Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Daily Thoughts - 10/01/2013

Daily Thoughts: Happy Feast of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus! St. Thérèse of Lisieux is one of the most wonder saints we have. She has much to tell us about living a life that reflects the presence of God. I am looking forward to my journey to France in August of 2014 and having a chance to visit Lisieux. I still have plenty of spots open on the pilgrimage so if you are interested just drop me a line and I will send you a brochure. Now one to a few thoughts for today!

 “Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven to consume them?” As I read this sentence from the Gospel (Luke 9:51-56) today I thought of Congress. I wish we could call down fire to consume them and start all over again and I am thinking Jesus might give the request just a little more thought this time! But in the end we would get with the disciples got a rebuke.

Jesus never confronted violence with violence, for him there was always another way, a better way. It isn’t always the easy way but in the end it is better than violence, anger, negativity and abuse of power. It is the way that will invite, welcome and make God present to the people around us and to the world. Are there risks to Jesus’ way? Absolutely! But the risks are worth it.

Jesus shows us in the Gospel today that meeting rejection with rejection, or hate with hate, or violence with violence is not the way. When we are treated poorly, when we are disappointed, when we are attacked, violence, anger, hate are not the way forward. Jesus’ suggestion is to take a deep breath, and then take our next step in faith. This is the way all disciple can complete their journey of faith.

In living life this way we can give meaning to the words we find in first reading for today from Zechariah (Zechariah 8:20-23). If we live as people of faith, then others will grab hold of us and say, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.” Isn’t this Pope Francis’ message on how to be a Christian, a person of faith? It is our action, our treatment of others. It is our making God present so others can see and experience God that will change the world.

But Jesus couldn’t you make just one exception and call down fire to consume Congress! Have a nice day everyone…

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus we do believe, help our unbelief! Amen!

Runner’s Thought: “Run in places you love with people you like. Enjoying your surroundings and training partners will strengthen your commitment to running and bring out the best in you.” (Deena Kastor) This is especially true if you run with God!

I’m Back! Happy Tuesday everyone! Yes, I am back! Did you miss me? In many ways it was a great weekend. I got to spend some quality time with family. And let me say I am very grateful to all the family that made it to Columbus, IN this weekend. It was great to be with you and I am very grateful to my niece and nephew Mindy and Paul for hosting the weekend. They provide a wonderful place to gather, great food and a welcoming home. I am also grateful to all the family who traveled and took time out of their busy schedules just to stand around and watch people running especially when it took over four and a half hours for one of the people to make it across the finish line. When family makes that commitment you know you have an awesome family! So many thanks, Mindy and Paul Hengesbach, Sarah and Dominick Saguto, Bernadette and John Hengesbach, Rosemarie, Jim, Bridget and James Fagan! I am truly blessed!

Now as for the runners, Sarah and Dominick did great in the half marathon and 5k respectively but this old runner had a very bad day. It was the worst marathon I have ever run time wise (4 hours 41 minutes 55 seconds). And I had to do it with my family there. It was depressing to say the least! But in many ways that is life. You are not always at your best but the important thing is that you push on, you finish and live to run another day!  I cannot tell you what went wrong. I just had a bad day. It was a beautiful marathon course for the most part, the weather was great though a little on the warm side for runners and a very smoothly run race with a lot of support. So now I need to let this one go and move on to the next marathon in Scranton, PA on October 13th.

I hope you all had a good weekend that you got to enjoy a little rest, relaxation and family/friends time. I did pray for all of you during my run and I had a little more time at prayer than I thought I was going to have so you got some extra prayers!

Daily Blessing: Have a great Tuesday everyone and let all say a prayer that our politicians in Washington get their act together and do some things that help rather than hinder. There are many people affected by this shutdown and as often happens the people affected can least afford it. Doesn’t seem fair or right!

And so I pray today for all affected by the arrogance and stupidity of Congress that their loss of work and pay will be short lived. I pray for all of you that you will have a great day filled with many blesses, much love and feelings of peace. May you all be rich in faith, hope and love which God has planted with in you. And may the wonderful spirit of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus guide you through the day! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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