Friday, January 3, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 01/03/2014

Daily Thoughts: Today we celebrate the feast of The Most Holy Name of Jesus and our scriptures, especially our Gospel, once again focus us on our relationship with Jesus. What might we take always from the celebration of this feast and our scriptures today?

For me the focus today is on the Name of Jesus. I have always found a name to be important. I am very proud to be named after my father and I think one of my sadness's of life is that I never had the chance to continue the tradition and name a son, Paul Raymond. I also struggle with names, especially remembering the names of people that I have met. I am in awe of people who can and do remember names. Names identify people, names honor people, names define people and place people in the context of history and life.

I have always wondered why over the centuries Jesus' name became such a focal point of disrespect. Often when I lead young people in an examination of conscience before the Sacrament of Reconciliation I will talk about how our words often hurt. I ask those present this, "How would we like it if every time something went wrong, every time someone got angry, every time someone expressed anger, they would use our name?" The answer is always a universal, "I would not like it at all!" Yet, isn't that what we do with Jesus, with God? Why is that? What causes us to say "God dammit!" or "Jesus Christ!" with anger and disrespect?

As I said yesterday if we know ourselves we have a better chance of knowing God. If we respect ourselves we have a much better chance of respecting God and others! I am sure all of us value our name. It is important to us to be respected for who we are. It is important for us to be known by our name. It is important for our name not to be disrespected. Likewise it is important for God, for Jesus to be respected too! As we live this day let's make a conscious effort to honor, respect and cherish The Name of Jesus! When we use it let us use it to grace life with hope and love – not fill it with anger!

Every morning and evening I begin prayer in the Passionist tradition by praying, "At the name of Jesus every knee must bend in heaven, on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God, the Father." It keeps me focused, perhaps it can for you too!

In the words of Irving Berlin - Snow, Snow, Snow – Snow! Just envision Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney and Vern Ellen singing... Have a great day everyone!

Daily Prayer: Eternal God, we pray this day that at the name of your loving Son Jesus every knee must bend in heaven, on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of you our God, and Father. Help us always to honor your names and in speaking them bring your grace, hope, love and not anger to our world! In the name of Jesus we continue to pray for families in grief; for little ones whose lives were too short; for teachers, administrators and responders who put others first; for a community that must find a way to live; for all of us who seek a world of lasting peace! That one day we will all be called God's children...Amen!

Runner's Thought: In the Northeast and Midwest it is very cold today so the treadmill might be the best place to run if you have access to one. However, if you run in the cold today think of it as not an obstacle but as an energy, a grace enlivening you and sending you forward!

Daily Blessing: The snow has stopped here in Pelham, it is now just the cold and the wind. I hope wherever you are the snow has stopped and maybe even the sun is shining.

I would ask your prayers in a special way for a young man who it seems took his own life this past Monday. He was from Bangladesh and he was going to school here in the United States. He was on Christmas break visiting relatives here in New York when for some reason he went to Central Park and it seem took his own life. Sadly I would not have paid much attention to this story except for the fact that it has a family connection and so I remember the Carters today in a special way as they grieve. Let us pray for this young man’s family and friends as they try to make sense out of this tragedy. Let us pray for all the lives he touched in such a good way. Let us pray for this young man that whatever the reason God now understands, forgives and has welcomed him home!

Once again we are made aware that life is very fragile and unpredictable. That choices are often made by people we don’t know and people we know that we have a hard time understanding. The mystery of life can be a struggle, sad, frustrating and even devastating but it can also be joyous, wonderful and life giving. Today, I pray for God’s blessing upon all of us that God’s blessing will help you navigate through the snow, wind, cold – through life. That it will help you navigate through the struggles, disappointments and sadness of life. That it will help you find the joy, the grace, the wonderfulness and the gift of God’s presence this day wherever we travel to, in whomever we meet, in whatever we need to do and most importantly with ourselves so that we will never give up! Loving God, bless us each this day with the wisdom, the understanding, the knowledge, the courage, the good judgment, the reverence and the wonder and awe to trust, have faith that you are alive within us, that you love us and that you will never leave us alone in the midst of the perils of life. Amen – Blessings to all, be safe, be warm! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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