Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 11/26/2013

Daily Thoughts: One might say that reading today’s Gospel (Luke 21: 5-11) is like watching the evening news or tuning into one of the many 24 hour news stations at any point in the day.  Bad things are a happening, for sure!

Yet, Jesus doesn’t say – run, hide, give up. He says don’t be terrified. Don’t follow all the doom and gloom proclaimers.  Why should we not be terrified? Why should we not hang on every word of the gloom and doom proclaimers? Why - because God’s grace is at work. How the question is do we believe that God’s grace is at work?

Jesus has always said that the things of this world, the things we think so important are not important. Even something like the great temple of Jesus’ time will not and did not last. Our focus, our trust, our faith needs to be placed in God. If not then we will be sucked in by the terror, the doom and gloom of the world. As St. Ignatius of Loyola said, God’s grace is enough.

Our challenge today and every day is to look around and find God’s grace at work in the world and in us. It is there we just need the eyes of faith to see it!

Have a great Tuesday everyone and if you are traveling today like me, please travel safe!

Daily Prayer:
Take, Lord, receive all our liberty, our memory, understanding, our entire will. Give us only Your love and Your grace, that's enough for us. Your love and Your grace, are enough for us.

Take, Lord, receive all that we have and possess. You have given all to us, now we return it. Give us only Your love and Your grace, that's enough for us. Your love and Your grace, are enough for us.

Take, Lord, receive, all is Yours now.  Dispose of it, wholly according to Your will. Give us only Your love and Your grace, that's enough for us. Your love and Your grace, are enough for use.
(Prayer adapted from prayer by St. Ignatius Loyola and the lyrics of Fr. John Foley’s song)

Runner’s Thought: “I don't think about the miles that are coming down the road, I don't think about the mile I'm on right now, I don't think about the miles I've already covered. I think about what I'm doing right now, just being lost in the moment.” (Ryan Hall) As Jesus tells us today in the Gospel it is the same with faith. We don’t think about the past or what might happen ahead of us. We live in the present moment and find God there!

Daily Blessing: Happy Tuesday everyone! A special shout out to my niece Sarah who celebrates her birthday today! Happy Birthday, Sarah and many more! Ah, to be young again!

I hope your week is going well and that things are falling into place for your Thanksgiving celebration. I hope if you are traveling and you live here in the northeast you will be able to get away before the storm arrives. If you are traveling please travel safe!

Today, in a little while, I will be making my way south to Fairfax, Virginia to enjoy Thanksgiving with my niece, nephew and two great nieces! It has become a little tradition in my life and it is one I look forward to because the journey and time give me great joy!

My blessing prayer today for all of you carries a theme of thankfulness. Perhaps it is a prayer you can use when you gather with family and friends on Thanksgiving. Today I pray that you will always find the blessing of thankfulness in your life. – God of all blessings, source of all life, giver of all grace. We thank you for the gift of life: for the breath that sustains life, for the food of this earth that nurtures life, for the love of family and friends without which there would be no life.

We thank you for the mystery of creation: for the beauty that the eye can see, for the joy that the ear may hear, for the unknown that we cannot behold filling the universe with wonder, for the expanse of space that draws us beyond the definitions of our selves.

We thank you for setting us in communities: for families who nurture our becoming, for friends who love us by choice, for companions at work, who share our burdens and daily tasks, for strangers who welcome us into their midst, for people from other lands who call us to grow in understanding, for children who lighten our moments with delight, for the unborn, who offer us hope for the future.

We thank you for this day: for life and one more day to love, for opportunity and one more day to work for justice and peace, for neighbors and one more person to love and by whom be loved, for your grace and one more experience of your presence, for your promise: to be with us, to be our God, and to give salvation.

For these and all blessings, we give you thanks, eternal, loving God, through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen. May the blessing of thankfulness be with you as you journey through this day and always!

Have a great Tuesday everyone! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

Monday, November 25, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 11/25/2013

Daily Thoughts: Friends, sorry that I have not connected with you over the last couple of days! My only excuse is that my plate if a bit full these days with ministry, Thanksgiving and Passionist life. I have been at my computer all day except for a short trip to the Post Office and a little nourishment so I can keep going.

Why is it that everything always seems to happen at once. I can go along for weeks without much to do and then wham - time, energy and work comes at you from all sides. All of a sudden everything need to happen at once. I swear I was not procrastinating but a few other people were and now I pay the price! Ain't life sweet!

Let me say though that all of you have not been far from my thoughts even in my busyness! I wanted to at least send you a thought or two today and you too begin to journey through this week to Thanksgiving!

I ran across a little prayer or blessing the other day now I am not sure whether it comes from the writings of St. Therese of Liseaux or St.Teresa of Ávila. I have not been able to find a clear source. However no matter who it came from it is a nice thought and I share it with you today. You might say it is my Daily Thought, Prayer and Blessing all rolled into one... 

Loving God I prayer for my family and friends today. I pray for all who ask me to pray for them or to remember a prayer request that they have. I pray for all who are in need of prayer today. What follows Lord, is my prayer for them - so please bless them with your presence however they may need it today. For all in need of prayer...

May today there be peace within you.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us. Today - Amen!
Loving God bless my family, friends and all in need today with this prayer!

Have a restful and peaceful evening everyone! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul