Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lenten Daily Thoughts

Daily Thoughts: "Repairer of the breach...Restorer of ruined homesteads." Do we not have a picture of these titles in the Gospel today? Jesus invites Levi (Matthew) to follow him. Jesus invites a tax collector a profession that made the people involved hateful to society. Yet, Jesus brings them into the community of faith. Jesus eats with tax collectors and sinners and the religious leaders are taken back, Jesus brings those who are thought to be outside the community into the community. Yes, Jesus in the true "repairer of the breach and restorer of ruined homesteads.

However, these words and this story are not just about Jesus. Isaiah is speaking to us. Jesus is laying down an example for us. We are to be the repairers of the breach and restorers of the ruined homesteads. It is our job as members of the faith community to reach out and make those on outside welcome within the community.

So often we find within the faith community people who find it much easier to judge, to exclude, to criticize, to question the actions of people then to reach out and help. So often we find people within the faith community who create the breach and ruin the homesteads.

As people of faith we live with the hope that the words of Isaiah are fulfilled in the person of Jesus but we also live with the challenge that as a disciple of Jesus we need to keep that hope alive. It has been said that through what God "does" we come to know who God "is." I think this can also be said about us. Though what we do for others as a people of faith people will come to know who we are.

As we continue this journey of Lent let us respond to Jesus' invitation to follow and give life and hope to life as repairers and restorers!

Daily Lenten Prayer: Almighty and ever-loving God, look with compassion on our humanness, on all our struggles and weaknesses. Strengthen us for the journey ahead. Give us the wisdom to follow your call. Enliven us with the grace to be repairers and restorers of your love. Help us to be people of hope and to bring that hope to all we meet. Amen!

Runner's Thought: As we run today let us find the grace and strength to choose the narrow road, the steep uphill climb, the rocky trail, the muddy path because these choices are made by few and these choice can at times make all the difference!

Happy Saturday everyone! I hope you are having a restful and peaceful Saturday. If it happens to be a busy one may you find a little time in the midst of today to at least take a little breather. I head out this afternoon for Peekskill, NY where I begin a mission this evening. I will be preaching all the masses today and tomorrow and then the mission with be from Monday to Wednesday at 9:00 am and 7:30 pm. If you are in the area come and join us. Again, enjoy your day, enjoy your weekend, blessings on all you do today and on everyone you meet! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Friday, February 15, 2013

Lenten Daily Thoughts - 02/15/2013

Daily Thoughts: Who shall know the mind of God? No one really, God's thoughts are not our thoughts; God's ways are not our ways. I find the reading from Isaiah rather interesting today. It confirms for me something about my faith that I have struggled with for many years, the idea of doing things to be seen rather than doing things to make a difference.

In recent years there has been a movement among some to kneel down or bow profoundly when receiving communion. There are those in high places who commend this practice and there are others who think all should be doing this. However, if we apply Isaiah's words to the situation it might sound something like this, "Do you call receiving communion in this way what I want? This rather, is the receiving communion that I want, I want you to receive and then take me into the world, help others, be the presence of God everywhere you go!

However we receive communion is not the point or the importance it is what we do once we receive the Lord. It is how we treat people that makes all the difference. God does not put a lot of importance in the "show" of things, in the "how" we do it, in the "what" we look like when doing it, in how many people see it, in the how reverent it is. God puts value in the way we live our faith, the way we interact with the world, the way we treat others, the way in which we bring God's compassion to the world.

In The Gospel, the religious leaders are once again hung up on the rules, regulations and rituals but Jesus in about the living of life. Jesus is about recognizing God in our midst. Lent keeps reminding us that our thoughts are not God's thoughts and our ways are not God's way, yet we have the opportunity to recognize the presence of God in our life and change the way we think and the way we act so that we are about God and not ourselves.

Lenten Daily Prayer: O God, help us to walk in your ways. May our lives be about the gifts of your love and may our words, actions and works bring life to others and ourselves. May we never do anything for show but for the honor and glory of the kingdom. May what we do always reflect a concern for others. Be with us always and when we struggle may we always hear your voice say "Do not fear, here I am!" Amen!

Runner's Thought: As we run today let us think of our breathing as inhaling God and exhaling extraneous thoughts, ideas and struggles. Let us allow all those thoughts that are buzzing about in our heads to move through our bodies and be expelled through our breath so that God has more space to be within us!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have had a good week. I hope you have had a good beginning of Lent, because it is going to be a long journey. Blessings on everyone today, may it be a good end to the work week, may it be the beginning of a restful and relaxing weekend. Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

PS I ask your prayers for me and the many faith communities I will visit as I head out on the road until Easter Sunday. I will be in place like, Peekskill, NY, Bismarck, ND, Bethesda, MD, Stony Point, NY, Brooklyn, NY, Marboro, NJ and The Bronx, so if you are near one of these place come and join in the faith journey. This weekend I begin a mission at Assumption Parish in Peekskill, NY. If you want to know where I am just check in at my web site and you can track my journey through Lent!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Daily Thoughts for Lent - 02/14/2013

Daily Thoughts for Lent: "Today I have set before you life and prosperity, death and doom...I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life..." Moses in the Book of Deuteronomy presents to the people, presents to us two roads for the taking and suggests to us that we choose the road of life.

Many years ago as I was entering religious life my sister gave me a gift; I think it was for Christmas. It was a picture of a road sign, with an arrow pointing in two directions. It is the kind of sign that you find as a road comes to an end and as a drive you have to make a choice to go either right or left. Beneath the picture were the last three lines of Robert Frost's poem The Road Not Taken.

"Two roads diverged in the woods, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
The picture has hung on my wall where ever I have lived over the years and has been an inspiration; it has been a reminder that the journey that I have traveled even though difficult at times has been the right journey. 
We might say that Moses is presenting to us two roads that diverge in the living of life. That we stand before those two roads that Moses calls Life and Death, blessing and curse, prosperity and doom. There are no signs just the choice of two roads, two ways to live life and we have to choose. Moses suggests that we choose life. In many ways this suggestion is the road less traveled because it is not always comfortable, it is not always self-gratifying, it is not always easy and it is not always the road everyone else is traveling. The road of life can be filled with crosses, struggles, challenges, steep hills and selfless responses.
The road of life has none of the allurements that you often find on the other road, power, wealth, instant gratification, self-importance, status and greatness in the eyes of the world. Yet, on the road of life you also do not find loneliness, judgmentalness, selfishness, greed, anger and death. On the road of life you will find a community. It is a community ready to help, ready to walk with you. It is a community with a vision, a purpose beyond this life. It is a community of faith, of hope and of love. On the road of life your faith will be strengthened, your hope will be enlivened and love will be the order of the day!
Yes, as we begin Lent we are presented with two roads diverging in front of us. There is a great crowd walking down the one, no so many on the other. Which road are we going to choose? My hope is that we choose the road less traveled, my hope is we choose life because that will make all the difference!
Lenten Daily Prayer: O God of Life, as we stand before the roads that this day presents to us, enliven us with the wisdom to choose the road of life. As we walk this road less travel keep us ever mindful that we are not alone that you walk with us. Strengthen us for the crosses, the challenges of this road. Grace us with the hope that we will always find your presence, your forgiveness, your mercy, your truth and your love as we make this journey. May we choose the road of life today and let it make all the difference in our life and in the lives of all we meet! Amen!
Runner's Thought: Perhaps as we run today we too should choose the road less traveled: the road of awareness as we run, the road of revelation as we run, the road of intention as we run, the road of mindfulness as we run, the road of imagination as we run, the road of prayer as we run. Today let's pick a road we have not traveled lately and let it make a difference in our life today!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! May you celebrate with your loved ones today, especially the most important loved ones in your life! For me this is a day to remember all the many people who have brought the gift of love into my life. I offer a special prayer for all of you today and I also remember those who have passed on who were such important teachers of love in my life. I truly hope all of you will have a wonderful day gifted with many moments of love and many people you love! Blessings today and always! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday Daily Thoughts - 02/13/2013

Ash Wednesday: There is always a bit of tension went it comes to the scriptures at mass on Ash Wednesday, especially the Gospel. Jesus' words all point a quiet, non-public, personal and hidden commitment to fasting, alms giving and prayer. Yet, right after the Gospel we parade up and get a large cross of ashes that we can wear throughout the day for everyone to see. It doesn't seem right but that is what we do!

I got a little clarity this morning at mass when one of my community members who was celebrating our mass articulated my struggle but then said perhaps it is important for us as a faith community to do this as we begin Lent. Ashes are a sign of unity, a sign of belonging and often for us that is important. I had never considered it that way. The ashes we Christians receive today connect us, they bring us together for a common purpose. Now we will each live out that common purpose differently, some more involved than others but we are together, we are connected!

Now I still struggle with the fact that churches are full to overflowing today because people want the ashes and we will take them anyway we can get them, often wishing to avoid the mass or service, just give us the ashes. However, each and every Sunday when we have the opportunity to receive the Body and Blood of Christ often we are nowhere to be found and there is plenty of room in the church. I do not think I will ever understand how ashes became more important than Eucharist! Perhaps it is wearing the badge, the outward sign of ashes for all to see that makes us feel closer to God. I don't know!

On to more positive thoughts..."Behold, now is a very acceptable time; behold now is the day of salvation. [So] a clean heart create for me O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me," words from St. Paul and Psalm 51 that help us to begin this journey of Lent.

St. Paul was one for always putting things in the moment not caught in the past or look too far ahead, St. Paul in the here and now. Now was always the time, today this moment is what we should be concerned about. Somehow, some way God will be present to us today, God's Spirit will be alive for us today and we dare not miss it! The journey begins today and every day. The end of the journey is today and every day. The time is now!

I have always found the Psalms to be a wonderful book of prayer and if I could make a suggestion for your journey of Lent go to the Psalms and use them as part of your prayer. In fact I would suggest using Psalms 51 and 139. Alternate them during Lent spending some time with each. In Psalm 51 one we seek forgiveness, joy, hope and God's love. In Psalm 139 we are reminded of God great love for us and the intimacy a relationship with God can bring.

During Lent, we can live each day in the hope that now is the time and go to prayer in our inner room knowing that we are not perfect, that we struggle but that God is right there with us!

Ash Wednesday Prayer: O God, with ashes on our forehead we begin Lent knowing that the rest of the journey will not be pubic like today but perhaps more personal, more one on one with you. We will give up things or perhaps do things to hopefully focus our lives on what is most important. We will pray to draw strength for the journey. We will give of ourselves as your ambassadors so that it is not just about "me" but about "us" about You! And so as we journey we ask you to create in us a clean heart and renew in us a steadfast spirit. Help us to remember that now, today is the right time, the acceptable time to encounter and know your love. Fill us with the hope that by your grace we are journeying together in your love. Amen!

Runner's Thought: "Run in the present moment, not from something and not to something. Strive for a grace-filled as well as a graceful run." ...Roger Joslin

Greetings on this Holy and Blessed Ash Wednesday! May today be truly a blessed one and may it be the beginning of a wonderful, faith filled journey through Lent. May it be a journey that renews you, strengthens you and enlivens you with the gifts of God's Faith, Hope and Love! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 02/12/2013

Daily Thoughts: I find the scripture readings today rather interesting and contrasting. On the one hand we have the second half of the creation story which we began yesterday and in the Gospel we find Jesus at odds with the religious leadership over traditions, rules, regulations and rituals.

I always find the ending of the sixth day of creation rather comforting, "God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good," a change from the previous five days when God found everything "good." There seems to be a little something extra to the work of the sixth day the creation of humankind, a creation that forms us in the image and likeness of God. There is a specialness to this sixth day of creation that ends with the proclamation "very good."

It might seem prideful or conceited to think of ourselves as very good yet that is how God found us at the time of creation. The sad part though is does God find us that way now? I would answer, "Yes." There is a very goodness in all of us the problem is many of us have covered it over with junk, buried it and neglected it in search of something greater or more self fulfilling, something that will gratify us for the moment.

All of us carry around within us the image and likeness of God which makes us special and important the trick is to find it, to believe it and to live it.

That brings me to the Gospel, Jesus' struggle with the religious leaders continues event to this day. I have often struggle myself with the way we as an institutional Church have put more emphasis on traditions, objects, rules, regulations and rituals rather than on people. Do not get me wrong, traditions, rules, regulations, and rituals are all important but not at the expense of people. One of my biggest struggles is that at times we treat inanimate object far better than we treat people. Jesus' mission, his message, his ministry, his living of life was about people. He did not disregard traditions, rules, regulations and rituals but he put them in their proper place as helps, as guides not as the be all and end all. He never valued traditions, rules, regulations and rituals over people. He never made them (rules, regulations, rituals) the faith of the community. He never let them hide the image and likeness of God.

I think if we want to be honest with ourselves we need to be challenged by today's Gospel. We need to take a long hard look at what we do with traditions, rules, regulations, rituals in our faith life. We need to realize that perhaps at time we are just like Scribes, Pharisees and religious leaders in the Gospel today, tradition, rules, regulations and rituals get in the way of faith, get in the way of people, get in the way of God!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, we give you thanks this day because we are fearfully and wonderfully made in your image and likeness. Help us realize and recognize this awesome gift. Strengthen us to live our life so that your image and likeness may be encounter by all we meet. Guide us so that our traditions, rules, regulations and rituals do not hide your image within us but serve as tools that help to enhancement of our faith and not become our faith. May the living of our faith always put people first and help us to live in the hope that one day we will hear you proclaim our life as very good! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Run in a new place today, for new places can stretch our capacity for finding the presence of God as we run!

Happy Fat Tuesday everyone! I hope you will take a little time this evening to celebrate and ready yourself to enter Lent. Today is one of those ordinary days that ask for an extra beer at dinner or an extra piece of cake or our favorite dessert. Nothing fancy, just a small celebration that lifts our spirits as we enter the long season of Lent. So friends celebrate today at least a little!

My daily musing and prayers will take on a Lenten flavor so why not join me in my Lenten journey. You will be able to find my thoughts and prayers on my web site and here on my blog. So let's support each other in our faith journey through Lent! Have a great day with many blessings! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Monday, February 11, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 02/11/2013

Daily Thoughts: It was interesting how today's Gospel focused on the sick coming to Jesus and this is the World Day for the Sick and the Feast of Our lady of Lourdes. Lourdes has always been connected with the sick and struggling from what I have heard it is a remarkable place one that I hope to visit in August of 2014.

I also noted a contract between the readings today. The first reading was from the Book of Genesis, it was the first half of the creation story while the Gospel from Mark was about the sick coming to Jesus. On the one hand the gift of creation and on the other a need for healing. Perhaps the first reading reminds us what we really have lost, the gift of creation, the gift of goodness. God wanted the best for us and somewhere along the line we turned it down, we said we knew better! We lost some of the goodness. Since that time we have been about seeking healing, finding that goodness again and it has been a struggle. We have created a great distance between us and God's goodness.

Sometimes I feel like the sick people in the Gospel story who are just trying to touch the tassel on Jesus' clock. If I could just do that things would be better and you know what, sometimes I do. God's goodness is not gone I encounter it each and every day of my life but it takes work because there is so much "non-goodness" out there! But as Jesus walks by we are given the opportunity to touch a tassel and encounter his Goodness.

Let us pray today for the gift of God's Goodness in our lives. Let us pray for the wisdom to recognize those moments when Jesus is near and the courage to reach out and touch his tassel. Let us live in the hope today that God's creation is still at work and that God will look at us at the end of the day and say "Good!"

Daily Prayer: O God, through the intercession of Mary, under her title of Our lady of Lourdes, grace us with the gift of your goodness, your healing and your love. Help us to be people of the Light.  Give us the courage to live this day amidst the craziness that this world often creates. Bless us with the hope that in living life today when evening comes you will help us to say how good it is! Amen!

Runner's Thought: As you run today take with you whatever image of God that is most important to you and allow that image to accompany you on your run, also look for goodness in everyone you encounter. Look for goodness in yourself!

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! Don't let the babbling of the media and social media over the Pope's resignation get you down. Life will go on! It is a rainy day here in New York hopefully were you are there is some sun either outside or in your heart! Have a safe and productive day and if that cannot happen know that you are prayed for and loved! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Thoughts - 02/10/2013

Sunday Thoughts: Sorry to anyone who was looking for my daily thoughts yesterday, I was traveling and by the time I got home I was tired and decided to take the day off. It was a long week and a very good week but I needed a little down time. I am back today refreshed and ready to go!

I have always liked the scene in today's Gospel on a number of levels. It has many things to tell us. Perhaps the most moving part of this scene is the moment Peter realizes the presence of God in his life, he is so overwhelmed he just wants Jesus to leave; he doesn't feel he deserves to be there. "Depart from me, Lord, I am a sinful man."  I don't know how many times I have whispered the same thing in my life. Overwhelmed by the grace of God, yet knowing I am a sinful person who doesn't deserve God gift at that moment.

However, thankfully Jesus did not give up on Peter and doesn't give up on us! Rather than letting Peter drowned in self-pity, self-hate which then might have turned into anger towards self and others. Jesus begins the process of bringing Peter to self-acceptance through the focus of putting others first. Self-acceptance, self-fulfillment is not something we give ourselves; we find it when we give ourselves in healthy ways to others.

Since joining social media like Twitter and Facebook I have been struck by all the wonderful things people do for one another. But I have also been struck by the amount of anger, self-righteousness, judgmentalness and negativity that is expressed. The attacks on other people are frightening at times to think that we do not respect others, that we hate others and that we fear others so much.

We can all utter the words of Peter because of our own lives. We are all sinful; it is part of our human condition. However, the most important thing is what do we do after we utter those words, "Depart, from me for I am a sinful [person]." Do we get overwhelmed by self-pity, self-hate and take it out on ourselves or others or do we let Jesus lead us to new and deeper waters, as my Passionist brother, said today at mass? Do we let Jesus overwhelms us with an abundant catch that brings us from self-pity to redemption? Do we let Jesus show us the face of God in other and ourselves?

Yes, we are sinful all of us, but God is always ready to astonish us, embrace us and hold us in the gift of hope, and help us to let go of the fear and let God!

Sunday Prayer: O God, be in our moments of rest today and give us what we need so that as this day takes its course and we encounter moments of stress, strain. struggle and effort we might also find your peace. And when evening comes and we look back over this day and we see how fragmentary everything seems to be, and how our plans have not fully been accomplished and like Peter, we feel embarrassed and ashamed. Help us to take everything exactly as it is, putting everything in your hands and leaving our life with you. Then in your peace may we find rest, real rest in you and rise refreshed to begin our next day of new life in you. Ready for the deep water and whatever abundant catches you send our way! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Remember, yes, running can be an escape from the stresses, the struggles, the problems, the fears of life but it can also be a time when God reaches out to us in a unique way and leads us into the deep water.

I hope everyone is having a restful and peaceful Sunday. If you are digging out from the blizzard in the Northeast may it not be too difficult of a task. If you are enjoying the peacefulness of the day may that continue for you. If you are busy about getting ready for a new work week, may you find some time to rest and just enjoy the day. If you are struggling today in some way may you find at least a moment of peace! Blessings to all today, may the gift of hope rest in your heart as you begin this new week. Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul