Thursday, August 28, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 08/28/2014

Daily Thoughts: “God is always trying to give good things to us, but our hands are too full to receive them.” (St. Augustine of Hippo) I was thinking about these words from St. Augustine in terms of our Gospel today (Matthew 24: 42a, 44). Yes, I know that Jesus is focused on the end time, whether it be his final coming or the day that God calls each of us individually. Yes, we need to be awake and ready because not be ready, not being awake has dreadful consequences, (see wailing and grinding of teeth).

However I believe Jesus words of “Stay Awake!” or maybe put another way “Be Ready!” can be looked at another way. Jesus might not be just talking about the end time or the day God calls each of us home, he might also be talking about this moment and what we are missing if we are not awake or ready. What graces? What joys? What blessings? What experiences of God’s presence are we missing if we are not awake, if we are not ready?

It is not always about the negative, about the end time, about wailing and grinding of teeth. It is also about the opportunities we miss each day, each moment of our life because God is trying to give us good things but our hands are too full!

May the spirit of St. Augustine be with you today. Have a great day!

Daily Prayer: O God, to know you is life. To serve You is freedom. To praise you is the soul's joy and delight. Guard us with the power of Your grace here and in all places. Now and at all times, forever. Amen. (Adapted from a prayer by St. Augustine)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “The act of running is simple, one foot in front of the other. The art of becoming a runner is achieved through a new mindset and commitment to change, especially if it’s new to you. It’s tough, challenging, painful, sometimes lonely, regularly uncomfortable and often excruciating…but the rewards are second to none.” (Terry Lander) And so too in the spiritual life…

Daily Blessings: Thursday greetings to all! This is my last full day in Long Beach and what a beautiful day it is! A breeze off the ocean, low humidity, sunny blues skies, what more could I ask for. Tomorrow I begin my journey to St. Louis and another new adventure in the living of life.

I would like to send a shout out to the School Sisters of Notre Dame in the African Province. Today is the 3rd Anniversary of the beginning of their province. It is an alive and growing province and I would just like to say happy anniversary, many blessings today and into the future. May the spirit of St. Augustine energize and enliven the ministry, the work and the lives of all who call themselves School Sisters of Notre Dame and who serve the people of Africa!

I hope your day has started off well and that you are getting a chance to enjoy the beauty of nature where you are today! My prayer of blessing for all you today is that our Loving God, the giver of all good gifts, will bless you today with hearts that love you, so that by deepening your sense of respect and reverence for yourself you may nurture within yourselves and others only what is good. May God bless you with a watchful care throughout this day so that wherever you go and whatever you do it will be in, and through and with God. May God bring you home safe to those you love that you might celebrate the gift of family, of friendship, of community, of your love so that your sleep will be restful and you will be energized to welcome tomorrow! May God bless you with the spirit of St/ Augustine as you journey through this day! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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