Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Thoughts - 05/27/2013

Daily Thoughts: What do we learn from the story of the rich young man in today’s Gospel, (Mark 10: 17-27)? Well I guess you could say we learn many things. We learn that it is hard to let go of things we think are important. We learn that possessions no matter what they are; money, power, possessions, fame, wealth, can hold us back from a relationship with God. We learn that while at times things seem impossible nothing is impossible for God!

Perhaps we also learn that God wants to dwell in us and to fill us with grace, with love, with wholeness and with fullness of life. However, God does not push his way into our life. God loves us enough to wait until, out of our own free will, we invite God to come to us!

Jesus looks at us with love today what is our response?

Daily Prayer: Loving God, we thank you for wanting to enter our lives. Help us to let go of the things we think are so important yet they always seem to stand in the way of your presence in our lives. Grace us with the strength to open the door of our hearts today, so that as we ask you to come in nothing will stand in the way of our love for you. We want you to make our hearts your home, today and always. Amen!

Runner’s Thought: As you run today try to make you run a God-centered run. In other words make your run a run in which you honor God through the voices of nature. Let yourself experience all the sounds of nature around you as you run; the wind, the trees, the leaves. Listen to the sounds of water if you run near a creek, river or the ocean.  Smell the scents of nature around you. Remember in the Psalms, the rivers clapped and the ocean roar in praise of God, so join in the chorus with your run. Look, purposefully, for signs of God’s creation, offering praise. Become one among the many voices of creation to give praise as you run today! (Adapted from Roger Joslin)

Happy Memorial Day everyone! I hope you are enjoying your day. We paused at our community mass this morning to remember all who service us in the military and all who have given their lives over the years is service protecting our freedom. We pray that someday we will find a way to live in peace so that people will never have to train for and fight in war again!

I hope the sun is out where you are. It is here in Pelham and the air is warming up quickly! I pray that you day will take you outdoors in some way to enjoy the gifts of God’s creation!

May your Memorial Day wherever you are and whatever you are doing be blessed with the richness of family and friends. May it be a day of fun, laughter, joy and relaxation. May it be a safe day and may you be truly blessed by God’s love today and always! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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