Friday, January 18, 2013

January 18th Daily Thoughts - 01/18/2013

Daily Thoughts: I have always liked the story in today's Gospel and the reason is because it is not just one person's faith at work. The story says, "When Jesus saw their faith...." It was the faith of the group of friends, of the community, that makes all the difference. It was the hard work and faith of the friends of the paralytic. It was the faith of the man, himself, that probably motivated his friends. All of them worked together so that this healing moment was possible.

I often refer to the parishes I go to or the people who make one of my retreats as a community of faith and I truly believe that they are. I am always happy to be in their presence because I believe there is a great power in a community gathered together for a Sunday mass, a daily mass, a prayer service or a retreat. I believe that it takes a community of faith to get us through life.

Sure we need our personal faith. Sure we need a personal relationship with God, but we also need a community because as good as we might be there are times when we cannot do it alone. We need people to pick us up, to carry us. We need people to help us find a way in, to find a way to God. We need people who believe in us and in the journey we are on. We need people who know God just as we do.

Jesus affirms the small community of faithful friends in the Gospel today. They make it possible for their friend to be healed and to be forgiven. What great friends the paralytic man had, do we have friends like him? Are we faith filled friends willing to pick a friend up and make sure they can get to God?

Daily Prayer: O God, grants us to the gift of being true friends in faith today and always. Helps us to bring to you, no matter what the obstacles, all in need so that they and we might encounter your healing, forgiving and loving presence. Bless us with a community of faith who will help your grace to remain alive in our hearts! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Remember a run can be a tremendous help to quieting the mind so God can be present!

Have a great Friday everyone. I am off to an all day taping session for the Sunday Mass seen on ABC Family Channel each Sunday morning. After the day of taping it is on to Long Branch, New Jersey to give a weekend retreat to deacons and their wives. A few prayers if you get a chance for a good taping and retreat would be greatly appreciated! May your Friday be a good one and I hope it leads you into a relaxing weekend. Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 17th Daily Thoughts - 01/17/2013

Daily Thoughts: "Lord if you wish, you can make me clean. Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him and said, I do will it. Be made clean. And the leprosy left him immediately." I think the key elements of this story are the person's faith in Jesus, the willingness of Jesus to heal and Jesus' touch. Maybe the most important element is Jesus' touch, his willingness to be connected with someone who is unclean by the standards of culture, society and religion.

Today whether we are talking about our culture, society or even our church the usual response is to disconnect ourselves from someone defined as unclean. Yet, Jesus sought to be connected. He did not want to push them away from the community but to bring them into the community.

Jesus reaches out to one who has been pushed out of the community. It is a profound moment, it is a challenge to all of us who proclaim we believe. Do we wish, do we will that all belong to the community no matter what? Jesus does and he was willing to step across a boundary to make sure that it happens. Are we?

Perhaps it is a commitment to prayer that will help us to, wish it and will it. It is through prayer, our conversation with God, that we will find the strength to walk with Jesus across the boundaries imposed and bring others to the community, to friendship with God!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, help us today so that we will not be people with hardened hearts but people with compassionate hearts. Willing to reach out across the boundaries of life that all might have the opportunity to be part of you community of faith. Enliven us that we will always hear your word with an open mind and an open heart! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Think of every run as an opportunity to be born again. Let each run refresh your body and renew your spirit and bring you into God's Presence once again!

Have a great day everyone. Blessings on all your work today and may you find some time to relax and just enjoy! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16th Daily Thoughts - 01/16/2013

Daily Thoughts: Sorry for being a little late with my thoughts today but there is a bug going around our small community and today it was my turn, so I spent a good part of the morning in bed!

Healing and casting out demons, seem to be the work of the day for Jesus. I was thinking of another line in the Gospel as I read this Gospel passage at mass this morning. The line I thought of was, "The poor you will always have with you." (Matthew 26:11 and Mark 14:7) I thought Jesus could have easily said, "The sick and demons you will always have with you!"

There is always healing that needs to be done, people struggling physically, emotionally and spiritually. Sometimes when I am day dreaming I wish Jesus would walk into our midst and begin to heal or that he would give me the temporary power to heal because there are some many people who could use it!

And demons, they seem to be everywhere these days, if only Jesus were here to cast them out what a different place the world could be. It amazes me that the demons always seem to know Jesus and yet often the people in his presence don't.

Yet, there is another Gospel passage that also comes to mind, "Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be taken up and cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him." (Mark 11:23) In other words the power to heal and cast out demons is here we have just got to believe and not doubt.

So remember as you go through this day, the "force," the power, the presence of Jesus is always with us to heal and to cast out demons we just have to believe!

Daily Prayer: O God, we are a struggling people and we want to believe, help us in our moments of unbelief so that we might truly bring your healing presence to all who need it in this world. Amen!

Runner's Thought: As you run today remember that running is something that only you can do, no one can do it for you.  So make it part of your faith take God with you!

Have a great day everyone! I hope all is well where you are. Many blessings upon your endeavors today and if you are not feeling well my prayers are with you, it is the least I can do as I try to heal! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15th Daily Thoughts - 01/15/2013

Daily Thoughts: That day in Capernaum, which we hear about in today's Gospel, Jesus taught as one having authority, in fact he taught everyday that way. Perhaps that is the problem today that often those teaching really do not teach with authority. They think they do but they don't.

Authority comes from living an authentic life. We cannot say one thing and then do another and expect to have authority. We cannot say life is important and then only value life at the time of birth. We cannot say children, women and men are created in the image and likeness of God and then protect people who hurt them. We cannot talk about freedom and then limit it for certain people. We cannot talk about shepherding and service then live as one who is privileged and entitled. We cannot say human life is most important and then treat inanimate objects with more reverence than people. We cannot say community is important and then restrict the participation of the community.

In the Gospel and the Letter to the Hebrews today we are reminded that Jesus lived an authentic life. A life focused on others, a life of authority! We long for teaching with authority today but every where we turn it seems to be missing. Jesus knew what he was talking about. He knew that people were more important than things. He knew that boundaries could be crossed if it meant life. He knew that people were more important than ritual, dress and mystery.  Jesus offered all who listened to him the chance to allow God to change and shape their hearts into a new way of life. If we listen to Jesus and follow his way we will come to know true authority, we will come to live an authentic life!

Daily Prayer: O God, your gift of courage is one of the greatest favors you have given us. It would be wrong for us to behave like cowards or to fear anything except not being true to you. So one again grant us the courage to live authentic lives that reflect your greatest gift to us, Love! Bestow on us this day your kindness and peace that we might bring them to all we meet! Amen!
(Note: I adapted part of this prayer from the words of St. Teresa of Avila)

Runner's Thought: As you run today take with you whatever image of God that is most important to you and allow that image to accompany you on your run.

Runner's Thought 2: As you run today look for goodness in everyone you encounter. Look for goodness in yourself!

Have a great Tuesday everyone. I hope you are making it through these winter days OK. If you are under the weather my prayers are with you. If you are busy I pray you get a moment of peace. If you are frustrated I pray for an acknowledgement of the gift that you are. If you find yourself angry today I pray you will soon be able to let it go. If you find yourself alone I pray God will embrace you to let you know you are not! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday Ordinary Time Daily Thoughts - 01/14/2013

Daily Thoughts: We have closed the Christmas Season with yesterday's celebration of the Baptism of the Lord and today we enter into Ordinary Time. We get a chance to take a breath and relax a little before entering the Season of Lent or do we?

Sometimes I think when it comes to our relationship with God, there is no relaxing, there is no taking a breath, it is always full steam ahead. There is always a new challenge, a new way to live life. We certainly see that in the Gospel today!

The fishermen from Galilee get no chance to rest, a new life awaits them. They think they are settled into the ordinary life but Jesus has something else planned for them. They think this is just another ordinary day but Jesus makes it special.

In the Gospel today we witness the beginning of some wonderful friendships. Simon, soon to be called Peter, his brother Andrew, James and his brother John, the two sons of Zebedee, all begin the journey of friendship, discipleship, with Jesus today. They each receives a simple invitation to"Come after me, and I will make you fishers of [people]."  To follow Jesus and if they do he will change their life. The change is not simple going for fishers of fish to fishers of people, the change is becoming a friend of Jesus, which always changes life.

Each morning we arise, whether in ordinary or special time we are offered the same invitation to friendship with Jesus that Simon, Andrew, James and John are offered. We are offered the same opportunity to change our life. The question is like Simon, Andrew, James and John are we willing to accept it?

Daily Prayer: Loving God, grant us the grace to recognize you today as you pass by and the wisdom to say yes to your invitation to follow. May your invitation lead to friendship with you, newness of life and your gift of love. Help us with the strength to accept the challenge of conversion of heart and to believe in the Good News and proclaim it to all we meet by the living of life! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Make your run today a time of prayer, let go of the music, let go problems to be solved, let go of the decisions to be made and let God!

Greetings everyone, welcome to the first week of Ordinary Time! The Christmas Season is officially over at least liturgically. The Christmas decorations and tree will come down in our home today! Hope you had a good weekend and are rested and ready for a new week? If not I hope today will not be too difficult for you. My prayers are will all who struggle with the flu and winter colds today. Blessings to all and I hope you will have a great week! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Baptism of the Lord Daily Thoughts - 01/13/2013

Daily Thoughts: In preparing for mass today I found myself focused on God proclaiming Jesus as beloved. Now in growing up I was a middle child, not a true middle child because I only had an older sister and younger brother and supposedly you need two older and two younger sibling to be a true middle child. However, I have proclaimed myself a middle child. I never got any attention! I was neglected!

For most of my childhood I sought the attention of my parents and I guess I was not real good in sharing it with my sister and brother. I was also a "pleaser." I wanted everything to be affirmed by my parents, I didn't want to do anything that displeased them, believe me it was an impossible task!

Now my parents were not the most demonstrative people in the world. They had grown up through the Great Depression, World War II and where serious people. Sure that could have fun and enjoy themselves but they certainly did not gush over anyone or anything! My father worked long hours at times and my mother was a stay at home mom. It was not until I went to high school that we got a second car. My parents were busy about many things, work, their faith, their family and could not always be present at the things we, the children, were involved in. They rarely came to my baseball games, my swimming meets, my basketball games. I was in one play during high school and they didn't make any of the performances. I ran cross-country and track my junior and senior year but they never saw me run. At the time it seemed like a big deal to me, I wondered if I was really a good son? If they really loved me?

Now let me say my parents were great people, the best parents and they loved me very much but as we all know parents seems so "dumb" when we are in our teens but they get very smart when we get to our 20's! As I look back now my parents were always present at the most significant moments of my life. They were always there at time when it really mattered!

I have two images that will always stay with me. One of my father at my profession of vows. He sat with my mother in one of the first two pews and a friend took a picture of him as I was professing my vows, the look on his face was priceless and you can even see a few tears running down his face. If I could have heard his heart at that moment I am sure I would have heard, "This is my beloved son, in whom I am pleased!"  My father died four months after I took my vows.

The second image is of my mother at my ordination. The day before my ordination as my mother was traveling to New York, she feel and broke her arm. My brother took her to the hospital and the doctor suggested that she have surgery. As my brother tells it, for I was not there, my mother said, "No way, just set it, my son is being ordained tomorrow and I have to be there!" The doctor set her arm and by the afternoon she continued on her way to New York. She was in a lot of pain for the next week or so but she was there! In her presence that day I heard the words, "This is my beloved son, in whom I am pleased!"

We all have these moments when our parents presence speaks volumes to us. When their presence proclaims us as beloved daughters and sons. That is what we celebrate today with the Baptism of the Lord. That important moment when the Father and the Spirit needed to be there for Jesus. This moment sends Jesus on his way. This moment sends Jesus into his ministry. This moment sends Jesus to the Cross and the Resurrection.

It is a moment that gets played our over and over again in our important moments of faith through our parents, families, friends and faith community, God proclaims us as beloved daughters and sons. Moments like Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Ordination and any sacramental moment in our life. God claims us as a daughter or son who is beloved and sends us on our way.

Let us please our mothers, our fathers, our family, our friend, our God today so that when we next receive communion we might hear those words in our heart, "You are my beloved daughter, you are my beloved son, I am so profoundly pleased!"

Daily Prayer: O God, our great and wonderful Parent, declare us your beloved daughters and sons once again. Transform us with the grace of your love into the children you have created and called us to be. Children who bring your presence, your love, your mercy and your peace to the world in the Spirit of Christ your most beloved Son! May everything we do be pleasing to you because it is done through Christ our loving Lord! Amen!

We continue to pray during this Christmas Season for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! Amen!

Runner's Thought: Judge the quality of your run by the steadfastness of your movement towards the presence of God. Run strong because you are not alone!

Sorry for the lateness of my posting today but I was busy this morning and early afternoon. Hope you are having a great day. Hope you are finding some time to rest and just enjoy. I know many out there are struggling with the flu and winter colds, be patience and know you are in my prayers! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul