard in Ramah, sobbing and loud lamentation; Rachel weeping for her children,and she would not be consoled, since they were no more. (Matthew 2:18)" To me there is something very haunting about this verse. I visited Rachel's tomb once many years ago on a visit to the Holy Land. The visit was one of the most moving I have ever experienced.

We might ask why are the tears of Rachel different from the tears of other mothers? Rachel’s grief is profound yet very beautiful. Her life without children, her struggle to accept Jacob’s love for her even though she is without children, her jealousy of her sister Leah, Rachel’s death in childbirth, her burial by the side of the road–all this creates the music of Rachel’s lament.
Tradition holds that Rachel was buried in a transitional space between two named places because it was on the route that her children would take when they were forced into exile. Tradition also says that Rachael is the mother of many, even though she gave birth only to Benjamin. It also teaches that there is no place where her children may be forced to go where she will not be with them.
Another part of Rachael's tradition is that when Herod had the children murdered in Bethlehem because Jesus was not handed over to him by the magi, Rachel’s wailing rises up. Her cries signaled a new exile. And why is she not be consoled? Because justice was not served. Rachel screamed and mourned and  cried out–driving Herod mad–until there was accountability for every dead child. We certainly can say that still Rachel weeps today!
Perhaps our prayers today are not for all children who loose their lives through violence, abortion, and other kinds of death, our prayers today are to them that as saints in God's presence they might help us see the true gift of life. Our prayers are also to mother's like Rachael who hold life so dear. May they help us to bring about justice for all life in our time so that we are not exiled from eternal life.
Daily Prayer: Loving God, fill us with the spirit of the Holy Innocents and Rachael, so that we will always honor and value life from its first moment of conception to its last breath and every moment in between, as your gift. We continue though out this Christmas Season to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for firefighters who risk their lives; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! For we know that our help is always in you our God who created heaven and earth! Amen!
Runner's Thought: Perhaps our run today can be one where we sense miraculous expectations and allow a feeling of gratitude for the extraordinary and the ordinary to flow though us.

Blessings to all today may you continue to live in the Christmas Spirit and may you pause through this day to honor, value and celebrate the gift of life especially in the gift of the children around you! I especially honor and prayer for two little women in my life Emilia and Kristina along with their mother and father may they be guarded and blessed in the Spirit of the Holy Innocents! Peace in the Christ Child...Fr. Paul

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Thursday Thoughts - 12/27/2012

Daily Thoughts: My how time flies, the Gospel reading has us at the empty tomb this morning. From the manger, to the tomb in just a couple of days. Of course our Gospel today reflect the feast we celebrate that of St. John, Apostle and Evangelist. Much like the angels, shepherds, and magi make their way to the manger to welcome Jesus, so that the story of the Good News can continue. Peter and John race to the tomb to find it empty which becomes of final piece that enables the Good News to go out to all the world, Jesus in not just born but he has risen, we no longer need to fear death!

Celebrating the gift of St. John today ties the Good News together, he responded to Jesus' invitation, he listened to Jesus' teaching, he was a friend of Jesus, he raced to the empty tomb and believed and finally he told the story for all ages to resell throughout history. St. John has brought us the Word of Life so that we too might believe.

In the midst of our Christmas journey we take the time to honor all who enable us to hear, see and touch the mystery of God in our life, so that we too may become friends of God and complete our joy!

Daily Prayer: Most gracious God, you have given us holy women and men who have told the story of your love throughout the ages. They have unlocked the mystery of your Word and helped us to heard, see, touch and live your Word in a world the at times rejects you. Fill us today with the spirit of St. John that we too always race to the gift of your presence in our life so we too can believe and tell the story of you most gracious love. We continue throughout this Christmas Season to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for firefighters who risk their lives; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! Let us continue toro claim the Good News of God's wondrous love! Amen!

Runner's Thought: As we run there is always going to be pleasure and pain it is how we deal with both of them that can make all the difference!

Have a wonderful Christmas Thursday. Blessings on all you do and experience this day! Peace in the Child Jesus...Fr. Paul

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Wednesday Thoughts -12/26/2012

Daily Thought: We are quickly brought back to the reality of everyday life today. We celebrate the feast of St. Stephen the first martyr. We hear the story of his death in the first reading. We are made aware of his faith and St. Paul is introducted to us as Saul, as one who is persecuting the church. In the Gospel we hear Jesus' warning to the disciples as to the difficulties of the road ahead. But they are not to worry because God will be with them always.

In some ways it seems strange to celebrate Christmas and then the feast of a martyr. Wouldn't be nicer to stay in the glow of Christmas? Well yes it would but the world often does not let us stay in the glow of goodness and we need to be ready for whatever comes our way. Just think of the graced moments that you have had in life. They don't last, they are often fleeting moments. However we store them in our memories for those other moments in our lives when we struggle. They are the foundation of our faith, they help us to live within the reality of life.

As Jesus tells the disciples today not to fear because God will always be with them. All they need to do is trust. We know from the celebration of Christmas that God is truly with us and from today's feast that when things get tough God will be there too! We also learn today to hope in what seems to be the impossible, after all Saul persecuted but today we honor him as St. Paul one of the greatest Apostles! The journey goes on and each day, like Stephen, Paul and many others before us we seek to give our spirit over to God.

Daily Prayer: Loving God, help us to trust in your presence this day especially when life seems to be against us. Help us to turn over our spirits to you. Help us to live out what we pray even if it means loving in some way those who make life's difficult for us. Though this Christmas Season we continue to prayer for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for firefighters who risk their lives; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! O God, be our rock of strength and refuge today and always! Amen!

Runner's Thoughts: Remember every step you take moves you forward, every step becomes a new encounter with the presence of God.  So run today aware of God's presence all around you.

I hope everyone had a wonderful celebration of Christmas. We did here in Indianapolis however today we are in the midst of a snow storm. What a difference a day makes! I hope the glow of Christmas will travel with you today. Many blessing amd much peace and to those who are not feeling well, especially two little girls in Shelby, NC, I send along prayers of healing. Peace in the Child Jesus...Fr. Paul

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day Thoughts - 12/25/2012

Christmas Day Thoughts: Merry Christmas everyone! There has been a lot of darkness in our world during the past year but today provides us with a great light. Today we can let go the yoke of all  our burdens at least for the day, because in the gloominess of our land a light shines! A child truly is born to us today,  a Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forgiver, Prince of Peace. All we need to do is take a moment from our busy lives to stop and recognize the presence of God in our life. A presence that comes to us in family, friends and the gift of life.

The great Dominican mystic Meister Eckhart, says that Jesus is born three time, long ago in history, when he comes again in glory and each day in our hearts. Let us truly give birth to Christ today and give the light Isaiah speaks about to the world. Let us tell the world the glory of God today and always!

Christmas Prayer: God of all love, embrace us with the light of your love this day. May our faith shine through our living of life and bring to the world your presence once again. May all be blessed today for You our God are born within us and you are called Wondrous God, Prince of Peace, Father of all ages! In your radiant light we continue to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! Amen!

Christmas Runner's Thought: Merry Christmas all runners and if you run today do so with the joy of this wonderful day blessed by God!

I wish everyone a Blessed and Holy Christmas! I hope you are spending the day with family or friends, or both. May today be truly one that lifts your burdens and is filled with the light of God's love! Peace in the Child Jesus...Fr. Paul

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve Thoughts - 12/24/2012

Daily Thoughts: The journey of Advent is almost over, in a few hours people will begin to gather for the celebration of Christmas. The question might be will we gather with the faith and joy of Zechariah?

So often there are things that get in the way of our recognizing the gift and presence of God in our lives. You might say like Zechariah we become mute. We are so busy with what we think is important we fail to speak of God's presence in our life. We fail to recognize the gift of God's love in our life.  We fail to trust in the promises of God like the one's made to David and proclaimed by Zechariah in today's readings.

Sitting on this Eve of Christmas we are called to remember the promises, we are called to celebrate the gift, we are called to be joyous, we are called to bless God, we are called to put our feet on the way to peace!

May these wonderful days of celebration open our mouths and our hearts to proclaim the promises of God that we encounter as we gather with family, friends and a community of faith. May we celebrate with the joy and spirit of Zechariah blessing God and embracing peace!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, may the dawn from on high break upon us today and enlighten the journey of Christmas in our hearts. May it help us to proclaim your love to all we meet and may that love be the source of all our gatherings this day and always. May our celebratiion of Christmas truly find us walking on the way to your peace! We also continue to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! Amen!

Thought on Prayer: "Prayer is freedom and affirmation growing out of nothingness into love. Prayer is the flowering of our inmost freedom, in response to the Word of God. Prayer is not only dialogue with God: it is the communion of our freedom with his ultimate freedom, his infinite spirit." Thomas Merton

May this be our prayer today!

Runner's Thought:  Judge the quality of your run today by the steadfastness of your movement towards God's spirit.

A blessed Christmas Eve to all. Hopefully you are where you need to be if not please travel safe. May your celebration of this day be truly blessed with the gift of family, friends and God's love! Peace in the Peace of the Christ Child...Fr. Paul

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fourth Sunday of Advent - Thoughts - 12/23/2012

Daily Thoughts: I had decided that the Christmas after my mother died I would not go anywhere for Christmas. It had been over 30 years since I had woken up in my own bed on Christmas. It had been over 30 years sisnce I had not travel during this busy holiday season. Yet, when the time came I once again chose to pack my bags and wake up in a bed other than my own on Christmas, I need to be with the important people in my life!

There are some people who like to have people around them all the time, while others like solitude more often than not.  Often all of us like to do thing by ourselves we do not want any interruptions and we find that we can get done fast if we have the time to ourselves. However, there are certain moments in all of our lives when we need people there. In the Gospel today once again we are told that Mary makes her way to Elizabeth. The story does not say why Mary went, just that she went in haste. I think Mary realize that this is one of those moment when she and Elizabeth did not want to be alone. When the gift of family and friends was very important.

In two days we will celebrate the gift of Christmas and many people will make haste to be with others. There is something in each of us that knows that at this time of the year we do not want to be alone. We can be with many or just an important few. There is something special about this time of the year. Perhaps it is the need to hear the voice of God in the people we love. Perhaps it is the chance to be enlivened by the presence of God by celebrating with people important in our life. Perhaps it is being reminded that God has chosen us no matter how unimportant we think we are. Perhaps it is because we need to believe that God is truly with us!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, pour out your grace into our hearts this day so that we may give birth to Christ once again and continue our journey through the gift of Christ's Passion and Cross to the glory of the Resurrection. Help us to make this journey not alone but supported by a community of faith. We also  continue to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! Amen!

Runner's Thought: God rested why not make this day a runner's day of rest. Celebrate with others today!

Have a great Fourth Sunday of Advent everyone. Hopefully you are where you need to be for Christmas if not travel safe. Sunday blessings to all! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Advent Week III - Saturday Thoughts - 12/22/2012

Daily Thoughts: A few random thoughts today as I am a bit fuzzy from 14 and a half hours on the road yesterday...

Mary's Magnificat one of the most beautiful prayers. A reflection of her trust and faith in God. A reflection of her commitment to God's plan for her. Each evening I pray this prayer hoping that as I live life I can have the same trust, faith and commitment in and to God.

Both women in the scriptures today teach us about commitment, trust and faith. Mary and Hannah are models of what it's means to be a friend of God, of what it means to be beloved by God. They teach us true friendship and commitment.

Perhaps as we prepare in these final days before Christmas we might look at our own friendship with God and renew our commitment to proclaim God's greatness in our life!

Daily Prayer: We proclaim today O God, the wonders of your love for us. Help us to proclaim you greatness in all we do and say today. Help us to find your greatness in all we meet today. Help us to recognize the great things that you do for us and the world. May we always keep your name holy. We also  continue to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! For we believe that you will come to our help because you remember you promise of mercy the promise you have made to our mother' and father's and all your children for ever! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Remember the rather than the mind is our natural ally in our quest to find God as we run!

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone. Hopefully you will not be too busy with last minute things. Thanks for all your prayers yesterday it was a long ride but a good one! Blessings today. Peace in Christ' Passion...Fr. Paul

Friday, December 21, 2012

Advent Week III - Friday Thoughts - 12/21/2012

Friends, today is a road trip to Indianapolis for Christmas with most of my family. I am leaving early and it will be a long day of travel. Hopefully I will pass through the storm quickly and the roads will not be too bad. I ask your prayers for my journey...

Daily Thought: I don't think I would express my journey today in the same way as the writer of the Song of Songs express his today. Not that I don't love my family but today's first reading is that of a journey of lovers. You can hear and feel the emotion. You can also hear and feel the emotion in Mary and Elizabeth's exchange today as Mary goes to Elizabeth during the months of their pregnancies. Emotion plays an important role in our relationship with God also.

I can remember the times when my emotions were overwhelmed by the presence of God. Sometimes it was during important events in my life, my confirmation, my first profession, my ordination, my first mass, the death of my father and mother, the death of a good friend. However, sometimes it was simple moments that turned into spiritual moments, and encounter with nature, time with a friend, a quiet moment of prayer, a walk in the country. Emotion is an important part of connecting with God.  Christmas can be a time of emotions, let us pray today that like Mary, Elizabeth and the writer of the Song of Songs our emotions will bring us closer to God this Christmas Season and always!

Daily Prayer: O God of all kindness, hear our prayers today as we rejoice at the sound of your voice in our lives. Helps us to embrace your love as we are touched by it in the living of life.  We also continue to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! For we believe that what You have spoken to us will be fulfilled! Amen!

Runner's Thought: As we run today let us run with love and joy giving thanks with every stride, with every step. There are no shortcuts but nothing is given us we cannot conquer with God running with us!

Have a great Friday everyone and if you are traveling, travel safe! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Advent Week III - Thursday Thoughts - 12/20/2012

Daily Thoughts: A scripture scholar once told me that if you look at the moments when God comes to women and men in our faith story you will always see two different response. When God comes to men there is always a discussion, disagreement, agrument, protest and sometimes the person even tries to run away or in the case of Ahaz today, refuses God's invitation. When God comes to women, there is a pause to think, maybe a question or two, like Mary today, and then they embrace God's request.

Perhaps the images of women and men in the stories of Scripture reflect the human responses to God in our life. Sometimes people think they know better than God. Sometimes people have decided how things should be. Sometimes people just don't want God directing or in their life. Yet, there are people who are all in when invited by God, no questions asked.

The struggle of the human condition is to have trust and faith in God. We can be so affected by the world around us that God's invitation seem to become a risk not worth taking. Yet, time and time again in our faith story people especially women take the risk and life in never the same again. Now it did not mean that it was easy or that it did not demand sacrifice or that everything went smoothly or that everyone followed. It did mean that God was always with them and that is what made all the difference.

Our prayer, reflection and challenge today might be to ask Mary, Elizabeth, Samson mother and all the others who said yes to help us respond to God's invitation today without question, without argument, with out fear so that we too can keep the story of God's love alive in the world!

Daily Prayer: O God of Eternal Love, fill our hearts with the light of your Holy Spirit so that we might not be afraid of your word, your invitation to live. Give us the humility to hold fast to your will and thus allow Christ to be born with in us today and everyday.  We also continue to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! For we believe nothing is impossible for You our loving God! Amen!

Runner's Thought: As we run today let us think of the impossible made possible through hard work, dedication and the pray that we allow our runs to become.

Thursday blessing to all today. I hope your Christmas busyness is done so that you will be able to enjoy the days ahead! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Advent Week III - Wednesday Thoughts - 12/19/2012

Daily Thoughts: I had a little sadness in pondering the readings today. Two stories of hope about women who were unable to have children and God blessed them, especially Elizabeth in her advanced years. Two wonderful stories alive with the theme that anything is possible with God.

My sadness comes from thinking about all the women who would love to have children but cannot. Perhaps they do not struggle with cultural shame like Samson's mother and Elizabeth, women of their time who were married and without children bore a heavy burden of enbarrament and shame, but I think women of today do struggle with a personal sadness, a personal burden, a personal loss, a personal grief. My own sadness comes from the fact that so many women today who don't want children look to end their pregnancy when so many others would give anything for the chance to bring a child into the world. Perhaps it would be a wonderful miracle from God, the making of something impossible, possible if all who do not want children and become pregnant would just carry the child to birth and offer the child to those who cannot have children but truly want them. What a beautiful story, what a wonderful story of hope that would be.

Through the intercession of Samson's mother and Elizabeth today I pray for all women who want to be mothers and all women who do not want to be mother that they might help each other make the life of children possible!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, graciously reveal your love to the world today. May we embrace with integrity of faith the gift of your life and help make the impossible, possible. We continue to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! God be with us today! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Make your run today about life, about the impossible becoming possible, about taking advantage of God's presence in your life!

Wednesday greetings to all. May today have many blessings. Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Advent Week III - Tuesday Thoughts - 12/18/2012

Before sharing my thoughts today I would just like to say Happy Birthday to my oldest niece, Alice. She has reached that magical age of 39...may she have a wonderful day and a wonderful 39th year!

Daily Thoughts: As I read the story from Matthew's Gospel this morning about the birth of Jesus I was struck by something at the end of the story. "All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means God is with us." Now I have read this sentence from Matthew's Gospel and preached on it many time. But early this morning a different thought entered my prayer.

Over the past few days surrounding the tragedy in Newtown, CT many statements have been made by leaders both civil and religious. One that has drawn a lot of controversy is one made by Michael Huckabee. He said that the reason for the violence is because of the absence of God in our schools. It struck me after reading today Gospel how arrogant we have become as a culture, a society and as a country, that we think we have taken God out of something, whether it be home, school, the work place or our life. God is with us always and everywhere. As a first or second grader I memorized the answer to the question in the Baltimore Catechism, "Where is God? Answer: God is everywhere!" To think we have taken God out of our schools is just pure arrogance!

God was at Sandy Hook the other day, and God cried just like everyone else. No matter what we do in our culture, our society, in our country God will always be with us. The challenge for us is to recognize God's presence among us and to respond to that presence not out of fear but out of faith like Mary and Joseph did.

I am a fan of NCIS, and I am especially a fan of Leroy Jethro Gibbs (played by Mark Harmon) and the other day I was watching a rerun and Gibbs told Abby, "Family is not always about science and DNA it is about people who care." God is not always about miracles and mystery, God is about caring and so must we!

Daily Prayer: All Loving God, set us free from our need to control you that we might find the newness of your presence in our lives even when we seem to be in darkness. We continue our prayers this day for families if grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! Help us to know Emmanuel, that You are always with us! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Run like your journey is not over, like the best is yet to come and like God is with you!

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone, blessing today on all you do and on all you meet! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Monday, December 17, 2012

Advent Week III - Monday Thoughts - 12/17/2012

Sorry I am a bit late today but I had spiritual direction and need to make a few stops along the way. I got moving a little late this morning and it has impacted my whole day...

Daily Thoughts: I use to be tremendously afraid of today's Gospel reading. I have never been a very good reader, my own fault, I preferred a baseball glove to a book, and I have trouble with names. My brain does a freeze when it comes to pronouncing names, first and last, of all kinds. I don't know why but my brain and I struggle with names. So the genealogy of Jesus Christ created terror in me whenever this day approached and I was the celebrant. However over the years I have worked very hard at learning the names in both Matthew's and Luke's genealogies. I am sure I am not perfect but when I approach the ambo to read these Gospels now I am not longer afraid. In fact I like it when the genealogy is the Gospel.

The reason for my change of heart is that I am no longer afraid to read it, but more importantly because I believe the genealogies connect us with Jesus in a very human way. All of us have ancestry. Some of us know more about our past than others. Some of us have put more time into learning about those who have gone before us than others. But all of us have a family tree, a family genealogy.  We all, with a little work, could create a litany of names from our past, fathers, mothers from every generation. We could read those names and each would mean a story, an experience and reason for us being present. Like Jesus' genealogy some of the names would be familiar others would not. Some of the names would have a story of greatness, others would be ordinary, still others names and stories we might want to forget. Good or bad, rich or poor, important or ordinary each name would mean a story about us and the fact that we exist.

In proclaiming Matthew's genealogy of Jesus today I proclaimed the good news and the not so good news of Jesus' path into this world. A path that makes him just like us in all things but sin. A path that tells us the story of who responded to God's invitation, of who said yes, of who tried to get in the way, of who made it difficult for God's plan to take shape. Perhaps as we listen to Jesus' story today we might think of our own and give thanks to the many generations before us who by their lives gave us life, the characters, the saints, the not so saints. Yet, here we are giving birth to Christ once again today!

Daily Prayer: O God, Creator of all, listen to our prayers this day; prayers for families if grief; prayers for little ones whose lives were too short; prayers for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; prayers for a community that must find a way to live; prayers for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! Amen!

Runner's Thought: As you run today embrace the hope and potential of this life in every person you run past and in the gift of creation that is around you!

While late today, I hope it has been a good day so far, may you find your way home from work or wherever you are today and have a restful and peaceful night! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Sunday, December 16, 2012

3rd Sunday of Advent Thoughts - 12/16/2012

Daily Thoughts: I ran across a story the other day about a boy who stumbles across a butterfly trying to emerge from the cocoon. The boy watches the butterfly struggle. At one point the butterfly seems stuck. Concerned that the butterfly might be in trouble the boy runs into the house and gets a small knife from the kitchen and returns and carefully cuts away the cocoon. The butterflly's body is swollen and its wings are all shriveled. The boy waits and watches, he expects at any moment the wings will begin to expand and the butterfly will take flight. But it never happens. Why, because the butterfly needs to struggle through the restrictive cocoon because the struggle will force fluid into the wings, giving them stability and strength so that the butterfly is ready to fly. The boy did not realize that the butterfly's freedom and flight are only possible because of the struggle and hardship it must undergo!

This little story made a lot of sense to be in light of this season of Advent and our journey of faith. We are all very much aware of the pitfalls of getting things easily in life. When we do not have to work for something while the initial feeling is good it often wears off quickly and has less meaning in our life. When we truly work for something it stay with us. When struggle, difficulty and work is involved it becomes a source of strength we draw upon at other moments. It become part of our story of life.

The great prophets like John the Baptist and Zephaniah, the great apostles like Paul understood the need to struggle, to work, to build a life. Their messages today talk about hope and life but also the struggle that is need to maintain hope and life in the face of our everyday world. They tell us it is not easy but possible.  The only way we are be able to Hope in God's Promises, to Rejoice in God's Love is to work, to struggle, to live our relationship with God. It is never easy. There are always challenges, struggles, expectations, disappointments, actions of the world that make no sense or have no meaning, but God is still with us. Entering the struggle to make the presence of God known will give us stability and strength so that we can live the gift of this life and proclaim good news!

Remember as Emily Dickinson wrote, "hope is that thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings a tune without the words and never stop at all." Perhaps at no other time do we need to be like the butterfly and put everything into the living of life so that we can release the beautiful gift of hope to a saddened and struggling world. It will not be easy, but we have the Spirit in our souls that will never stop singing!

Daily Prayer: O God of Hope, you know our struggles, you know our sadness, help us to sing the tune of hope in our world silenced by violence today. Dwell in our hearts because we know it will not be easy to overcome the losses and the violence. Help us with strength to give life today the tune, the good news that never stops. never stop at all! Amen!

Runner's Thought: On your run today carry the tune of hope to a world struggle with the silence of violence!

An Extra Thought: Blessings this Third Sunday of Advent to all! here in New York it is a dark, cold and rainy looking day. Perhaps it matches the feelings of sadness, loss and grief our world is feeling. I pray that in this struggle we can release the song of hope. I am thinking of the little one who lost their life the other day, they had smiles, they laughed, they did silly things. They loved and lived life. They sang tunes. They were gifts. These things are what I want to remember about them. These things are what I want to tell the world about. These things are that thing with feathers that perches in my soul and sing a tune today! Love you kids, help us now to fine peace!

Peace in Christ's Passion, Fr. Paul

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Advent Week II - Saturday Thoughts - 12/15/2012

Daily Thoughts: It is hard to keep my mind of the scriptures this morning. We hear about Elijah, John the Baptist and Jesus but my mind goes to the town of Newtown, the school named Sandy Hook and the 27 lives lost.

I thought about all of you who are parent. I am sure that no matter what age you are, or at what point in your life as a parent you are, you must have stopped yesterday at some point and just thought about your kid or kids, perhaps you tried to contacted them or at some point made your way home with the soul purpose of just wanting to embrace your child or children. It would seem that yesterday's violence in Newtown, Conn. was a parents worst nightmare! It just doesn't make sense. I recalled last night the Old Testament story of Rachel. There is a voice heard in Ramah, weeping and with great mourning. Rachel is weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.

There are many voices weeping today in Newtown and around the world. Voices of parents, voices of children. Perhaps these voices are telling us something. Bishop Oscar Romero once said, "Those who want to bear the mark of the Spirit and the fire that Christ baptizes with must take the risk of renouncing everything and seeking only God's reign and justice." Do we truly want to bear the marks of being christian people? Do we want to bear the marks of Elijah, John the Baptist and Jesus? Do we want to be a people of Life? Perhaps for the weeping and the mourning to stop we need prayer vigils outside of gun shops. Guns are not pro life!

Daily Prayer: Lord, I find it hard to pray today, my tears are for the little lives lost yesterday. May they be at peace with you now never to know violence again! May their parents, families and friends be comforted. And may I shed the weight of indifference and truly be marked with your Spirit and work to bring about your reign and justice!

Runner's Thought: Make your run a prayer for children today. Run in memory of the 20 who lost their precious lives and for all alive that they never know violence in their lives!

My prayers of blessing goes out to all of you today! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Friday, December 14, 2012

Advent Week II - Friday - 12/14/2012

Daily Thought: Each time I read today's Gospel I think of the phrase, "You can please some of the people some of the time, but you cannot please all of the people all of the time!" I can also hear Jesus say, "but can I just please somebody!"

The fact is Jesus did please people, but his mission wasn't about pleasing people it was about helping, challenging, enlivening and gracing people. Sometimes these values of faith don't please in the way we expect. Life remains a struggle however if we come through the struggle freedom and God's Love is waiting.

There will always be people in life who don't like anything. We have met them, nothing that gets done or is suggested is ever right. We say black, they say white. Perhaps the challenge of today's readings is to not become one of these people. The voice of God comes to us in many different ways. Sometimes it is the voice of John calling for repentance and forgiveness, other times it is the voice of Jesus offering acceptance, compassion and love. The challenge is to let God's wisdom guide and direct us so that we hear God's voice when God speaks and act so that it transforms our lives!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, fill us with your wisdom today that we might hear your voice when it comes to us even when we do not understand. Help us not to be people who reject but people who are open to the many ways and voices of your love! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Feel the touch of God in your run today no matter if the run is a struggle touched with pain or strong and life giving!

Thank God It Is Friday...blessings to everyone. I hope you can make it through the day and enjoy a weekend with some rest and relaxation. I will be traveling today so I ask your prayer that my travel will be safe. I hate to leave the warmth and beauty of this place but that is life and I am sure my next adventure will be a graced experience also! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Advent Week II - Thursday Thoughts - 12/13/2012

Daily Thought: Isaiah's and Jesus' words seem to have a sting to them today. Isaiah seems to remind us that God is in control. Not matter how bad it get in this life God is always going to be there. God is always going to keep the promise even if we do not. Jacob can turn into a worm and Israel become a maggot but God will still be faithful.

On the other hand Jesus reminds us today that no matter how great we become in this life it still pales in comparison to what awaits us in eternal life. John the Baptist was the greatest of all prophet, perhaps the greatest of all people yet the least person in the Kingdom of Heaven at that moment was greater than John. 

These are hard words to hear yet Jesus asks us to hear! We like to think of ourselves as in control. We like to think of ourselves as important. Yet the scriptures remind us today that we are not, in control or important. You might say the Word for today is "remember it is not about us, it is about God." God who always is faithful! And isn't that a hopeful message to take with us and proclaim today!

Daily Prayer: O Mighty and Faithful God, give us the joy and hope of your love today as we live our life in this imperfect world. Keep us ever mindful that life is not about us, it is about you and the gift of eternal life that awaits us. Bless us with the spirit of John, Isaiah and St. Lucy today as we prepare the way for Christ by our care and service to one another! Amen!

Runner's Thought: When you run mindfully. When your run is also a prayer. Remember that each run is a quest for a connection with God!

Have a great Thursday everyone! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

PS Once again we had a great spirit at the mission service last night here at Holy Family. People continue to be faithful to the mission. Prayers for the preacher and the community today as we bring the mission to a close tonight!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Advent Week II - Wednesday Thoughts - 12/12/2012

Daily Thoughts: For the second time in four days we are graced with the celebration of a feast of Mary. Today it is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. I chose the reading from Luke's Gospel about Mary arrivaling at Elizabeth's house for today. I have always liked that reading especially after I visited the chapel dedicated to the visit in the Holy Land. The chapel is high on a hill and it is a steep, difficult and tiring walk just to reach it, but once there is it one of the most peaceful places I have ever been. There is a statue of Mary and Elizabeth, both pregnant embracing each other as you enter the court yard of the chapel. Every time I see the statue I cannot help but see the great joy on Mary's and Elizabeth's face, that moment must have been one of great grace and joy! Two relative, two friends meeting with the gift of life inside them.

I have often wished that I was part of bringing life into the world though I am happy to be a Passionist and a priest!. I have often though about what it would have been like, had I gotten married, to sit next to my wife and the mother of our children and put my hand on her stomach to feel that new life leap, kick, celebrate and move within her womb. That must be a wonderful feeling for a mother and father. I guess that is why I have always liked this reading, I get to eavesdrop on such a moment. I get brought into the joy, the celebration, the great hope of life.

Perhaps it was similar joy that Juan Diego experienced when Mary appeared to him many years ago. It must be what the people of Mexico and all Central and South America must feel when they celebrate this day each year with such joy!

We all need moments when the excitement of God's presence in our life overwhelms us or at least allows us the gift of joy! May today be a day when like John in Elizabeth's womb we leap for joy when we hear the voice of God in another!

Daily Prayer: Tender, Mary, help us to proclaim the greatness of God today. And like you may our soul rejoice in God our savior! Amen!

Runner's Thought: As you run today look purposefully for signs of God's presence in creation and in the words of the psalmist let them offer praise along with you. Be one of many voices to offer praise on your run today!

Have a great Wednesday, remember it is "hump day" think of today as getting to the top of a hill during a run and as you journey home this evening you are on the down hill side of your run, your week, with the finish line, the weekend, insight! Blessings today and always...Peace in Christ's Passion, Fr. Paul

PS Another grace filled night of mission here at Holy Family! Please remember to pray for the preacher and the community as we walk by faith together...

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Advent Week II - Tuesday Thoughts - 12/11/2012

Daily Thoughts: We have all had those moments when we lost something or at least thought we lost something. We search and search, sometimes checking the same places two and three times. Sometimes what we've lost seems small, insignificant other times it is very important, yet we still search. And when we find it there is a tremendous relief and a feeling of joy!

I can remember one time about 22 years ago when I lost my mother and my aunt on Fifth Avenue in the middle of Manhattan on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Now your first question might be what was I doing on Fifth Avenue on Black Friday, well that is another story. The point is that I did not know were my mother and aunt were for over an hour. I ran up and down Fifth Avenue on both side of the street. With every passing moment my anxiety grew. What had happen to them? One moment they were with me the next they weren't! How would I find them in the midst of all these people? How was I going to explain this to my family? I invited Mom and Aunt to New York for Thanksgiving and then lost them! This was my mother and my godmother I had to find them.

At the end of my rope I made my way back up Fifth Avenue beyond the story to Central Park were the car was parked. As I approached my car there on a park bench sat my mother and my aunt. I ran up to them hugged them, kissed them. They thought I was a little crazy, They hadn't been lost, I had been. A great relief came over me. A great joy filled my heart. In today's Gospel Jesus tells us God seeks us in the same way. No matter what we have done, no matter how much we struggle God looks and looks for us. God doesn't stop until we are found and I would bet the relief and joy I felt in finding my mother and aunt that day many years ago is not even close to what God feels when we are found.

Perhaps today might be a good day to go in search of God but do not be too surprised when God finds you and when God does..."feel the love!"

Daily Prayer: O God, give comfort to your people! Be that Shepherd who tenderly gathers us into your arms carrying us when we most need it. May we look forward to the joy of your embrace and never fear because you are always with us! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Make your run a prayer today. A thanksgiving prayer from yourself to God for all the wonderful things that you encounter even on the most difficult of runs.

Have a great Tuesday everyone! Wherever you are and whatever you are doing today, may your day be blessed. Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

PS...Just a note to say the opening evening of the mission at Holy Family Parish in Nassau, the Bahamas was wonderful last night. There was a great spirit, many "amens!" Had a hard time getting to sleep. I ask your continued prayers for the preacher and the community as we walk by faith these days together!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Advent Week II Monday Thoughts - 12/10/2012

Daily Thoughts: Today provides us with two wonderful readings. The first from Isaiah, within it we find a wonderful image, a world where everything is about life. A world were every obstacle is over come. My favorite part of this reading is, "A highway will be there called the holy way...It is for those with a journey to make, and on it the redeemed will walk." Once again, Isaiah provides us with the gift of hope. Recently I saw the movie "The Way" with Martin Sheen. It to was about a journey that started out as a struggle but ended with redemption. It like Isaiah's reflection today was about faith and hope made possible by God's gracious love.

The Gospel presents us with a two part story. One Jesus' struggle with the religious leadership and the other is the graced story of the man who cannot walk and his friends bring him to Jesus. They cannot get to Jesus because of the crowded house so the open up a hole in the roof and lower the man in so that he might be healed by Jesus. The great gift of the second part of the story is that the man was healed because of the faith of his friends.

We might say that these two reading work together for us today. The image of Isaiah's wonderful world is hopeful only if we work together, only if we journey together. Community, friendships, relationships bring about life and help us overcome what is not life. They often make healing and forgiveness possible.

Perhaps today we might get a little closer to the world of Isaiah if we get on the holy way and bring someone else with us so that we can make the journey to God's love together!

Daily Prayer: O God of power and mercy, open our hearts in welcome friends on this holy journey. Help us remove what hinders the way so that we may bring others and ourselves into your forgiving and healing presence. Bring our deserts to life. Open our eyes, our ears, our mouths and enable to leap with joy along the highway to you our God! Amen!

Runner's Thought: That someone on your run today, perhaps in physically but spiritually. Bring them to God for healing, forgiveness. Make your run a holy way today!

Have a grace filled Monday everyone. Blessings on all journeys, all work and all friendships today! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

PS Prayers for our mission here at Holy Family in Nassau, The Bahamas today. We begin tonight at 7:30 pm. May it truly be a time of grace and hope!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Second Sunday of Advent - 12/09/2012

Daily Thoughts: As I write this morning I find myself in one of the neighborhood of the city of Nassau in the Bahamas. It is nice to be in a warm climate and near the sea, although were I am staying is not near the beach. I had seafood yesterday that was delicious! Yet, amid the warmth and sea breezes things are a bit unsettling. They drive on the opposite side of the road here, the roads are narrow, the drivers impatient and fast. And I have been told that walking around the neighborhood is a bit unsafe.  Life in other words is a bit different than I am use to.

This little introduction leads to my reflections today. The readings especially the first reading from Baruch and Gospel are about looking in a different direction, they are about seeing life differently. Baruch a disciple of Jeremiah, wants the people of exile to look at life differently to be hopeful, to look eastward to those who will return from exile. He calls for a hopefulness in Jerusalem the city will no longer have to morn because her children will returned. Baruch asks the people to look with hopeful eyes even in the midst of their struggles. John the Baptist in the Gospel is a voice in the wilderness struggling against the power that be, Roman and Jewish. He crys out words of hope, that soon the mountains will be made low and the valleys will be raised up and the path to God will be straight and flat. He wants the people to look in a different direction. First at themselves, letting go of the worldly paths they have walked and secondly to look toward the east, tp the coming of Christ. Baruch and John in different ways proclaim a vision of hope by asking people to look at life differently!

In my short time here in Nassau I have had to look at life differently, no TV, none of the usual comforts that create a comfort zone in life. Yet, I too have a sense of hopefulness. It comes from the people that I have met and what this week of mission is going to tell me about myself and about the presence of God in my life.

Friends in faith my hope for you today is that you will find your east to look toward. An east that will tell you a little more about yourself, an east that will create a sense of hope within you, an east that will help you to see and to know the gift of God in your life! Look East my friends...See Emanuel (God is with us!)

Sunday Prayer: O God of all searchers, let no earthly undertaking hinder us as we journey in haste to meet you. May we learn the wisdom of heaven and always have the hope of your love! Amen!

Runner's Thought: May your run today take you into the heart of God!

Have a Great Second Sunday of Advent! Blessings on your journeys today and peace in your living of life! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Advent Saturday Thoughts - 12/08/2012

Daily Thoughts: Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception, we had a wonderful mass here at Holy Family Parish in Nassau at 8:00 am this morning. Last night I attended a wonderful celebrate of a sister's 50 years of service to her community and the church. It was in the cathedral here in Nassau. Sr. Annie life reminded me a lot of Mary's life. 50 years ago Sr. Annie a simple response of yes, and has lived out a wonderful life. With today's feast our thoughts center around Mary's "Yes." A simple response that we make many times in life sometimes on things that change our life, sometimes on things that have little impact on our life.  Mary's "Yes" changed our life profoundly because it paved the way for Christ to come into the world. It was not an easy "Yes" as there was fear involved but Mary moved beyond fear to love. Remember as scripture says, "Love casts our fear!" In her love for God, Mary stepped beyond fear and said "Yes!" Whom do we respond to God or the world? What is our response to God's invitations in our life?

Daily Prayer:O God, help us to cast out the fear that the world creates in our hearts so that we may be always ready to say yes to your loving presence. May we like Mary bring the gift of Christ to the world! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Run with energy, run with purpose, run with joy! Be ready for the gifts of God's creation with every stride and let stress and tension go!

Enjoy your Saturday everyone, hope you are not too busy today. Blessings today and always...Peace in Christ's Passion, Fr. Paul

Friday, December 7, 2012

Advent Friday Thoughts - 12/07/2012

Daily Thought: "Let it be done according to your faith." The words of Jesus to the two blind men in the Gospel today. It was their faith that healed them, enabled them to see again and even though Jesus said keep it quite they had to proclaim their good news. But I was wondering as I sat on the plane today, do we not find healing and the good news because of our faith too or should I say by our lack of faith at times, or the shallowness of our faith? Perhaps when we find ourselves questioning God it might be better to question ourselves! What kind of faith do we have...the kind that heals and proclaims the Good News or the kind that holds us back from being healed and proclaiming the Good News?

Daily Prayer: O God, we believe help our moments of unbelief. Strengthen our hearts with a faith and can heal, hope, love and proclaim the Good News! Amen!

Runners Thought: As you run never underestimate the power of dreams, the influence of the human spirit and the presence of God!

I know I am a little late today, I have been traveling since 7:45 am this morning. But now I am settled and looking forward to my week here with Holy Family Parish in Nassau. Please pray for the preacher and the people as we gather around the Good News! Have a wonderful evening and a great weekend. Hopefully you will not be too busy and can enjoy family and friends a little! Blessings always...Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Advent Thursday Thoughts - 12/06/2012

Happy Feast of St. Nicholas! Sorry that I am a little late today but it was a bust morning as I have to get things done before I leave tomorrow for a parish mission. I will be headed to Holy Family Parish in Nassau, Bahamas. I will be spending the week there celebrating the parish mission from December 9th through December 13th and then I will return to Pelham on December 14th. Yes, I know it is tough work but somebody has to do it and I will try to suffer in silent! Also I will try and stay warm...

Daily Thought: It is interesting I ended the parish mission last night with the parable of the Rich Fool! In today's Gospel Jesus speaks about the Wise and the Foolish Person. The question is on what foundation is our faith, our relationship with God built. Here in New York we got a very profound example of the power of the wind and the sea just a little over a month ago. Home take were build near the shore took a big hit, many were riped from their foundations. We know first hand the power of nature. Jesus is using the image of the power of nature to remind us that there are many things in this life that can pose a threat to our faith, our relationship and if we don't have it anchored well, if we have not build our relationship with God on a strong foundation the challenges, the struggles, the difficulties of life are going to ripe our faith from it's foundation. As we learned from yesterday's Gospel God will take care of us but we have got to trust and we have got to be willing to share. So today let us not be foolish, let us be wise so that our faith does not collapse but that it stands firm in the midst of the storms of life!

As extra thought to keep our faith rooted on rock...St. John Chrysostom days: "Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness, a protection against sadness."

Daily Prayer: O God, stir up your power and come. Help us with your mighty strength, your mercy and your grace to stand firm amid the storms of life. Bless us today with a strong foundation so that when the floods come, the winds blow and the rain falls we will have shelter and strength in your love! Amen!

Runner's Thought: A runner who embarks on the journey of prayer and running can expect surprises, missteps, and perhaps great leaps toward a relationship with God!

Have a great Thursday everyone! Hopefully, St. Nicholas left a little something in your shoes this morning, if not hopefully he will touch your life with a little blessing during the day! As I said above I leave for a parish mission in Nassau, Bahamas tomorrow so my Daily Thoughts and Prayers might be a little inconsistent over the next week. I will try to remain faithful! Please if you get a chance to offer a little prayer in the coming week for this humble preacher and the faith community at Holy Family in Nassau, that our mission together might be a time of grace and hope!

Just a heads-up I will be launching a new web site in the not too distant future with the help of the people at Upper Room Media. Hopefully it will be another way to connect, to get the Good News out and to promote the Passionist Preaching Ministry. I will keep you updated and let you know when "" is online! Great things happening in the New Year! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Advent Wednesday Thoughts - 12/05/2012

Daily Thought: Both of today's readings talk about a holy mountain. For Isaiah the holy mountain is the place of a wonderful feast, a banquet of rich food, of choice wines, a place where tears are wiped away. Jesus' holy mountain is a place where people are healed and feed. It is a place where all the excluded people can come and be included, the lame, the blind, the deformed, those that cannot speak and many others. Both holy mountains, or should I say, the holy mountain is a place of mystery and a place of great mercy, love, forgiveness, it is God's place!

Perhaps, today's readings are a reminded to all of us that God does not discriminated, in fact God goes looking for all who are often not included so they can be included. Perhaps today's readings remind us that none of us are perfect, we are all in need of healing and of nourishment, that we all are in this journey of life together. Let's us welcome the miracle of God's healing and love and may it be what we share during this holy day!

Daily Prayer: O God of the Holy Mountain, prepare our hearts today with the divine power of your love that we might be willing to welcome all to the banquet of life on your holy mountain. Help us to share the great gifts of your love with all we meet today not counting the cost, not judging those whom we meet. Help us to rejoice and be glad this day satisfied in your love and ready to share the fragments of today's banquet tomorrow! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Make your run a meditation today, flush the mind and open the heart and know God is with you!

Note: Today is the last day of my parish mission at Holy Name of Mary in Croton on Hudson, NY. Again, if you are in the area come join us at either 12 noon or 7:30 pm. If not say a little prayer for the preacher and all who will gather with him today and tonight! May we celebrate God's holy mountain and God's rich banquet together!

Have a great Wednesday! Many blessings upon you and all you meet today and on whatever you do, wherever you are! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Advent Tuesday's Thoughts - 12/04/2012

Daily Thought: Did you ever take time to watch little children? Recently I spent time with my two grand nieces. I was with them for about four days so I had some quality time with them and while they had me involved in their life periodically during my stay other times I was able to sit back and just watch them. It amazed me at how they could take almost anything and make it into a play toy. My littlest niece Kristina, age almost 3, played for hours with board games, like Risk, Trivial Pursue, and others that she had no understanding of, yet there was a joy and contentment on her face as she moved the games pieces around the board talking and sometimes singing to herself. Both of my nieces allowed their imaginations to enliven their lives each day.

I reflected on this experience with my nieces as I read Jesus' words in the Gospel today. I believe God truly reveals many things to children that we adults miss. Children know the joy and the love of God. Through their imaginations I truly believe they see the hidden gifts of God. We can learn a lot from children, if we let them be children and if we stop to watch and celebrate the gift of their presence in our life.

Children also keep alive the hope that Isaiah talks about in the first reading today. If we use our imagination as children do we will be able to see the wonderful life that Isaiah envisions, where the wolf will be the guest of the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid... We will encounter the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, strength and wonder and awe! In other words we will encounter a world were justice and peace flourishes. Yes, I know it seem far fetched but perhaps all it takes from us adults is a little imagination!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, helps us today to embrace your Gospel with imagination seeing a world touched by your presence and love.May we be your prophets who by our words, our works, our faith and our imagination keep alive your gift of hope within this struggling world! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Run today with imagination so that each stride brings you closer the wonder of God's presence in your life.

