Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 02/04/2014

Daily Thoughts: Today we heard in the Gospel (Mark 5: 21-43) about two women, one who is cured and the other who is brought back to life. The women in the Gospel story are different, one is just a child of twelve who faces death, and the other has lived many years but for the last twelve years has faced a great physical struggle. For one woman it is the faith of her family, in particular her father, that makes all the difference, for the other it is her own faith that makes the difference. This is what brings these women together, faith. Faith if lived out can give us the opportunity to be cured; faith can also give us life!

The focus of the Gospel is the thread of faith. The two women in our Gospel relied on faith to bring about comfort, relief and life. We, the community of faith, rely on the faith of those that journey with us, our own faith and the faith of those who have gone before us, "the cloud of witnesses" to keep us going, to support us on this journey of faith we call life.

Faith can be a comfort, faith is always a challenge but remember it can bring healing, it can bring support and it can bring life. Let us be faith filled people tonight and always so that we to can be a source of healing, comfort, support and life to all we meet! Have a restful and peaceful night everyone!

Daily Prayer: O God, give strength to our faith, so that we can be a source of support, comfort, healing and life as we make our journey through this evening to a new day tomorrow. Help us to draw upon the faith of all who have gone before us, trusting that they are always with us. Give us the courage to reach out and touch you when we most need it today. Make us aware of those in need of life tonight so that we may bring you to them. May we not grow weary or lose heart. Amen!

Runner's Thought: Let us accept our next run for what it is, remembering that this is a spiritual practice that, like any exercise, requires persistence through experiences of success and what seems like failure.

Daily Blessing: Good evening everyone! I am a little late with my posting today because it has been a busy day. Our retreat here at the Passionist Monastery in Jamaica, New York is in full swing and I was busy about making sure that I offered the men Good Words today. Please keep the men in your prayers and I would ask special prayers for Fr. Tom Joyce, C.P. this night. He has struggled with Parkinson’s for a number of years now and his condition seems to be getting worst. Please hold him in your prayers. As I away please keep the preacher of the retreat in your prayers so that the Good Word may be preached!

My prayer tonight is that all of us may be blessed with a restful and peaceful night so that we can rise refreshed to live a new day! Have a great Tuesday evening everyone!  Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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