Monday, February 2, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 02/02/2015

Daily Thoughts: Good day everyone and happy feast day! Today is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, "Feast of the Meeting" and sometimes known at Candlemas Day as candles are blessed on this day. Some say this is the true end to the Christmas Season. It is certainly a day of blessing.

The Gospel (Luke 2:22-40) today tells the story of Anna and Simeon two people waiting for the Lord. They were waiting for the consolation and redemption of Israel and they both recognized it in the child Jesus. Simeon's now famous words, words recited each evening near the end of Night Prayer, words reflecting the joy Simeon has in being granted the gift of seeing Jesus. Anna too is grateful for this opportunity both of them have prayed and waited a long time.

Perhaps, Anna and Simeon reflect for us the journey of faith that all of us are on. We long for the Kingdom of God, we long for a day when the struggles, the times of sadness in life, the difficulties of life will be gone, when will we see the gift of God in its fullest. At that moment perhaps we will utter the words of Simeon. However until then we wait and we journey in faith, we keep the faith like Anna and Simeon, and we go about life hoping to encounter God's many gifts in simple ways. Being on the lookout for an opportunity to hold God in our hands and feel the blessing of God in our life.

May we truly be blessed this day knowing that we are on a journey of faith that will bring us to the Kingdom where we can truly give thanks!

Have a great Monday everyone!

Daily Prayer: O God, bless us today with the gift of your love. Help us to take the time to recognize you as we journey through this day. May we find you in ourselves, in others and in the world around us. Give us the privilege to welcome Christ into this world as we live life through your unrelenting grace! Amen!

A Runner's Thoughts: Remember run in a way that allows you to find pleasure in the experience and helps you to know the presence of God is with you!

Daily Blessing: Happy Monday – Happy Feast of the Presentation of the Lord – And Happy Ground Hog Day! Yes, it's Groundhog Day, and Punxsutawney Phil says...Six More Weeks of Winter! Oh, joy! Our day here in Pelham has started out with that fact in mind, it snowed through the night and is now sleeting! I guess I am not going anywhere today! I hope your day has started better than mine and that there are many good things ahead! 

I guess most if not all of you watched the Super Bowl last night though in reading reports it sound like it was a Super Half Time Show with a football game one either side! As for me I celebrated mass at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Manhattan at 6 pm and much to my surprise with had a nice crowd, then I found a restaurant without a TV and had a nice dinner. Then I made my way home and found a good movie on Netflix. It was a perfect evening from my point of view. I hope your team won!

So my prayer of blessing today will be a simple one.  If you are home or at work, if you are dealing with bad weather or not I pray that this day will be one of many blessings for you! If you are hung over but happy may the pain in your head leave soon so you can enjoy being happy. If you are still crying in your beer may today ultimately end in you finding some peace remember there is always next year. I pray that today will be the beginning of a great week for everyone! As you journey through this week take comfort and hope in God and may you find God’s blessing in the work you must do. May God’s blessing and grace help you continue your journey of faith in the spirit of Anna and Simeon. To all have a great day and many blessings in whatever this day brings! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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