Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Daily Thoughts - 12/24/2014

Daily Thoughts: “We are celebrating the feast of the Eternal Birth which God the Father has borne and never ceases to bear in all eternity…. But if it takes not place in me, what avails it? Everything lies in this, that it should take place in me.” (Meister Eckhart)

I think Eckhart, the great Dominican mystic of the Middle Ages, has his finger on the meaning of the Christmas feast we begin to celebrate today. Yes, Christ was born in history some 2,000 plus years ago and yes Christ will be born again at the Second Coming but what is most important for us is that Christ is born each day within us. As Eckhart says, “Everything lies in this, that [Christ’s birth] should take place in [us].” In other words each day we need to take on the responsibility of giving birth to Jesus by the living of our lives. We should bring the presence of God to the world each day.

Over the next day or so if we are lucky we will encounter children joyfully celebrating the gift of Christmas in song, in story, in pageant. We will experience them as angels, shepherds, Mary and Joseph. We will watch them place the child in the manager and proclaim “Glory of God on high and Peace on Earth to all people of good will.” We will see the joy, the excitement, and nervousness on their faces. And after all is said, sung and done we will for a moment sense the true meaning of Christmas that God is with us!

My hope is that this Christmas, as you celebrate the mystery of the Christmas Eucharist,  as you gather with family and perhaps friends, amid good food and choice drink, as presents are frantically opened and enjoyed you will look around at the faces of fellow parishioners, guests, friends and family and see the wonderful gift of God’s presence.

We are lucky people – no, we are blessed people because Emmanuel is born within us each day all we need to do is believe!

A Blessed and Holy Christmas to all!

Daily Prayer:  O Loving Child, you came to dwell among us long ago and as we celebrate this eve of your coming we know that no matter how happy and fulfilling our lives seem to be we sense there is always need for a deeper awareness of your hopeful presence. There are signs of your coming, signs of your continued presence, all around us. Freshen up our vision so that we can recognize your presence within us and among us as we celebrate this wondrous feast. May our lives be filled with your love this day and always and may we offer your love to all who come our way. Amen! (Adapted from a prayer by Sr. Joyce Rupp)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “Every run is a work of art, a drawing on each day's canvas. Some runs are shouts and some runs are whispers. Some runs are eulogies and others celebrations. When you're angry, a run can be a sharp slap in the face. When happy, a run is your song. And when your running progresses enough to become the chrysalis through which your life is viewed, motivation is almost beside the point. Rather, it's running that motivates you for everything else the day holds.”  (Dagny Scott Barrios)

Daily Blessing: Christmas Eve Blessings to everyone! It is a very rainy day here in Pelham. Hopefully your day is a little better than mine. I also hope that you are not too busy with last minute things. May you find the time today or tomorrow to celebrate with God this special feast.

For today’s Christmas Eve Blessing I will offer A Blessing of Angels adapted from a blessing by the same name from Sr. Joyce Rupp –

May the angel of the annunciation bless us, inviting us daily to awaken to the presence of God within us.

May the angel of Joseph’s dreams bless us, stirring our spirits to trust the many ways that Mystery whispers to us.

May the angel of birthing bless us, calling forth wonder, awe, and gratitude for all that has helped us to become our true selves.

May the angels of Bethlehem bless us, tickling our souls with laughter, song and joy, heralding hope and good tidings to us.

May the angel of the journey to Egypt bless us, guiding and protecting us as we travel the inner and outer roads of life.

May the angel of desert wilderness, bless us, bringing courage when we experience bleak, intense searching and struggle.

May the angel of prayer bless us, gathering us closely to God who longs for our embrace.

May the angel of the children who sat with Jesus, bless us, helping us to see the beauty and freedom of life.

May the angel of the agony in the garden bless us, offering us solace in times of difficulty and struggle.

May the angel at the tomb of the resurrection bless us with faith, hope and trust that all will be well!

Blessing to all this Christmas Eve and enjoy! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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