Friday, October 2, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 10/02/2015

Daily Thoughts: I have always had a special affection for our feast today, the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels. Perhaps it goes back to my childhood, when in the first and second grade we always had to save room at our desk for our guardian angel. It was one way that the good Felician Sisters taught us about the spiritual life but it also helped them keep order in classroom, for you see if we kept a space on our seats for our guardian angel then the theory was we would not bother the person sitting next to us. I have to say, sometimes it worked but most of the time it didn't!

The other day another childhood memory came to mind. One of my favorite movies as a kid was Angels in the Outfield, (the original 1951 version with Paul Douglas, Janet Leigh, Keenan Wynn, the voice of James Whitmore and cameo appearances by Ty Cobb, Joe DiMaggio and Bing Crosby, just to name a few). I loved the movie because it took place in Pittsburgh and centered around the woeful Pittsburgh Pirates and how the Pirates overcame their last place woes with the help of Heavenly Choir Nine, a celestial team of deceased ballplayers, who began bestowing "miracles" upon the Pirates—but only on the condition that their loud mouth manager Guffy McGovern put a moratorium on swearing and fighting. It is a wonderful and funny story. Perhaps it came to mind last night as wonder how far my Pirates might go this year. I think they are going to need a little angelic help.

The point of my walk down memory lane is that the spirits of God's presence which we honor and celebrate today, Guardian Angels, play an important role in our life. Whether we acknowledge them by saving them a seat at our desk as a kid, or laugh and cry with them as Hollywood brings them to life in movies like Angels in the Outfield or It's a Wonderful Life, we all have had moments and experiences in life when we sense that God has sent someone to help us.

It might be a special person from our past, whose lost we have grieved but who seems to continue to walk with us helping us overcome a struggle, an obstacle, or a difficult moment. Someone whose spirit whispers in our ear a good word that sends us on our way in the right direction. A loving spirit who lets us know that we are not alone, we are loved, we are important, we are special and that makes all the difference at that moment in our life.

Throughout the scriptures God sends his spirits, his messengers, to help people on their journey of faith. Why should this moment in time be any different? Why shouldn’t we believe that God sends his spirits, his messengers into our lives from time to time to help us on our journey?

A number of years ago I was running the Boston Marathon. It was my second time running that marathon. I was at mile 25 and out of gas. I could barely walk. I was just trying to find any strength so that I could keep moving forward. A young woman stepped off the sidewalk and began to walk alongside me. I didn’t know her. She asked me my name and then put her hand on my shoulder and said, “You can do this! Let’s run!” She began to run and so I began to run. She asked me if this was my first marathon and I said “no.” She said, “Then you know that you can do this so let’s run!” And we began to run faster. In the next moment as I seemed to get new energy I looked to my side and she was gone. I never got a chance to ask her name or to say thanks! I am sure it was my guardian angel just making sure I kept going. It is something that she has done now for 61 plus years in many different ways. You might say I have gotten her, “her wings,” many time over!

In the Gospel today (Matthew 18: 1-5, 10) Jesus reminds us that our angels are always looking upon the face of God. In other words, they have got a special connection with God that someday we just might need. So as you journey through today remember to save a little space for your guardian angel and take a moment to thank her or him for the journey so far!

Have a great Friday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day (or night) be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

A Runner’s Thoughts: “Looking forward to something is much more fun than looking back at something – and much more constructive.” (Hortense Odlum) So to in the spiritual life...

Daily Blessing: Friday greetings and blessings to all. I hope your Friday is getting off to a good start. It rained all of yesterday which kept me indoors most of the day but I did manage a couple of short walks through the village and along the water’s edge. It is cloudy this morning and there is rain in the forecast throughout the day but no worries there still will be things to do and enjoy. I hope your day will be a good one also.

Around 8:30 am I will be leaving Chester and heading to Halifax. The pastor here at St. Augustine’s Fr. Craig has a meeting this morning in Halifax so I will head into the city with him and spend the night there before flying back to New York on Saturday. It is easier for him this way and it gives me a chance to explore Halifax for a day.

I will hate leaving the southern shore of Nova Scotia. It is truly a beautiful place and my time here has been very blessed. I hope to return someday perhaps for ministry or just to relax and enjoy it beauty!

May love and laughter touch your day and warm your heart and bring you home to those you love. May good and faith filled people touch your life, wherever you go.  May love and peace bless your world with joy that long endures. May the closing of this day bring you rest and comfort in the company of those you most love and may God bless you this day and always!

Friends let us keep in our prayers those who senselessly killed yesterday in Oregon and also their families and friends who mourn their loss. Let us also pray for those injured and for the community of Roseburg as they try to begin the process of healing. Let us also pray for our lawmakers that someday they will realize people are more important than money, emails, political bullying, taxes and guns! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 10/01/2015

Daily Thoughts: Happy October and happy Feast of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus! St. Thérèse of Lisieux is one of the most wonder saints we have. She has much to tell us about living a life that reflects the presence of God. I am thinking about my journey to France in August of 2014 and my visit to Lisieux. I was truly touched by my time in Lisieux and the opportunity I has to pray within the spirit of St. Thérèse.

Today’s gospel may seem inappropriate for today’s feast. Jesus sends seventy-two disciples out to announce the Kingdom of God to all the places that Jesus intends to visit. From her convent St. Thérèse offered her life and sufferings for the coming of God’s Kingdom, praying especially for priests and those involved in ministry.  So powerful were her prayers that the Church made here one of the universal patrons of missions.

In today’s first reading from the Book of the Prophet Nehemiah. Israel had returned to Jerusalem after years of the exile in Babylon. Israel begins the process of recommitting to God and to living out once again their covenant with God given to Moses on Mount Sinai. The priest Ezra is publicly proclaiming the Torah before Israel’s leaders and people.  Jesus revered the Law of Israel, but he reminded his disciples that the entire law is fulfilled to the degree they live the two great commandments of love of God and of neighbor.

St. Thérèse in the living of her simple life in the cloistered Carmelite convent fulfilled the law that Ezra proclaimed and that Jesus taught.

St. Thérèse is one of our most popular and beloved saints in our world today. All she asks us to do is to love God in the ordinary events of our life. By celebrating her life today we are invited to imitate St. Thérèse by embracing the joys, works, and sufferings of our daily lives and living them with love!

Have a great Thursday everyone!

Daily Prayer:
We pray today – May there be peace within us.
May we trust God that we are exactly where we are meant to be.
May we not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May we use the gifts that we have received, 
and pass on the love that has been given us.
May we be content knowing we are a child of God, letting his presence settle into our bones, allow our soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
God spirit and love is there for each and every one of us. Amen
(Adapted from a prayer by St. Thérèse of Lisieux)

A Runner’s Thoughts: Running is the greatest metaphor for life because you get out of it what you put into it. (Oprah Winfrey) So to in the spiritual life…

Daily Blessing: Happy October and Thursday greetings and blessings to all! It is a very rainy and windy start to the day here in Chester. The wind howled most of the night and the rain has joined it this morning. I am hoping to take a little walk at some point down to the harbor just to see it on a rainy day. I hope you are faring better with you weather today.

I would like to send a special shout out to my classmate Fr. Chris Cleary, C.P. who has a special devotion to St. Thérèse of Lisieux. He has just start a new ministry in Jamaica, New York so I pray that St. Thérèse will protect and guide him in a special way as she has always done, throughout his time at Immaculate Conception Parish.

I pray for all of you that you will have a great day filled with many blesses, much love and feelings of peace. May you all be rich in faith, hope and love which God has planted with in you. And may the wonderful spirit of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus guide you through the day! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 09/30/2015

Daily Thoughts: “No one sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62) For me this closing verse of our Gospel today says it all. Looking back is not an option in our journey of faith. Yes, we can recall stories, experiences and moments of our past but we cannot be about our daily life always looking back.

Think of some pushing a plow or driving a car or running a race or doing anything that asks for our attention to what is in front of us. If we turn to look back bad things can happen plowing the field, driving the car or running the race. In our Gospel today Jesus asks us to live in the moment and yes sometimes living in the moment can be hard if not next to impossible. Yet living in the moment is what is going to make all the difference in our journey of faith.

I don’t know too many people who would not want to bury their mother or father or say good-bye to their family if they were leaving but I don’t think Jesus is say that we cannot do these things. Remember Jesus’ says we often more for effect rather than hard and fast rules. If our family is valuable to us shouldn’t God be also?

Living in the past, focuses on the past does not allow us to move forward. It can often cause us to miss the presence of God when we most need it. If we are going to follow Jesus we need to focused on what is right in front of us not what is behind us.

Have a great Wednesday everyone!

Daily Prayer:
O Loving God, show your mercy to us
And gladden our hearts today.
We are like the man on the way to Jericho
Who was overtaken by robbers,
Wounded and left for dead.
O Good Samaritan,
Come to our aid.
We are like the sheep that went astray
O Good Shepherd,
Seek us out and bring us home
In accord with your will
Let us dwell in your house
All the days of our life
And praise you for ever and ever
With those who are there.
(Adapted from the Prayer of Saint Jerome for Christ’s Mercy)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “Running is not, as it so often seems, only about what you did in your last race or about how many miles you ran last week. It is, in a much more important way, about community, about appreciating all the miles run by other runners, too.” (Richard O'Brien) So to in the spiritual life…

Daily Blessing: Wednesday greetings and blessing to all. I hope you day has started off well. It is a cloudy and humid morning here in Chester, Nova Scotia. We are expecting heavy rain late this afternoon and evening. I truly cannot complain as I have had four beautiful days here and after into everyone’s life a little rain must fall!

We had a wonderful closing mass to our mission last night. The community made up of St. Augustine’s, St. Anthony’s and St. Patrick’s Churches has been great and very spirit filled throughout the mission. The people here are down to earth and very hospitable. They have an interesting history as a people of faith and a nation. It will be nice having a few extra days here even if they are rainy. I send out blessing to all who came to the mission and to all in the parish made up of these three churches.

My prayer of blessing for all of you is that today will be rich in the gifts of love, hope and peace in your life and that if you encounter anger, violence and negativity it will be short lived because you are blessed with loving, caring people in your life. I pray that you will be open to the many ways that God will touch your life today especially through scripture on this feast of St. Jerome and that you will trust in the gift of God that you are and bring that gift to every person you meet, to every place you go and to every experience you have. May God bless you and be with you today and always. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul