Friday, May 1, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 05/01/2015

Daily Thoughts: I opted to celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker today at mass and I used the readings for the feast. This feast in honor of St. Joseph always takes me back to my childhood. Our parish in Port Vue, PA, was named St. Joseph. It honored St. Joseph as the Worker. Out in front of the school building (our church we in the basement of the school) was a statue of St. Joseph with the tools of the trade in his hands, carpenter’s tools, the tools of a man who worked with his hands.

It was a wonderful image for the parish as most of the people in the parish worked for the steel industry. They worked in the many steel mills that ran long the rivers of Western Pennsylvania. It was a blue collar town, a town of families, a town of workers. The ethic of family life and working hard was a daily part of my world growing up. This is not to say that I lived in “Camelot,” that everything was perfect and life for everyone was wonderful. There were struggle, problems, heartaches and sadness along with the joys, hopes and the good times of life. But St. Joseph the Worker as the patron of the parish spoke to a simple vision of life that the people of Port Vue and many other towns tried to live out.

I returned to my hometown many years later. The church building was still there and so was the statue of St. Joseph.  However, like in many places it was no longer St. Joseph’s Parish; it had been merged with another parish in the area and was now called St. Mark’s. The statue was in disrepair do to years of neglect, much like my hometown which was now struggling because the steel industry was long gone. It was still a blue collar town; it was still a town of families but also a town struggling to find hope and a vision for the future. Perhaps more than ever my home town needed St. Joseph’s spirit.

The feast we celebrate today honors the spirit of St. Joseph, a simple man who in a quiet, yet strong way, responded to God’s invitation. His skills as a worker and a father were not always honored or valued as we hear in the Gospel reading today. Yet he lived on, he said “yes” to God’s invitation. He lived his life with honor, hard work and love for those around him. He was a blue collar worker, a family man, an ordinary person who let God do extraordinary things with his life.

As a Church we sometimes let his image fall into disrepair. He becomes an afterthought in a world of glitz and glamor saints. Yet, St. Joseph will always remind us that everyone is created in the image and likeness of God which makes each of us special and important to the work of God in the world!

One of my grandfathers and my uncle were gifted with the name Joseph and they were simple hard working men too and on this feast of St. Joseph I remember them and honor them in a special way.

Have a great Friday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, today we honor and remember Joseph, who by the work of his hands and the sweat of his brow, supported Jesus and Mary, becoming an image of a loving father, husband and faithful worker in your kingdom.

Teach us through St. Joseph’s spirit to work as he did, with patience and perseverance, for you and for those whom you have given us to support and love in our lives. Teach us to see in all workers, Christ, that we may always be gracious and forgiving towards all.

Help us to look upon the work of life with the eyes of faith and hope, so that we can recognize in it our share in your own creative activity and Christ’s work of our redemption, and so find joy and meaning in all the work we do.

When our work is satisfying and productive, remind us to give you thanks. And when it is burdensome, teach us to see beyond the struggles and hardships to the hope of a world made new that our work through you can bring. In St. Joseph’s spirit make us workers for your kingdom. Amen! (Adapted from a Prayer to St. Joseph)

A Runner’s Thoughts: Remember running is not just conquering, hills, distance, weight, injury, illness or pain. Running is most often conquering ourselves. We can try to do it alone but it is so much easier when we let others journey with us and we are always at our best when we run with God!

Daily Blessing: Friday greetings and blessings to everyone! I hope your day has started out well, perhaps with a little sun and warmth. It looks to be another beautiful day here in St. Louis. I certainly have lucked out this week with great weather and I have to say I have really enjoyed it! The month of May has arrived and so have the flower, the trees and the colors, yes spring is certain with us.

This is the last morning of my retreat for the priests of the Dioceses of Jefferson City. We will have a morning conference, mass and lunch and then everyone will be on their way. I think it has been a good week. I am never really sure but I think the priests have enjoyed the retreat. I would once again ask your prayers for the priests that have been on retreat as they return to their parishes and ministries. I will head to my niece’s house here in St. Louis for the weekend before returning home on Monday.

I pray that God blessing will be upon everyone today, a blessing that helps you enjoy this first day of May where ever you are and in whatever you are doing. Let all your work, all your labors, all your ministry today be a gift to God, others and yourself. May the simple, gentle presence of St. Joseph be with you today and gift you with a spirit of energy, peace and joy. Happy May, happy St. Joseph’s Day everyone and may you have a great Friday! Peace in Christ’s Passion and Hope in the Risen Lord…Fr. Paul

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 04/30/2015

Daily Thoughts: “Characters welcome,” it is the calling card of the USA network. As I listen to the stories of the early Church as they come to us through the Acts of the Apostles I am reminded that our Church, our community of faith is made up of characters, faith characters. Some very familiar to us like Peter and Paul others not so familiar just names or people who appear for a moment yet they played a role in the development of the early Church.

What is it that makes a “character of faith?” Well, I think our answer is in today’s Gospel. Jesus has just washed the feet of the disciples and he reminds them that “no slave is greater than his master and no messenger is greater than the one who sent him.” Thus, a “character of faith” is someone who follows the words and actions of Jesus. A “character of faith” has faith in God and faith in Jesus. A “character of faith” follows Jesus and believes that in following Jesus they will make their way to the gift of eternal life.

One thing is for sure because we are “characters of faith” we will not live life the same way and every once in a while we will need to stop and listen for the voice of God in our life. We will need to receive those whom God sends into our life. But as a faith character we take comfort and have hope that Jesus will always take the time to point us in the right direction.

The sad thing is that like in the early Church, like during the time of Jesus, characters are not always welcome. We have all been gifted by being created in the image and likeness of God. Each of us are different, each of us are unique and special. And as we will learn a little later in John’s Gospel Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. There are many dwelling place in the eternal home thus there is room for every character!

Have a blessed Thursday everyone!
Daily Prayer: O God, author of life and freedom, hear us as we call upon you to help guide us through life today. Help us to trust in your loving presence so that we will be true to the “character” that you have created us to be. May we never be afraid to ask for your help especially when we are not sure which way to go. Give us the strength to not be troubled by the anger and negativity of the world, but to have faith and hope in you. Grace us with the energy to live life with truth and authenticity.  Amen!
A Runner’s Thoughts: Oprah Winfrey once said, “Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it.”  So as we run today let us put God into our run.

Daily Blessing: Thursday greetings and blessings to everyone! I hope your day has started off well, with a little sunshine and warmer temperatures! If not I pray the morning setbacks are only temporary and things will be humming along by the afternoon.

My retreat with the priests of the Dioceses of Jefferson City, MO is going along well. They had a free afternoon and evening yesterday which enable me to work on somethings that are due next week. We are back at it today with three talks and a homily. Once again I would ask that you keep the priests that are on retreat in your prayers today and if you could remember their preacher also it would be greatly appreciated!

I had something happen to me on Tuesday afternoon that made a frequent nightmare real. As an itinerant preacher I always free not writing down all my assignments on my calendar. People call and email asking if I would celebrate parish mission and retreats of all kinds. Often these requests are far in advance. Often I am on the road or responding to them as I am traveling somewhere. I just have always had this fear that I missed something that I forgot to write an agreement down. Well on Tuesday afternoon I received a call from a priest about a retreat that I will be giving to his community in June. I looked on my calendar that there was a retreat for priests during the dates he mentioned but not to his community. All afternoon I searched through my emails and final found ones where I had agreed to give the retreat but I never marked it on my calendar. I apologized for my mistake but I does not make me feel good these days and now I wonder what other commitments I have failed to write down!

Well enough about my failures and struggles. May all of you have a great Thursday filled with many blessings and graced with many moments that will put a smile on your face. Please know that you are in my prayers today and always. Peace in Christ’s Passion and Hope in the Risen Lord…Fr. Paul

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 04/29/2015

Daily Thoughts: Once again we are privy to the life of the early Church. In today’s first reading Barnabas and Saul set apart from the others and the Holy Spirit comes upon them, sending them to their ministry to the Gentles. We meet Mark and other characters in the story of the early Church. We begin to see how the faith communities identified people alive in God’s Spirit and called them forth to proclaim the Good News.

We might say that this little section from the Acts of the Apostles is a practical example of what Jesus speaks about in John’s Gospel today. Jesus continues to remind us of how important his relationship is with the Father. He reminds us that we need to listen for the words of God as they come from Jesus and as they come from those who the Spirit sends. The Good News comes from God, it is alive with God’s Spirit, and it is the light that will guide us on our journey of faith.

The challenge is always our willingness to hear and see the gift of God in our life. The challenge is to be open each day to the many ways in which God becomes present to us. The challenge is to take the Word we hear and the Light we see and make it known to the world. The challenge is to be the voice and light of God in our world today!

Have a blessed Wednesday everyone!

Daily Prayer: O God, strength of the faithful, grace us once again with your light today. Help us to see your presence around us and within us. Gift us with your Word, a Word that we not only hear but also proclaim. May we become your light of hope to a world darkened by terror, tragedy, violence, anger, evil and fear. May we be directed by your light of life today and in the living of life always praise you! Amen!

A Runner’s Thoughts: Remember when we run, we are brought into an interaction with something greater than ourselves; we are brought into the presence of God. Our run is a direct, physical way of getting in touch with who we are, of getting in touch with our authentic selves. Our run is a way to getting in touch with our Creator. Let us run today with an openness to the unlimited opportunities to connect with God, to be touched by God, and to create with God!

Daily Blessings: Wednesday greetings and blessings to everyone! I hope your week has been a good one so far. If not I pray that there will be a little warm sun and goodness in your day today. Today is the Hump Day of my retreat for the priests of the Diocese of Jefferson City, MO. We will have a conference and mass this morning and then the retreatants will have a free afternoon and evening. Yes, they get a little break from me which I am sure they are all looking forward to. We will pick up our journey of retreat again tomorrow morning. I would ask you to please continue to keep the priests on retreat in your prayers and if you have the chance please say a prayer for their preacher too!

Let us also keep the city of Baltimore in our prayers – may calm and peace come to the people of Baltimore and may we find a way to live as a world, a nation, a city, a town, a village and a Church united not divided!

Please know of my prayers for you today. I pray that God will bless you with the gift of life in all that you are doing today. I pray that you will bring God’s presence to all you meet. I pray that you will encounter the gift of God’s love as you journey through this day. Be well and safe in your journey through life today! Peace in Christ’s Passion and Hope in the Risen Lord…Fr. Paul

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 04/28/2015

Daily Thoughts: It is always interesting to me to hear the stories of the early Church as they are presented in the Acts of the Apostles. We hear about the struggles and the joyous moments of the early Church. We meet the people who made up the early Church and helped it to move forward. We hear about the wonderful faith filled moments and the dark moments of persecution and challenge.

Each time I hear the stories of the early Church I am reminded that as much as things change they also remain the same. The characters are different, the events are different but the struggles and joys are the same. Today we face many if not all of the same challenges of the early Church. We have communities of great faith; we have preachers on fire with the Good News. We have challenges inside and outside the Church and at time we have persecutions.

Our faith is constantly in question, challenges, under attack. We are faced with change, differences within and a changing, struggling world around us. Like the early Church we are a community of believers listening for the voice of the Good Shepherd. Sometimes we hear it and sometimes the noise of the world around us tries to out shout it.

Our challenge is to hear the Good Shepherd’s voice, to recognize it in the midst of all the other voices and to have faith, to trust and to believe that the Good Shepherd will always be with us and will never leave us to face our perils alone!

Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Good Shepherd, speak to us words that will comfort and strengthen us today. Grace us with your loving and hope filled presence. Help us to always hear and recognize your voice among the many voices of the world. Guide us to the right path of life. Enliven us with your Spirit to be people who always bring joy and hope to the world around us. Love us with your everlasting love. Amen!

A Runner’s Thoughts: Remember when running as a pilgrim, as a friend God, we do not just log miles, witnessing the run as it happens. Our run becomes an act of devotion, a spiritual renewing. Our pilgrim run is not mere sightseeing or getting from one point to another, it is the development of the capacity to see what is sacred, what is of God and to hear the Good Shepherd!

Daily Blessing: Tuesday greetings and blessings to everyone! I hope your day has started off well. The sun is out here in St. Louis and it looks like it is going to be another beautiful day. I hope that same is true where you are!

My retreat for priests here in St. Louis opened last night. There are 28 priests from the Diocese of Jefferson City, MO on retreat and they seem like a very fine group of men. There is a good spirit and I am looking forward to the rest of the week with them. I would ask that you keep these men in your prayers and if you have a chance to add an extra prayer for the preacher it would be greatly appreciated.

As I journey on retreat with these men my prayer is for them that they will have a great retreat but I am also praying for you. I pray today that God will bless all of you. I pray that God will bless your endeavors and your encounters with others. I pray that God will bless you with safe travel if you are out and about. I pray that if you are struggling you will feel God’s presence in the midst of the struggles and know that you are not alone. Most of all as you journey through this day I pray that you may encounter God’s love especially when you don’t think it is there! Peace in Christ’s Passion and Hope in the Risen Lord…Fr. Paul