Friday, November 22, 2013

Are We a Great Nation? - 50 Years of Memory

I am not a great writer. I cannot use words as a painter uses a brush and color to create a beautiful picture or as a great musician uses an instrument capture our attention. My words are often ordinary, mundane and imperfect. They are often not elegant or masterfully crafted. They most often paint stick figures and create predictable sounds.

Yet on this anniversary of President Kennedy’s death I would like to share a few thoughts with you. They might not come out with power or be able to hold your attend for long and they certain will not be Pulitzer Prize musings but they are mind for what they are worth.

These are the thoughts about today what we remember today from a 60 year old. These are thoughts about our nation, about us and perhaps what we learned and what we have forgot over the past 50 years.

Today we remember, we recall a tragedy that took place fifty year ago. It is the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy. I was just ten years old and I remember the day very well. The most vivid image I have is returning home from school to find the TV repair man trying to fix our TV and my mother ironing cloths in the kitchen crying. I would guess at age 10 I did not truly understand the magnitude of the events of that day but I certainly do today!

Fifty years ago our nation had a profound sadness, whether you were a republican, democrat, independent or whatever this day brought great sadness. We were one on this day 50 years ago. Our dreams and hopes of a new way of life were crushed by an assassin’s bullet. President Kennedy had given us a vision, a hope. It was going to be a long journey and there were many obstacles in the way but we had hope. There were struggle, disagreements, challenges and opposite sides but we had hope. To many it might have seemed like a fairy tale, but we had hope. There were republicans, democrats, independents, conservatives, liberals, progressives, traditionalist, but we had hope!

Yet I believe that today hope is hard to find. We have wandered very far from what this day meant 50 years ago. As I journey through the land of the technology, television, the internet, Facebook, Twitter, to name just a few I often have a profound sadness. We are now a nation divided, angry and profoundly disrespectful. We would prefer to tear down then to build up. We would prefer to be against than to find a way to be united. We would prefer to ridicule rather than honor. We want it only our way and have no use for what others think unless they think like us. We use the technology we have to make fun of, criticize, bully, degrade and be negative rather than find common ground and grow. Today we have republicans, democrats, independents, conservatives, liberals, progressives, traditionalist, tea partiers and little cause to hope!

I wonder if President Obama where to assassinated would the nation be one? Would we grieve, would we mourn, would we come together? Sadly, I think not! The prejudice, nature, regression, negativity and hate that consumes us at time as a nation continues to be fed and fortified with every Tweet, Facebook posting, Instagram cartoon and 24 for hour news channel. We are a nation divided, angry and selfish. We are a nation were hate and prejudice has become the norm. We are a nation that has lost our focus, our respect, as a people of faith, as people united, as people working for a better world, as a people of hope.

Might we pause for a moment in the midst of this anniversary to consider what we value, to consider what is important and perhaps just for a day not bash one another, not degrade one another, not disrespect one another. Say something good about another person on Facebook today. Say something good about another person on Twitter today. Say something good about the President today on Facebook and Twitter or any place else today. Say something good about our nation and the people in it no matter where and how they have come to this land!

Let us remember what we lost 50 years ago. Let us remember what made us sad; what made us one, 50 years ago today. Let us be dedicated to honor, respect, vision, faith and all that can be good when people listen, talk and think beyond just themselves. Let us find hope once again!

Daily Thoughts - 11/22/2013

Daily Thoughts: As one of my brother Passionist said as we celebrated mass this morning, the Jesus we find in the Gospel today (Luke 19: 45-48) was an observant Jew. He valued his community of faith. Sometimes it is the Jesus who ate with sinners and crossed the boundaries of his faith that we are drawn to, but we also need to remember the Jesus was profoundly respectful and observant of his faith.

Jesus was also zealous as we see today, his anger at the commercialism of the temple area had its roots in a deep respect for the purpose and place of the temple in the life of the people. It was to be a place of prayer. It was to be a place to go to get away for the everyday busyness and business of life.

What we learn from today’s Gospel is that no matter what approach to life that Jesus took it was not going to be good enough or right for the religious leadership. If we was eating with sinner or healing on the Sabbath or talking to women, he was wrong. If he was driving out merchants for the temple area he was wrong. The religious leadership did not seem to like the zealousness of Jesus for life and his faith.

Our challenge today is to learn from Jesus - when, why and how to be zealous. When, why and how to bring energy, enthusiasm and spirit to our life. We need to be observant Christian, we need to value and respect the places and structure of our faith community. We also need to be about life and finding ways to include everyone in the journey no matter what the cost!

Have a great day everyone!

Daily Prayer:
Loving God, make us instruments of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let us sow love,
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.

O Creator of all that is good, grant that we may not so much seek
 to be consoled as to console,
 to be understood as to understand,
 to be loved, as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
(Adapted from a prayer attributed to St. Francis of Assisi)

Runner’s Thought: As prayerful runner we always seem to find it inadequate to sit and wait for the Spirit to appear. As prayerful runners, we always want to run towards God but if we are prayerful runner’s what we always find is that God is running toward us at twice the speed! (Adapted from Roger Joslin – Running the Spiritual Path)

Daily Blessing: TGIF to all! I hope your day has started off well. It is a rainy morning here in Pelham. Yes, I have returned home after a wonderful five days in Jacksonville, FL at Holy Family Parish and I send a special shout out to all the people there who might be joining us today! It was a graced time and I was blessed to be with people of great faith and spirit.

Today is the feast day of St. Cecilia. She was one of the most venerated martyrs in the early Church. She also associated with music and is patron saint of musicians which stems from a story that on her wedding day she sang to God from her heart. So happy feast day to all musicians out there and a special shout out to my great niece Emilia who has begun to learn the violin may St. Cecilia guide your hands, fingers and heart to make wonderful music!

As a nation we are focused on the tragedy of President Kennedy’s death 50 years ago today so in the spirit of this day and what it means to our nation I ask for God’s blessing upon us –

Loving God keep us alert today and always to your unpredictable answers, to your unexplainable surprises and to your unrelenting presence.

By your grace and love, make us ever grateful that we are one of your surprises each day of our lives.

Bless us today and always with a faith, that moves mole hills and mountains, has often an unseen healing touch, lives everyday stories, celebrates simple suppers, and carries Crosses of Life which turn into Resurrections of hope.

Help us to be people of faith, hope and love who are positive, respectful and open to all that is good and life giving. Amen. Blessing to all today! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

PS A little extra reflection today – In the first reading from the First Book of Maccabees (1 Maccabees 4:36-37; 52-59) we experience the rededication of the temple a Jewish feast that we know today as Hanukkah. This celebration and the exhortation to continue to remember each year made me pause because today is the 60th anniversary of my baptism. Yes, 60 years ago on November 22, 2013, 20 days after I was born I was welcomed into the Church. Like the Israelites I too need to remember this very special day in my life. I was dedicated to God this day and welcomed into this wonderful faith community called Church.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 11/20/2013

Daily Thoughts: Today readings (2 Maccabees 7:1, 20-30 and Luke 19: 11-28) are long and tough. In the first reading we hear about a mother who must watch her seven sons die. In the Gospel we hear another version of the talents story with a twist. Violence abounds in both stories. They do not seem to be stories that can send us on our journey through this day in a positive way, We might even say that these stories show us another side of God, one that we might not understand.

Yet I think we can gleam a positive focus for our day from our scripture stories. The thread that runs through both stories is that of faith. The mother in 2 Maccabees wants her sons to be faithful even if it means death. Their faithfulness will not only help them but also the community.

In the Gospel parable Jesus is asking us to take a risk, to trust, to have faith, He asks us to use our gifts and talents to the best of our ability. He asks us to invest in ourselves and others. He doesn't want us to fear God but to trust God, to trust ourselves and to live by faith.

Yes, sometimes the scripture can seem negative, the stories seem violent and overwhelming but if we stop to consider God's word and let it touch us we will always be able to find the challenge and the loving presence of God to take us through the day! Trust my friends, be faithful and may God be with you and bless your day!

Daily Prayer: Loving God help us to be grateful today. Help us to recognize your love in everything you have given us, because we know, we believe that you have has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of your love, every moment of existence is a grace, because it brings with it immense graces from you.

Gracious God, in gratitude we must never take anything for granted. We must never be unresponsive to your love. We must constantly be awakening to new wonder and giving praise for you awesome goodness. We want to be grateful people because we know that a grateful person knows that God is good, not by hearsay but by experience. And this is what makes all the difference. Amen! (Adapted from words by Thomas Merton)

Runner’s Thought: “Running, much like life, [faith and the spiritual life], has its hills and valleys. On any given run, and particularly in most marathons, we come across easy stretches and seemingly impossible challenges. I have learned to just keep going. The tough moments never last, and the easy stretches are always a joy. The same is clearly true in life [in faith and the spiritual life], if we just keep going we'll get to that finish line with water, massages, and bananas! [And friendship with God!] (Main part of quote by Will Starr, Runner's World Challenger of the Week – I add what is in the brackets)

Daily Blessing: Happy Hump Day everyone! I hope your day has started off well? Here in Jacksonville I am getting ready to begin the final day of the mission. First up on the agenda for today is a school mass at 9:00 am and the morning mission talk. It will be a busy day! It has been a busy week here so far but a good one. It is nice to be back into ministry in this way. At the end of the day I am tired but it is a good tired! So as you begin your day which I hope will be a good one please offer a prayer for the people here at Holy Family and for their preacher so that this closing day of the mission will be a good one filled with spirit, energy and life.

My prayer of blessing for all of us today... May God bless us all today – Loving God bless us – Bless us and keep us safe. Let your face shine upon us and show us your compassion especially in those moments when we may struggle. May your love and peace embrace us, all we meet and especially those we love. May our journeys be safe and may we find our way home tonight to enjoy your gift family and rest. Amen! Blessings to all and enjoy your day! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 11/19/2013

Daily Thoughts: We encounter the famous story of Zacchaeus in today's Gospel (Luke 19:1-10). Zacchaeus had to liabilities, one he was short and the other was that he was a tax collector.

Now he could not do anything about his shortness, that was with him to stay. Being a tax collector seemed to be his choice. We do not know how he got the job or why he wanted it but it put him in a bad light with many people and the religious leadership. He was seen as a sinner, someone who sold out to the Romans and someone who was cheating his own people just to get ahead in life.

However there was something honest and interesting about Zacchaeus. When he heard that Jesus was in town, he wanted to see him, catch a glimpse. So as the story goes he climbed a tree and we might say the rest was history. Jesus saw him and invited him down for a closer look.

We find out through the conversation between Jesus and Zacchaeus that Zacchaeus is trying to be an honest man and he is willing to go the extra mile if he has hurt or harmed anyone by his position and he is rewarded for his honesty and good heart as Jesus comes to his house.

Zacchaeus was able to take his shortcomings, his liabilities and turn them into strengths. He was able to make a positive situation out of what seemed to be a negative.  All he need to do was seek out God in his life.

With this story Jesus once again reminds us that good things, faithful things can come from unexpected situations and people. Like Zacchaeus we need to be on the lookout for the presence of God in our life and be bold when our chance comes to encounter that presence!

Have a great day everyone!

Daily Prayer: "The Cross of My Lord, Be my Standard, Be my Comfort, Be the Answer to all dark questions, The Light of all nights, The Sign that You have chosen us, The mysterious and sure Sign that we are Yours for eternity. Amen." (By Fr. Karl Rahner, S.J.)

Runner's Thoughts: At first an ordeal and then an accomplishment, the daily run becomes a staple, like bread, or wine... or air. (Benjamin Cheever, author and Runner's World contributor) We might also say that the daily run also becomes our prayer, our conversation with God each day!

Daily Blessing: Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope this finds you well and enjoying the gift of a new day. If not, if things are a little rushed, disorganized and you feel like you have gotten off on the wrong foot, hang in there, you are in my prayers and I will take your struggles with me into this second day of mission with the hope that all will be well by the end of the day!

Yes, I am into the second day of the mission here in Jacksonville and Holy Family Parish. It was a great first day and I am looking forward to this second day. There is a good spirit and I hope to build on that today. Please keep the faith community here in your prayers and if you get a chance say a prayer or two for the preacher!

So let's go forward into this new day whether it has started off well or not by asking for God's blessing on all that we will do and upon all we meet but also let's God's blessing upon us that like Zacchaeus we will not miss the gift of God in our life today!

Loving God, bless our families, our friends and all your faithful people so that we, like Zacchaeus, will always try to live your truth; express your love by our lives; share your passion by our enthusiasm; take action with your grace; walk by faith; dance and sing to the gift of your spirit and embrace your unimaginable blessings. Help us make today worth remembering because we know that you created us out of love. God's blessings on your day everyone! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul