Saturday, August 27, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 08/27/2016

Daily Thought: “You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope.” (Thomas Merton)

Perhaps this is the spirit of today Gospel (Matt. 25:14-30) that we take the chance and invest our life. There are always risks involved but in the end wouldn't it be great to hear God say to us, "Well done good and faithful servant, come share my joy!"

And who better to teach us the art of taking a risk, of investing our life but mothers. They are our first and most significant teachers and today we honor a very famous mother St. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine.

St. Monica is a saint because she was a mother, a mother who cared, a mother who didn’t give up, a mother who didn’t forget, a mother who took a chance, who invested her life. She spent her life praying for her family, asking God to change their hearts, so that they might find the presence of God in their lives.

Mothers are unique people. From the very beginning of life they give of themselves totally. They give of themselves physically by creating our first home in this world, the womb. They give of themselves physically by offering us our first nourishment, both inside the womb and outside once we enter the world, so that we can begin to grow into the person God has created us to be. Mother’s give of themselves emotionally caring, nurturing protecting and guiding us as encounter the world around us. And finally mothers give spiritually, holding us always in their prayers, storming heaven, being present to God so that we make out way safely through life.

St. Monica is a wonderful model of motherhood. She never gave up on her family, especially her son. I am sure she had some days of struggle. I am sure she questioned God at times. I am sure she carried the extra burden that all mothers do, but she never gave up, she never stopped recognizing the possibilities.

In our world we sometimes hear stories of mothers who give up however from my perspective they are few far between given the untold stories of mothers who never give up. On this feast of St. Monica, we have the opportunity to offer a prayer of thanks for our own mothers and all mothers. We have to opportunity to offer a prayer for all mothers especially new mothers, young mother, mothers in the midst of raising a family that they will always have the strength to give when no one else seems to give and that they will continue to never give up on us!

And in the spirit of the Gospel – Let us be good and faithful servants by giving thanks and offering a prayer for mothers today! Have a great Saturday everyone!

Daily Prayer:
Loving God, we pray today through the intercession of St. Monica for all mothers, grant them the grace to appreciate the dignity, grace and blessing which you have given them as mothers. Help them to realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with the privilege to share in your creative miracle of bringing new life into the world. Bless all mothers today and help them to be good, faithful, caring, nurturing and strong after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the grace of Jesus’ love and the intercession Mary and Monica we ask your continued blessings upon all families. Let mothers and fathers be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen!

A Runner’s Thoughts: “I run because long after my footprints fade away, maybe I will have inspired a few to reject the easy path, hit the trails, put one foot in front of the other, and come to the same conclusion I did: I run because it always takes me where I want to go.” (Dean Karnazes) And so to in the spiritual life…

Daily Blessings: Saturday greetings and blessings to all! I hope your day has started off well and that you have been gifted at least by nature with a beautiful day!

In the spirit of St. Monica whom we honor today a shout out to all mothers that the gift of St. Monica’s spirit will be with you throughout your journey as mothers. And a prayer of thanks to all mothers, both living a deceased for their strength, courage, faithfulness and love!

I pray for God’s blessings upon all of you today that your day will be filled with many positives and that the negatives will only be fleeting moments. May the richness of God’s grace and blessings be upon all you, upon everyone you meet and upon everyone you love! May there be many words, signs and people of encouragement in your life today! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

Friday, August 26, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 08/26/2016

Daily Thoughts: In our Gospel today (Matthew 25: 1-13), I know that Jesus is focused on the end time, whether it is his final coming or the day that God calls each of us individually. And his point is that we need to be awake and we need to be ready like the five wise virgins because not being ready, not being awake has dreadful consequences, (see wailing and grinding of teeth from yesterday).

However, I believe Jesus’ story of the ten virgins can be looked at another way. Jesus might not be just talking about the end time or the day God calls each of us home, he might also be talking about this moment and what we are missing if we are not prepared. What graces? What joys? What blessings? What experiences of God’s presence are we missing if we are not prepared, if we are not ready?

It is not always about the negative, about the end time, about wailing and grinding of teeth. It is also about the opportunities we miss each day, each moment of our life because God is trying to give us good things but we are more concerned about what is going on around us. We are prepared, we are focused on God, we cut corners and the oil runs out!

Are you prepared? Do you have enough oil in your lamp? Or are you going to miss the wedding feast?

Have a great Friday!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, you have called us to be one, to live in unity and harmony and yet we are divided. O Lord, break down the walls that separate us, tear down the fences of indifference and hatred, forgive us the sins that divide us, free us from pride and self-seeking, help us overcome our prejudices and fears, give us courage to open ourselves to others; by the power of your Holy Spirit, make us one. Amen (Adapted from a prayer by the World Council of Churches – 1983)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “Everyone who has run knows that its most important value is in removing tension and allowing a release from whatever other cares the day may bring.” (Jimmy Carter) So too in the spiritual life when we are talking about prayer…

Daily Blessings: Friday greetings and blessings to all! It is the beginning of a beautiful morning here in Long Beach however the humidity has returned and it is going to be a hot one. In a few moments I will head to Church for the 8:00 am mass. I hope your day has started off well and will only get better.

My prayer of blessing for all you today is that our Loving God, the giver of all good gifts, will bless you today with hearts that love you, so that by deepening your sense of respect and reverence for yourself you may nurture within yourselves and others only what is good. May God bless you with a watchful care throughout this day so that wherever you go and whatever you do it will be in, and through and with God. May God bring you home safe to those you love that you might celebrate the gift of family, of friendship, of community, of your love so that your sleep will be restful and you will be energized to welcome tomorrow! May God offer you much grace and many blessings as you journey through this day! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 08/25/2016

Daily Thoughts: “God is always trying to give good things to us, but our hands are too full to receive them.” (St. Augustine of Hippo) I was thinking about these words from St. Augustine in terms of our Gospel today (Matthew 24: 42a, 44). Yes, I know that Jesus is focused on the end time, whether it be his final coming or the day that God calls each of us individually. Yes, we need to be awake and ready because not be ready, not being awake has dreadful consequences, (see wailing and grinding of teeth).

However, I believe Jesus words of “Stay Awake!” or maybe put another way “Be Ready!” can be looked at another way. Jesus might not be just talking about the end time or the day God calls each of us home, he might also be talking about this moment and what we are missing if we are not awake or ready. What graces? What joys? What blessings? What experiences of God’s presence are we missing if we are not awake, if we are not ready?

It is not always about the negative, about the end time, about wailing and grinding of teeth. It is also about the opportunities we miss each day, each moment of our life because God is trying to give us good things but our hands are too full!

Have a great Thursday everyone!

Daily Prayer: I pray, most gentle Jesus, deliver me from all evils, past, present, and to come. Give me a lively faith, a firm hope, and perfect charity, so that I may love you with all my heart, and all my soul, and all my strength. Make me steadfast in good works and grant me perseverance in your service, so that I may please you always. Amen (Prayer by St. Clare of Assisi)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “I don’t wear earbuds or track my heart rate. Running is not about performance for me—it’s a solitary thing, a kind of meditation.” (John Luther Adams)

Daily Blessings: Thursday greetings and blessings to all! I hope your day is starting off well. It is another beautiful day here in Long Beach. It is so nice when the humidity is low. It makes all the difference sleeping and enjoying the day! I hope you are getting a chance to enjoy the beauty of nature where you are today!

My prayer of blessing for all you today is that our Loving God, the giver of all good gifts, will bless you today with hearts that love you, so that by deepening your sense of respect and reverence for yourself you may nurture within yourselves and others only what is good. May God bless you with a watchful care throughout this day so that wherever you go and whatever you do it will be in, and through and with God. May God bring you home safe to those you love that you might celebrate the gift of family, of friendship, of community, of your love so that your sleep will be restful and you will be energized to welcome tomorrow! May God bless your journey through this day! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 08/24/2016

Daily Thoughts: “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” is Nathanael’s (Bartholomew) question to Philip in today's Gospel. In other words, Nathanael wants to know why should I waste my time? Why should I leave what I am doing or not doing to meet this Jesus? Questions any of us might ask if we were in the same situation. Yet, Philip’s invitation to “Come and see” is a life changing event for Nathanael. It is an event that gives him a different perspective on Jesus, on people who come from Nazareth, on life. It gives Nathanael and encounter with God.

The gift of the feast of St. Bartholomew (Nathanael) which we celebrate today is that Bartholomew did not miss his encounter with God and that made all the difference in his life. Throughout the Gospels we encounter people who miss the presence of God. Who are blinded by power, authority and preconceived ideas about people and life. Jesus walks into their midst and they miss their chance to encounter God. They hang on to what is comfortable, what is familiar.

Through the invitation of Philip, Bartholomew does not miss his chance, his opportunity. He however has to let go of his preconceived ideas, his comfortableness and when he does it makes all the difference. It leads him into an encounter with God that forever changes his life.

Let us ask the spirit of St. Bartholomew to help us let go and let God today. Have a great Wednesday everyone!   

Daily Prayer: Grant us, O God, a mind to know you, a heart to seek you, the wisdom to find you, behavior pleasing to you, faithful diligence in waiting for you, and the hope of finally embracing you. Amen. (Adapted from a prayer by St. Thomas Aquinas)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “I'm afraid the reason so many new runners quit is because they never get past the point of feeling like they have to run.” (John Bingham) So to in the spiritual life – people of faith give up on religion, faith and Church because they never get past living their relationship with God out of obligation rather than out of love.

Daily Blessing: Wednesday greetings and blessings to all! I hope your day has started off well and that you have been gifted at least by nature with a beautiful day!

It seems to be the start of another beautiful day here in Long Beach. It is interesting how the lack of humidity changes people’s outlook and responds to a new day. It is no longer a chore to navigate through the day but a morning full of energy and hope that it is going to be a great day!  

I pray for God’s blessings upon all of you today that your day will be filled with many positives and that the negatives will only be fleeting moments. May the richness of God’s grace and blessings be upon all you, upon everyone you meet and upon everyone you love! May there be many words, signs and people of encouragement in your life today! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 08/23/2016

Daily Thoughts: We find ourselves today in the midst of the “Woe to you…” challenges of Jesus. He challenges the scribes, Pharisees and us on where our priorities lie. Are we concerned with the non-essentials of life or do we have our words and action aligned with God’s priorities? Our lives can look good and by all appearances we seem to be holy people, however inside is always what counts. Where are our hearts? Who or what is the center of our life?

These “Woe to you…” statements of Jesus are strong challenges that are not easy to live out. Often we find ourselves comfortable in our nice, neat little worlds. We say all the right things. The outward expression of our faith seems to be spot on however if we look under the hood there is no life, no spirit, the tank is empty. We have allowed the non-essentials to become more important than the essentials – love of God, others and ourselves.

As we live this day let us strive to live authentically according to the values we profess. Yes, we are human, we have our faults and failings and our weaknesses. But today, let us, with God’s grace, strive to live life faithful to the Gospel. Let us look at our lives today and find those things that at times make us hypocrites and ask forgiveness so that we can grow in the essential of life, so that we can grow in the presence of God!

 Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, be present today in our world, our culture, our society, our families and in us. Be present within us as a peaceful yet powerful Friend. Enliven us with the splendor of faith and the love of your tender heart. Guide the actions of our lives so that they will always be good works that offer your present especially to those in need. Impart within us your gentle Spirit so that we all always be alive with the energy of your joy filled presence. Amen!

A Runner’s Thoughts: “The reason we race isn't so much to beat each other…but to be with each other.” (Christopher McDougall) And the reason we are Church is so that we don’t make the journey alone but we make it together as a community of faith!

Daily Blessing: Tuesday greetings and blessing to everyone! I hope your day has started off well and that you have the energy and enthusiasm to deal with whatever this day brings to your life!

It is another beautiful morning here in Long Beach, in about an hour I will head over to the church for the 8:00 am mass. The humidity has gone away at least for the moment which always makes things just a little nicer. May your Tuesday be a day rich in the gift of sun and good memories and may you enjoy a beautiful summer’s day wherever you are.

My prayer for all of you today is that God’s blessings will be upon all of you as you go through your day. May God bless all your endeavors, may God be with you in all of your challenges and in all of your struggles. May God bless you with the grace to trust in the presence of God that you carry within you and the courage not to be afraid to share your gift. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

Monday, August 22, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 08/22/2016

Daily Thoughts: “Woe to you….” These statements seem out of character for Jesus, who usually uses positive statements to challenge us. Yet, I guess every once in a while, we need to hear what not to do. The challenge of today’s Gospel is on what we see as important. The scribes and Pharisees made it a habit of placing importance on the accidentals of life rather than the essentials. In other words, they placed importance on the unimportant.

Through his challenge to the scribes and Pharisees today Jesus asks us to stop and think about how we are living out our faith. Is it a faith grounded in unimportant things or is it a faith ground in a relationship with God? Do we think that God is the center but then we make actions, rituals, words and customs far more important than living out our relationship with God? Do we make things more important than people? Do we make ritual and places more important than prayer and actions?

Woe to us if we don’t love. Woe to us if we don’t care for those in need. Woe to us if we first don’t find God in others and ourselves. Woe to us if rituals, places and the repetition of words become more important than people. Yes, I guess every once in a while, we have to be challenged by the negative that seems to take hold of our lives.

Have a great Monday everyone!   

Daily Prayer:
Today, dear Lord, three things we pray
To see you more clearly
Love you more dearly
Follow you more nearly, today!

Today, dear Lord, three things we pray
To see you more clearly
Love you more dearly
Follow you more nearly, every day!
(Adapted from the lyrics of the Godspell song Day By Day.)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “Non-runners may not believe how beneficial running can be, but it's true. Running has rocked people's lives – improving the way they look, the way they feel, the way they think, and the way they look at life.” (Florence Griffith Joyner and John Hanc)

Running can also improve the way we pray and the way we see and understand God in our life!

Daily Blessing: Monday greetings to all! I hope this finds you well today and rested from a weekend that was blessed by some down time with family and friends. My weekend was busy as it should have been but it was certainly life-giving and blessed by God’s presence.

I turned the air conditioning off last night as the weather changed here. This morning there is a cool breeze coming in my window and it is nice not hearing the hum of the air conditioner! I think it is going to be a beautiful day here in Long Beach. The air is certainly cooler, the sun is getting ready to make an appearance and I can hear the ocean from my room! I am looking forward to God’s blessings this day!

Today is a special day for me it is the 34th Anniversary of my profession of first vows with the Passionists. August 22, 1982 was a very hot Sunday in Pittsburgh, seven of us, along with our Passionists, family and friends, proclaimed of our desire to live the Passionist life keeping alive the memory of Christ’s Passion through our lives, our ministry and our prayer. Three of us remain from that hot August afternoon, Fr. Melvin Shorter, C.P., Fr. Chris Cleary, C.P. and yours truly. It is interesting to note that we were the three oldest members of the class. I am not sure what that means, maturity, intelligence, wisdom or we just had given up too much to turn back. Who knows! I am thankful to my two classmates for an interesting 35+ years, for their friendship, for their faithfulness, and for being there on the journey. I am thankful to all of you, for your love, support and prayers that have kept me going!

And I pray that God will bless all of us on this Monday. For some it is the beginning of a new school year, for others it is the beginning of a new work week, for others it may be the first or last week of vacation and for still others it might be the last day of this life. May God’s blessing be upon us wherever we find ourselves. May God bless us with the grace we need to live this day and in living this day may we bring God’s presence to all we meet! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 08/21/2016

Daily Thoughts: If I had to pick a theme or a focus for the Gospels that we have heard throughout the summer it might be discipleship. Or maybe said differently what it takes to be a Christian or Catholic. Each week for the last few months Jesus has challenged his disciples, he has challenged us to see things differently and thus to live life differently.

Jesus’ words have often been hard to swallow and at times have caused tension within us. Jesus often asks us to go against the way the world sees things, the way the world does business. Today’s Gospel is no different. When asked who will be saved, Jesus tells us, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate.” The world might say, “Look for the biggest gate there is.” Take the easiest way. But Jesus say, “Go for the narrow gate.” In other words, take a different path, a path that is often harder. Be faithful to your relationship with God. Do get caught up in the things of the world. Be faithful!

It is not an easy journey and Jesus has told us this over and over again. It is hard, difficult and at times it can be impossible. It is a journey that can turn things upside down. The last go first and the first go last. It is a journey where the rewards in this life are often small but the journey through this life is only temporary thus the rewards in the life to come will be profound. Yes, God is a merciful God but at some point our time in this life will be over and it will be important to be ready. Because if we are not ready when God calls. If we have not been faithful to this relationship. If we have not strived for the narrow gate. We will find ourselves outside where there is “wailing and grinding of teeth.”

As our responsorial psalm tells us a disciple, a Christian, a Catholic is someone who goes out to all the world and tells the Good News. It is not easy. It is not something that everyone is doing. Yet in the long run it will make all the difference.

Have a great Sunday everyone!

Daily Prayer: I will love you, O Lord, my strength, my stony rock and my defense, my savior, my one desire and love. I will love you with all the power you have given me – not as much as you deserve to be loved, for that can never be, but as much as I am able to. The more power to love you that you give me, the more I will love you. Amen. (Prayer by St. Bernard of Clairvaux)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “Don’t make a bad day a bad week, a bad week a bad month, a bad month a bad year. Wake up and reset.” (Barry Brokaw)

Daily Blessing: Sunday greetings and blessings to all. I hope your Sunday is starting off well. The sun is trying to rise here in Long Beach. I think today we are going to have a little of everything, some sun, some clouds, some rain and perhaps most importantly by the end of the day a break in the humidity. Yeah!

I have a busy morning as I will be celebrating the 8:00 am and 10:00 am masses here at St. Ignatius Martyr but then the rest of the day will be a nice relaxing Sunday. I hope you will get to enjoy the day and perhaps even give a little time to God.

My Sunday prayer of blessing is that you will be blessed with the spirit of faith to help you on this journey through life. May you be blessed with the spirit of hope to get you through the rough times. May you be blessed with a spirit of mercy to help to see God in others and yourself. May you be blessed with the spirit of love to remind you in whose image and likeness you are created in, how special you are and that you are never alone. As you journey through this day may you know that God is with you always and will never leave you to face your struggles alone! Don’t forget to give God a little time today and have a great Sunday everyone! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul