Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Saturday Thoughts - 12/29/2012

Daily Thoughts: I have always liked the story of Simeon that we find in the Gospel today. It is a very tender scene. However there is something missing in this Gospel the story that follows this one, the story of Anna, to me it just seems natural to include both stories. Two people that who have dedicated their lives to God waiting for this moment. You can hear the joy in their voices as they realize the purpose of their lives coming to completion, both embraced by the Holy Spirit graced with the gift of hope.

They do not sugar coat their message they tell it like it is, or should I say like it will be. There will be sorrow and struggle but also life. Rather than speak about the "rise and fall" Simeon speaks of the "fall and rise." The cross is part of Jesus' story but it is not the end. Death leads to life, doubt is embraced by faith, sorrow and struggle turns to joy!

Perhaps as we listen to Simeon today we need to remember that in being a person of faith our direction in life is always "upwards." Hope means that no matter how difficult things seem to get, no matter what the struggle God is always with us. If we can be patience like Simeon and Anna the light of God will always direct our way, death, doubt, struggle and sorrow will become life, faith and joy!

Daily Prayer: Loving God help us to embrace the joy and hope of Simeon and Anna this day and always. Help us to know that the struggles and difficulties of life are stepping stones to your gift of everlasting life.  Help us to find peace so that we to can proclaim the glory of God. We continue though out this Christmas Season to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for firefighters who risk their lives; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! For we like Simeon want to tell the story of God to all we meet this day! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Run with a smile today and you will not only light up your journey but you will bring light to the whole world!

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone. If you are traveling be safe, whether you are or aren't blessings on your day and all you meet. Peace in the Christ Child...Fr. Paul

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Friday Thoughts - 12/28/2012

Daily Thoughts: The most striking line in today's Gospel is, "A voice was heard in Ramah, sobbing and loud lamentation; Rachel weeping for her children,and she would not be consoled, since they were no more. (Matthew 2:18)" To me there is something very haunting about this verse. I visited Rachel's tomb once many years ago on a visit to the Holy Land. The visit was one of the most moving I have ever experienced.

We might ask why are the tears of Rachel different from the tears of other mothers? Rachel’s grief is profound yet very beautiful. Her life without children, her struggle to accept Jacob’s love for her even though she is without children, her jealousy of her sister Leah, Rachel’s death in childbirth, her burial by the side of the road–all this creates the music of Rachel’s lament.
Tradition holds that Rachel was buried in a transitional space between two named places because it was on the route that her children would take when they were forced into exile. Tradition also says that Rachael is the mother of many, even though she gave birth only to Benjamin. It also teaches that there is no place where her children may be forced to go where she will not be with them.
Another part of Rachael's tradition is that when Herod had the children murdered in Bethlehem because Jesus was not handed over to him by the magi, Rachel’s wailing rises up. Her cries signaled a new exile. And why is she not be consoled? Because justice was not served. Rachel screamed and mourned and  cried out–driving Herod mad–until there was accountability for every dead child. We certainly can say that still Rachel weeps today!
Perhaps our prayers today are not for all children who loose their lives through violence, abortion, and other kinds of death, our prayers today are to them that as saints in God's presence they might help us see the true gift of life. Our prayers are also to mother's like Rachael who hold life so dear. May they help us to bring about justice for all life in our time so that we are not exiled from eternal life.
Daily Prayer: Loving God, fill us with the spirit of the Holy Innocents and Rachael, so that we will always honor and value life from its first moment of conception to its last breath and every moment in between, as your gift. We continue though out this Christmas Season to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for firefighters who risk their lives; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! For we know that our help is always in you our God who created heaven and earth! Amen!
Runner's Thought: Perhaps our run today can be one where we sense miraculous expectations and allow a feeling of gratitude for the extraordinary and the ordinary to flow though us.

Blessings to all today may you continue to live in the Christmas Spirit and may you pause through this day to honor, value and celebrate the gift of life especially in the gift of the children around you! I especially honor and prayer for two little women in my life Emilia and Kristina along with their mother and father may they be guarded and blessed in the Spirit of the Holy Innocents! Peace in the Christ Child...Fr. Paul

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Thursday Thoughts - 12/27/2012

Daily Thoughts: My how time flies, the Gospel reading has us at the empty tomb this morning. From the manger, to the tomb in just a couple of days. Of course our Gospel today reflect the feast we celebrate that of St. John, Apostle and Evangelist. Much like the angels, shepherds, and magi make their way to the manger to welcome Jesus, so that the story of the Good News can continue. Peter and John race to the tomb to find it empty which becomes of final piece that enables the Good News to go out to all the world, Jesus in not just born but he has risen, we no longer need to fear death!

Celebrating the gift of St. John today ties the Good News together, he responded to Jesus' invitation, he listened to Jesus' teaching, he was a friend of Jesus, he raced to the empty tomb and believed and finally he told the story for all ages to resell throughout history. St. John has brought us the Word of Life so that we too might believe.

In the midst of our Christmas journey we take the time to honor all who enable us to hear, see and touch the mystery of God in our life, so that we too may become friends of God and complete our joy!

Daily Prayer: Most gracious God, you have given us holy women and men who have told the story of your love throughout the ages. They have unlocked the mystery of your Word and helped us to heard, see, touch and live your Word in a world the at times rejects you. Fill us today with the spirit of St. John that we too always race to the gift of your presence in our life so we too can believe and tell the story of you most gracious love. We continue throughout this Christmas Season to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for firefighters who risk their lives; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! Let us continue toro claim the Good News of God's wondrous love! Amen!

Runner's Thought: As we run there is always going to be pleasure and pain it is how we deal with both of them that can make all the difference!

Have a wonderful Christmas Thursday. Blessings on all you do and experience this day! Peace in the Child Jesus...Fr. Paul

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Wednesday Thoughts -12/26/2012

Daily Thought: We are quickly brought back to the reality of everyday life today. We celebrate the feast of St. Stephen the first martyr. We hear the story of his death in the first reading. We are made aware of his faith and St. Paul is introducted to us as Saul, as one who is persecuting the church. In the Gospel we hear Jesus' warning to the disciples as to the difficulties of the road ahead. But they are not to worry because God will be with them always.

In some ways it seems strange to celebrate Christmas and then the feast of a martyr. Wouldn't be nicer to stay in the glow of Christmas? Well yes it would but the world often does not let us stay in the glow of goodness and we need to be ready for whatever comes our way. Just think of the graced moments that you have had in life. They don't last, they are often fleeting moments. However we store them in our memories for those other moments in our lives when we struggle. They are the foundation of our faith, they help us to live within the reality of life.

As Jesus tells the disciples today not to fear because God will always be with them. All they need to do is trust. We know from the celebration of Christmas that God is truly with us and from today's feast that when things get tough God will be there too! We also learn today to hope in what seems to be the impossible, after all Saul persecuted but today we honor him as St. Paul one of the greatest Apostles! The journey goes on and each day, like Stephen, Paul and many others before us we seek to give our spirit over to God.

Daily Prayer: Loving God, help us to trust in your presence this day especially when life seems to be against us. Help us to turn over our spirits to you. Help us to live out what we pray even if it means loving in some way those who make life's difficult for us. Though this Christmas Season we continue to prayer for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for firefighters who risk their lives; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! O God, be our rock of strength and refuge today and always! Amen!

Runner's Thoughts: Remember every step you take moves you forward, every step becomes a new encounter with the presence of God.  So run today aware of God's presence all around you.

I hope everyone had a wonderful celebration of Christmas. We did here in Indianapolis however today we are in the midst of a snow storm. What a difference a day makes! I hope the glow of Christmas will travel with you today. Many blessing amd much peace and to those who are not feeling well, especially two little girls in Shelby, NC, I send along prayers of healing. Peace in the Child Jesus...Fr. Paul

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day Thoughts - 12/25/2012

Christmas Day Thoughts: Merry Christmas everyone! There has been a lot of darkness in our world during the past year but today provides us with a great light. Today we can let go the yoke of all  our burdens at least for the day, because in the gloominess of our land a light shines! A child truly is born to us today,  a Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forgiver, Prince of Peace. All we need to do is take a moment from our busy lives to stop and recognize the presence of God in our life. A presence that comes to us in family, friends and the gift of life.

The great Dominican mystic Meister Eckhart, says that Jesus is born three time, long ago in history, when he comes again in glory and each day in our hearts. Let us truly give birth to Christ today and give the light Isaiah speaks about to the world. Let us tell the world the glory of God today and always!

Christmas Prayer: God of all love, embrace us with the light of your love this day. May our faith shine through our living of life and bring to the world your presence once again. May all be blessed today for You our God are born within us and you are called Wondrous God, Prince of Peace, Father of all ages! In your radiant light we continue to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! Amen!

Christmas Runner's Thought: Merry Christmas all runners and if you run today do so with the joy of this wonderful day blessed by God!

I wish everyone a Blessed and Holy Christmas! I hope you are spending the day with family or friends, or both. May today be truly one that lifts your burdens and is filled with the light of God's love! Peace in the Child Jesus...Fr. Paul

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve Thoughts - 12/24/2012

Daily Thoughts: The journey of Advent is almost over, in a few hours people will begin to gather for the celebration of Christmas. The question might be will we gather with the faith and joy of Zechariah?

So often there are things that get in the way of our recognizing the gift and presence of God in our lives. You might say like Zechariah we become mute. We are so busy with what we think is important we fail to speak of God's presence in our life. We fail to recognize the gift of God's love in our life.  We fail to trust in the promises of God like the one's made to David and proclaimed by Zechariah in today's readings.

Sitting on this Eve of Christmas we are called to remember the promises, we are called to celebrate the gift, we are called to be joyous, we are called to bless God, we are called to put our feet on the way to peace!

May these wonderful days of celebration open our mouths and our hearts to proclaim the promises of God that we encounter as we gather with family, friends and a community of faith. May we celebrate with the joy and spirit of Zechariah blessing God and embracing peace!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, may the dawn from on high break upon us today and enlighten the journey of Christmas in our hearts. May it help us to proclaim your love to all we meet and may that love be the source of all our gatherings this day and always. May our celebratiion of Christmas truly find us walking on the way to your peace! We also continue to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! Amen!

Thought on Prayer: "Prayer is freedom and affirmation growing out of nothingness into love. Prayer is the flowering of our inmost freedom, in response to the Word of God. Prayer is not only dialogue with God: it is the communion of our freedom with his ultimate freedom, his infinite spirit." Thomas Merton

May this be our prayer today!

Runner's Thought:  Judge the quality of your run today by the steadfastness of your movement towards God's spirit.

A blessed Christmas Eve to all. Hopefully you are where you need to be if not please travel safe. May your celebration of this day be truly blessed with the gift of family, friends and God's love! Peace in the Peace of the Christ Child...Fr. Paul

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fourth Sunday of Advent - Thoughts - 12/23/2012

Daily Thoughts: I had decided that the Christmas after my mother died I would not go anywhere for Christmas. It had been over 30 years since I had woken up in my own bed on Christmas. It had been over 30 years sisnce I had not travel during this busy holiday season. Yet, when the time came I once again chose to pack my bags and wake up in a bed other than my own on Christmas, I need to be with the important people in my life!

There are some people who like to have people around them all the time, while others like solitude more often than not.  Often all of us like to do thing by ourselves we do not want any interruptions and we find that we can get done fast if we have the time to ourselves. However, there are certain moments in all of our lives when we need people there. In the Gospel today once again we are told that Mary makes her way to Elizabeth. The story does not say why Mary went, just that she went in haste. I think Mary realize that this is one of those moment when she and Elizabeth did not want to be alone. When the gift of family and friends was very important.

In two days we will celebrate the gift of Christmas and many people will make haste to be with others. There is something in each of us that knows that at this time of the year we do not want to be alone. We can be with many or just an important few. There is something special about this time of the year. Perhaps it is the need to hear the voice of God in the people we love. Perhaps it is the chance to be enlivened by the presence of God by celebrating with people important in our life. Perhaps it is being reminded that God has chosen us no matter how unimportant we think we are. Perhaps it is because we need to believe that God is truly with us!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, pour out your grace into our hearts this day so that we may give birth to Christ once again and continue our journey through the gift of Christ's Passion and Cross to the glory of the Resurrection. Help us to make this journey not alone but supported by a community of faith. We also  continue to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! Amen!

Runner's Thought: God rested why not make this day a runner's day of rest. Celebrate with others today!

Have a great Fourth Sunday of Advent everyone. Hopefully you are where you need to be for Christmas if not travel safe. Sunday blessings to all! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul