Monday, June 30, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 06/30/2014

Daily Thoughts: I think today’s Gospel (Matthew 8:18-22) can be reduced to two words, essentials and incidentals. Jesus seems to be saying that there are essential things in life and there are incidental things in life and we have to figure out which are which. To follow Jesus means that we invest in the essentials and we let go of the incidentals, however this is not always easy. What is an incidental for Jesus a lot of the time is an essential for us.

Now we are never really sure what the scribes are up to, often they seem to spend their time try to antagonize Jesus. Are Jesus’ answers in the Gospel today in response to an antagonist or words for all of us to live by? I vote that they are words for all of us to live by even though they might be difficult.

Making a commitment to follow Jesus involves letting go. The Gospel today gives us a perfect example of what it takes to let go. Jesus basically says, “If you are going to follow me it’s now or never!” He doesn’t invite us follow tomorrow, in a couple of weeks or a year from now—we are invite today…Now! Following Jesus is not easy, especially when it’s not on our terms. Living this life is about battling our own needs, wants and desires every day. As Jesus say, following him means “Picking our cross and follow each day!”

A question for today might be what do we think are the important things in life and are we willing if necessary to let them go to follow Jesus?

Have a great Monday everyone and don’t forget to make a joyful noise with your life today!

Daily Prayer:
Loving God, we pray today to be one of your disciples so we ask that you:
Liberate us from our desires to be wealthy, and our belief that ‘a little bit more’ will make us happy!

Liberate us from our daydreams of self-sufficiency, in which we see ourselves as makers of our own life, controllers of our own destiny, advancers of our own cause, and the only recipient of credit for our accomplishments.

Liberate us from our attempts to buy a sense of worthiness, by our eye-catching good deeds and public acts of service.

Show us a better way – to be your disciple so that we might come before you with open hands and open hearts.

Show us the deep connection we between our sisters and our brothers, and the way in which you created us to live in loving trust of each other.

Show us how to be compassionate, merciful, meek, clean of heart and peacemakers. That we might bring these gifts to everyone we meet.

Show us how to hunger and thrust for justice that we might truly be people of life.
Show us the fullness of your kingdom, in which you call us to participate – here and now – not by our own perfection, but by the grace you offer us through Jesus Christ.

Grace us with the strength to look beyond the insults, the negativity, the hurts and the ridicule to the gift of our love that travels with us never letting us face the perils of this way alone. Amen!

A Runner’s Thoughts: Mother Teresa saw Christ in the face of everyone she met; it is possible to conduct a run that models her behavior. So as we run, let’s place a smile on our face and thus offer a blessing to everyone we meet on our run today!

Daily Blessing: Happy Monday and blessings upon everyone today! I trust you had an enjoyable weekend. The weather at least in this neck of the woods was beautiful. If your weekend didn’t go so well I pray that as we begin this new week things will get better!

I began my second retreat with the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity last night. The group is smaller this week but it looks to be a good group and I am looking forward to the journey of retreat. Please pray for the sisters and their preacher!

Well we find ourselves journeying through the last day of June. My how time flies when you are having fun, sometimes I would just like to slow time down so I can fully enjoy the moment. But onward we journey so I guess it is up to me to stop and smell the flowers every once in a while. I will not be able to do that for a while as my calendar is full for the next few months!

My prayer of blessing for all of you today is that this new works week, or vacation week will be blessed with the rich presence of God in your life. May you find that presence in the people you meet, in the places you go, in the experience you and most importantly within yourself. Many blessings today, have a great day and please know my prayers go with you. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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