Friday, January 16, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 01/16/2015

Daily Thoughts: I have always liked the story in today's Gospel and the reason is because it is not just one person's faith at work. The story says, "When Jesus saw their faith...." It was the faith of the group of friends, of the community, that makes all the difference. It was the hard work and faith of the friends of the paralytic. It was the faith of the man, himself, that probably motivated his friends. All of them worked together so that this healing moment was possible.

I often refer to the parishes I go to or the people who make one of my retreats as a community of faith and I truly believe that they are. I am always happy to be in their presence because I believe there is a great power in a community gathered together for a Sunday mass, a daily mass, a prayer service or a retreat. I believe that it takes a community of faith to get us through life.

Sure we need our personal faith. Sure we need a personal relationship with God, but we also need a community because as good as we might be there are times when we cannot do it alone. We need people to pick us up, to carry us. We need people to help us find a way in, to find a way to God. We need people who believe in us and in the journey we are on. We need people who know God just as we do.

Jesus affirms the small community of faithful friends in the Gospel today. They make it possible for their friend to be healed and to be forgiven. What great friends the paralytic man had, do we have friends like him? Are we faith filled friends willing to pick a friend up and make sure they can get to God?

Have a joyful and faith filled Friday evening everyone!

Daily Prayer: O God, grants us to the gift of being true friends in faith today and always. Helps us to bring to you, no matter what the obstacles, all in need so that they and we might encounter your healing, forgiving and loving presence. Bless us with a community of faith who will help your grace to remain alive in our hearts! Amen!

A Runner's Thoughts: Remember a run can be a tremendous help to quieting the mind so God can be present!

Daily Blessing: Friday evening greetings and blessings to all. As I mentioned yesterday today was our all-day taping session for The Sunday Mass at St. Francis de Sales Church on 96th Street near Lexington Avenue in Manhattan. It is our first taping at our new site so it was a long day as we got use to our new home. But we made it through all 6 masses and people were pleased with how things turn out for the most part. Thanks for all your prayers these last few days. They were greatly appreciated!

May your Friday evening and night be a good one and I hope it leads you into a relaxing weekend. May God bless you tonight with rest, peace and generous helping of God’s love through the gift of family, friends or quiet solitude. May God bless you with a restful evening and a peaceful night so that you can rise refreshed to live a new day! Friday evening blessings to all! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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