It is the second day of the parish mission at Holy Name of Mary in Croton on Hudson, NY. Day 1 was a wonderful experience, there was a great spirit at each mission service, I look for more of the same today! Again, if you are in the area stop in and celebrate with us, if not say a little prayer for the preacher and all who attend!

Have a great Tuesday...Happy Birthday to my nephew, James, I hope your finals are not too stressful! Imagine a world of peace today! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Monday, December 3, 2012

Advent Monday Thoughts - 12/04/2012

Daily Thoughts: In reading the scripture for today two thoughts came to mind. First I have always like the section for Isaiah which is the first reading today. I carry the hopefulness that one day swords, guns, bombs and all other means of violence will be beaten into plowshares, micro chips, ovens, stoves, refrigerators, anything useful and life giving. I hope for the day when we will not train younger women and men for war ever again and that every nation will live in peace! Yes, I know this might be an impossible hope, but I still hope. Perhaps for me Emily Dickinson puts it best... "Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune--without the words, and never stops at all!" May hope never stop for any of us...

My second thought centers on the Gospel for today. It is a familiar story in Matthew's Gospel of the centurion who asks Jesus to heal a servant. Did you ever realize when reading the Gospels that most of the people who have faith and not part of the community but outsiders. This centurion had great faith, a faith that ultimately brings healing to his servant. This Gospel story and others like it should remind us that God's presence, God's healing, God's grace, God's work can come from anywhere and from anyone. Dismissing people for any reason is not a good practice because by dismissing them we may just be dismissing God and an opportunity to be healed!

Daily Prayer: O God of all who wait, grace us today with your gift of peace and help us to see, to find, to recognize your gift in ourselves and in all we meet. Grace us with your gift of faith that we might bring healing to each moment of life. Grace us with your hope that we might find you in each person and every moment of life even though we are unworthy to have you enter under our roof! Grace us with your joy in life this day and always! Amen!

Runner's Thought: God does not wait at the finish line, God is constantly with us in all things and all people. As we run, as we live, our task is simply to recognize that fact and hold it with us!

Note: Today is the feast of St. Francis Xavier, a Jesuit priest and missionary, but for me it brings to mind a very good friend, Fr. Xavier Vitacolonna, C.P. who died just about a month ago. Fr. Xavier's given name was Francis, his religious name was Xavier. He was a brother, priest and missionary. I include him in my prayer today and a member of the communion of saints! Help us to bring peace Fr. Xav!

Have a great Monday friends, may God be with you as your enter this new work week. May you be blessed in all your endeavors this week! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

PS My parish mission opens today at 12 noon and again at 7:30 pm at Holy Name of Mary Parish in Croton on Hudson, NY if you are in the area joins us, if not please say a prayer for the preacher and all who will join me.

If you get a chance to comment I would appreciate it. I would just like to know what you are thinking about Daily Thoughts, Daily Prayers, Runners Thoughts or any suggestions about adding to this ministry!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Happy Advent! Sunday's Thoughts - 12/02/2021

Daily Thought: I find one of my favorite lines in the Scripture in today's Gospel. "But when these signs happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand." Now this might seem strange to you, and I have to say I might not say it in the same words, but I believe what Jesus is getting at is to be hopeful, confident and proud (good kind of pride) in your faith, in your relationship with God. I might say it this way, "Stand up straight, stick out your chest, hold your head high be ready for God's presence in your life!"

Awhile ago during the synod on the New Evangelization that was held in Rome one of the cardinals said that we need this New Evangelization because we are embarrassed by our faith. I took offence to that. I have never been embarrassed by my faith. I have been embarrassed by some of our leadership. I have been embarrassed by the institution, I have been embarrassed by the actions of some people, I have been embarrassed by my own actions at times but I have never been embarrassed by my faith, my belief in God and my relationship with God. I want to stand up straight, with my chest out and my head held high and believe!

Advent is a new beginning, a time of hopefulness, a time to look at the trials, tribulations, struggles, disappointments, difficulties of life and say "I believe, We believe!" May we take the words of the scriptures to heart today and everyday throughout this Advent Season and make ready to "Believe" once again in our Faithful and Loving God!

Daily Prayer: Almighty and Ever Living God, grant us your faithful people the firm resolve to run forth to meet Christ by living life with love for one another. Strengthen our hearts so that we may always when called stand straight, with our chests out and our heads up because we believe! Amen!

Runners' Thought: "When running [when life] harder, when you get tired, when you are climbing a steep hill, these are reminders to come home to your breath, to your awareness of God." - Roger Joslin

Happy Advent Everyone! Happy New Church Year! Have a great Sunday and don't forget to take a little time with God, Family and Friends today! Blessings on all your endeavors this week! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

PS I am giving an Advent Parish Mission this week from Monday to Wednesday at Holy Name of Mary Parish in Croton-on-Hudson, NY. If you are in the area stop in and celebrate with us, if not a few prayers for the preacher would be appreciated!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Saturday's Thoughts - 12/01/2012

Daily Thought: We wait today for the starting of a new liturgical year but we also wait for that perfect world described in the first reading today, the Kingdom of God. When this perfect world will arrive is hidden in our hearts, it is mystery. What is clear for us today though is that we are not simply suppose to wait but also to act, to live. Living our are relationship with God will have us ready to enter the Kingdom of God!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, help us to keep our hearts alert and vigilant at all time to the gift of your presence in our life. May we always be strong as we encounter the tribulations of this life so that we may keep alive the message of your love! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Life like running contains elements of challenge, difficulty, and like running hurts, it wounds, it calls on us to rise above conditions that seem beyond what we are capable of doing!

Have a wonderful Saturday and may you enter into Advent with a new sense of awe and wonder in God's loving presence! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

PS I could still use your prayers that may voice holds up!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday's Thoughts - 11/30/2012

Daily Thought: The last day of November and the Feast of St. Andrew an apostle and the brother of St. Peter. I have to say the line that caught my attention in the scriptures for today's feast comes from St. Paul's letter to the Romans, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!" Being a preacher my hope always is to bring the good news and I think I have been successful most of the time. Yet, it is not just preachers who bring the good news it is all of us. Yesterday was a great example of that, a picture of an NYPD officer in Times Square stopping to give a homeless man a new pair of shoes. It is a picture that millions saw on the Internet, that evening news programs showed. The officer brought the good news not only to the homeless man but to all of us. Perhaps as we live life today let us do so by bringing the good news to the world any way we can, with our voices, our actions, our lives. Let us believe in God's love with our heart and live it today and always!

Daily Prayer: Humbly we pray O God, make us fishers of people today that we might believe with our hearts and proclaim with our voices the Good News. Help us to be people in love with our God so that we may do great things and become powerful apostles for you! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Lay the groundwork for a lifetime of running in the presence of God. Run with God today!

Have a great Friday everyone! If you get a chance could you say a prayer for me, I am struggling with my voice and I begin a parish mission tomorrow. Say a little prayer I find my voice by tomorrow afternoon that I might bring the good news! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday's Thoughts

Daily Thought: The "time of the Gentiles" as Jesus puts it in the Gospel today. The time between the destruction of Jerusalem and the second coming of Jesus. It is our time, we live within this "time of the Gentiles" and we see the signs, disasters, wars, violence, struggles, difficulties of all kinds. We see the signs in culture, society, church, family and the individual. We experience trials and tribulations that are personal and communal however, it doesn't mean the end is around the corner the "time of the Gentiles" has been going on for 2,000 plus years. We are just in the midst of it. A point on the continuum of time. It is a part of the mystery of God that challenges us to not give up, to continue to walk by faith. Jesus remains us to always stand up straight because we don't know when this time will end and we need to always be ready.  We remain ready with a faith that reminds us that we do not stand or walk alone. Jesus stands and walks among us. We encourage and strengthen one another because God is always with us!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, may your grace always go before us and follow us and with this grace may we always be determined to carry out good works of your kingdom for one another! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Some days running is effortless, other days it is a struggles. Which of the runs is most fruitful? Both are fruitful, because the first brings us enjoyment, perhaps we might say these runs little gifts from God. The second kind of run brings us struggle that makes us more aware of the need for God in our life and so we work, we struggle to find that presence!

Have a great Thursday everyone! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday's Thoughts - 11/28/2012

Daily Thought: "Great and wonderful are all your works, Lord, mighty God!" the refrain for the responsorial psalm today, yet in the Gospel Jesus tells the crowd, tells us, that persecution, pain, struggle and difficult time are ahead if you believe. These struggles and persecutions will come from everywhere they can even come from our family. This seems a far cry from great and wonderful works! Believing, having faith takes a tremendous amount of trust in God. Howver, if we have that trust then great and wonderful things can happen! In the midst of our daily struggles, in the midst of everything that makes it hard to to have faith, to hope, to love can we trust in the great and wonderful things of our loving God today?

Daily Prayer: O God, let us have hearts ready to trust in your abundant kindness and mercy that we might always be ready to say great and wonderful are your works, Loving God!

Runner's Thought: Always run with imagination and see as you run God is running towards you!

Have a wonderful Wednesday wherever you are and whatever you are doing! Blessings as you journey through life today. Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday's Thoughts - 11/25/2012

Daily Thoughts: The Feast of Christ the King has never been one of my favorite feasts. I think because kings have never really been a positive image during my life time. I have grown up in an age of democracy, kings and kingdoms are part of the past. I have read about kings and kingdoms. I have studies them in school and even though there are a lot a positive images and moments they really are not part of my life experience. Kings and kingdom often symbolize a time when ordinary people meant nothing and there was a great divide between the haves and the have nots!

So what am I to do today, with Christ celebrated in the image of a king. Well the first reality is the Jesus' kingdom is not of this world, which means it is different. That it is a kingdom of truth, and we know that truth can set us free. We also know from the life of Jesus that it was not about the haves and the have nots, it was about community, it was about people.

Jesus' kingdom is beyond, government, power, authority and institution. It is a body, a living thing working as one for the good of all, for the salvation of all, for the love of all. Jesus' as king rulers to bring out the best in people so that truth, life, holiness, grace, justice, love and peace will be lived. Jesus' kingdom is here and now but also is coming. May we be different from Pilate in the Gospel today and not miss the presence of Christ when we encounter him!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, may we look beyond the earthly images of king and find your loving presence in our life this day and always. May it lead us to truth, life, holiness, grace, justice and peace. May it make us true workers in your eternal kingdom of love! Amen!

Runner's Thought: "Happiness is an inexpressibly misleading and temporary thing, decides nothing; the true stations of joy are on the road whivh lies through simple endurance." Rainer Maria Rilke

Happy Feast of Christ the King! Have a blessed and holy Sunday. May it include family and friends, may your favorite team win and may you have many blessings today and always! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Saturday's Thoughts - 11/24/2012

Daily Thoughts: And Jesus said, "They can no longer die, for they are like angels; and they are the children of God...God is not the God of the dead, but of the living for in God all are alive." Two important gifts we need to remember that we are children of God and God is about life not death. How do we live these gifts? Do we recognize that we are children of God? Are we always about life?

Daily Prayer: O God, source of all life, keep us faithful. Grant that we will always recognize the gift of life in all people and may we always be your children in truth and love. Amen!

Runner's Thought: Judge the quality of your run by the steadfastness of your movement towards the presence of God no matter what the struggle!

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone. May you have many blessings today and always. Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday's Thoughts - 11/23/2012

Daily Thoughts: The Scripture readings are tough today. On the one hand we have the Book of Revelations and John being asked to eat the scroll that is sweet in his mouth but sour in this stomach. Then in the Gospel Jesus is throwing out the money changers and the merchants from the temple, but the leaders cannot do anything because people are hanging on every word that Jesus speaks. What are we to make of the Scriptures today?

Well we might look for a common theme and one might be words. John in the Book of Revelation is ask to eat a scroll of words, they are sweet at the beginning but then sour. Words that are not life giving can do that, they can sound good but in the end they make life difficult if not impossible. However, words that are life giving can lead us in the right direction like Jesus' words.

A theme we cannot ignore is shopping, Black Friday and Jesus' anger with the sellers in the Temple. No, Jesus is not against Black Friday but perhaps the question in Jesus' actions might be, "Where is your focus people?" "What is your priority?" "What is most important to you?"

As I said today's readings are difficult. Perhaps our faith food for the journey today is to hear and speak the write words that are life giving and to always know who and what is the center of our life!

Daily Prayer: O God, Creator of all, hear the prayers of your people today. Prayers that seek peace. Prayers that seek truth. Prayers that seek your love. Help us to know what is most important in life in the midst of a world that often speaks to us words that are not life giving, placing importance on the trivial. May we hear with our hearts your words of everlasting life! Amen!

Runner's Thought: When you run be a pilgrim. If you run and search for God in the ordinary. It is not a pilgrimage to some place special. Your run may be nothing more than a trip around the neighbor hood but if your intention is to talk with God, then you are a pilgrim!

Follow up to Thanksgiving: "Thanksgiving belongs to prayer. Thanksgiving is a true inward acknowledgement, we applying ourselves with great reverence and loving fear with all our powers to work that God moved us to, rejoicing and giving thanks inwardly. And so the power of the Lord's word enters the soul and enlivens the heart and makes us rejoice in the Lord."  Julian of Norwich

Have a great day everyone! Shop if your must but also take some extra time with family and friends to just enjoy life! Blessings and peace today and always...Fr. Paul

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Thoughts - 11/22/2012

Daily Thought: If you use the readings for the Mass of Thanksgiving Day in the Gospel you hear the story of the ten lepers once again. We had the same story last week. If you use the Gospel for the day you would hear the story of Jesus looking at the City of Jerusalem and crying. Perhaps both Gospel stories are helpful to us today.

I wonder if Jesus looks at Jerusalem, at Israel, at Gaza, at all of the Middle East today and begins to cry? I wonder if Jesus looks at the United States today and begins to cry? I wonder if Jesus looks at us today and begins to cry? We give him so many opportunities to be disappointed in us these days.

Yet every once in a while we provide a glimmer of hope that things will change. Every once in a while there is someone who recognizes the gift of life and is thankful.

The story of the one returning person who had been cured reminds us that in the midst of the busyness of life we have got to pause and be thankful. Life is not always about "me!" It is about being grateful, being thankful and going to the Source of our Life with that gratitude! Shopping can wait, partying can wait, God, prayer, family and friends are in need of our attention! It is a matter of faith and that can make all the difference.  St. Paul in his First Letter to the Thessalonians reminds us that "In all circumstances, give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus." As we journey through life on this Thanksgiving Day let us be aware of God's many gifts and then think first about who makes these gifts possible not just about ourselves and then be grateful even when it might be difficult.

Daily Prayer: Loving God of all thankfulness, your gifts of love and goodness are infinite, help us to pause this day and every day with gratitude for your kindness, mercy and love. Open our hearts to have concern for every person so that all may share your gifts. Finally help us to always recognize your gifts and return to give thanks! Amen!

Runner's Thought: If you run today run with a mindfulness and a thoughtfulness of gratitude for the gift of running and all the gifts you encounter on a run. If you do not run today be sure to take time to give thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I pray that today will be filled with family, friends, food and thankfulness! Be safe today if you are traveling. Pray for peace. Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul