Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 02/17/2015

Daily Thoughts: “Do you still not understand?” The closing words by Jesus in today’s Gospel are directed at the disciples with him in the boat but they could easily be directed at us today. We just don’t seem to get it at times do we?

Jesus’ disciples didn’t seem at times to be very good at connecting the dots between Jesus’ words and actions. Jesus was always asking them if they understood and at times like the Gospel today we hear the frustration from their lack of understanding in his voice.

Even though we have the opportunity to reflection and the insight of many before us we often find ourselves just like the disciples in the Gospel today. We think Jesus means one thing when it is really about something altogether different. Like the disciples we need to be reminded over and over again just who we are as people of faith and that we are called to live lives for the glory of God.

One place where we can revive our calling as people of faith is the Eucharist. Here we listen once again to the Word of God, we retell the story of Jesus and we are nourished by the gift of Eucharist and we are forgiven for those times when we fail to understand, when we fail to live out the Gospel. The Eucharist is the table that always invited us to understand, to come back, be connect even when like the disciple we just can grasp the message!

Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Loving God, we give you thanks this day because we are fearfully and wonderfully made in your image and likeness. Help us realize and recognize this awesome gift. Strengthen us to live our life so that your image and likeness may be encounter by all we meet. Guide us so that our traditions, rules, regulations and rituals do not hide your image within us but serve as tools that help to enhancement of our faith and not become our faith. May the living of our faith always put people first and help us to live in the hope that one day we will hear you proclaim our life as very good! Amen!

A Runner's Thoughts: Run in a new place today, for new places can stretch our capacity for finding the presence of God as we run!

Daily Blessing: Happy Fat Tuesday everyone! I hope you will take a little time today to celebrate and ready yourself to enter Lent. Today is one of those ordinary days when I ask for an extra beer at dinner or perhaps even a piece of cheese cake or another favorite dessert. Nothing fancy, just a small celebration to lift the spirits as I enter the long season of Lent. So friends my suggestion is to celebrate today at least a little!

Though I have to say right now I am not in the celebrating mood. It is just about 3 am and I have been awake since 1 am. I will not be going back to sleep anytime soon as I have to catch the 4:45 am shuttle from the hotel to the airport in the hope that I will get on a 6:40 am flight to LaGuardia. However the weather report for New York does not look good today so who knows what will happen. All I know is that I am in “worry mode” which means no sleep! Perhaps my celebration will be just to get home!

As I worry today I will keep you in my prayers so if you have things that you need to worry about don’t I will provide that service for you today. Thus I pray – that God may give you a “worry free” day – that God will bless all of you with the richness of his grace and love – that any journeys today will be safe, swift and easy – that your encounters with others will be life giving and productive – and that your journey through this day will be filled with smiles. Thus may God bless your day with the Spirit of “Don’t Worry – Be Happy!” Have a great day with many blessings! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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