Sunday, May 10, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 05/10/2015

Daily Thoughts: In the Gospel Jesus tells us to love one another and in doing so he uses the example of his own love for us. He tells us that there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends and we are his friends. Yes, Jesus is talking to his disciples some 2,000 plus years ago but if we believe the scriptures are alive then Jesus is also talking to us.

One of the great examples of the love that Jesus speaks about today is a mother. She lays down her very life not for her friends but for her children. There isn’t a thing a mother would not do or give to her children. A mother’s love is a powerful and unconditional love. Sometimes mothers love to a fault but who can blame them. They carry us in their wombs, they give us life often through great pain and they nurture us and love us into adulthood by giving of their very selves!

As we are told in John’s Gospel – God so loved the world that he gave us his only Son and all we have to do is believe. Well Jesus with his words today and our celebration of Mother’s Day puts an exclamation point on God’s love for us. Our job, our task, our command is simply to follow the example of Christ and our mothers as we grow and discover the fire and the energies of love in each other!

Love is only realized, only understood in terms of action. Jesus so loved us that he gave his life for us. Our mothers loved us and gave their life for us. How we love determines the power and presence of God in our life. If we love God then we are called to live that love, we are called share it with one another.

Jesus and our mothers remind us today to discover the fire of love in our lives and in the world and to turn over everything to God because God’s love for us is always enough.

Have a blessed Mother’s Day everyone!

Mother’s Day Prayer:
We thank you, God, Creator of us all, for our mothers.

We thank you that they gave us life and nurtured us all those years. They gave us our faith, helping us to know you and to know Jesus and his ways. They taught us how to love and how to sacrifice for others. They taught us that it was okay to cry and that we should always tell the truth.

Bless our mother, both living and deceased with the graces they need and which you want to give her today. Help our mothers to feel precious in your eyes today and to know that we love them. Give our mothers strength and courage, compassion, peace and those who have passed eternal life.

Bless our mothers this day and always with your love. Amen (Adapted from a Mother’s Day Prayer found on Creighton University Ministries web site)

A Runner’s Thoughts: Run in honor of your mother today and as you run let your focus be on whatever presents itself to you during each moment of your run. Remembering that God can speak to you directly through everything you see, hear and smell!

Daily Blessing: Sunday and Mother’s Day greetings and blessings to everyone! I would like to wish a very Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers living and deceased who have touched our lives throughout the year. I hope you are having a great day and that you getting the chance to honor your mother and all the mothers who have touch your life in some way. I always find it special honor my own mother as I celebrate mass and I was most happy to do that today.

I pray that you will have a blessed Mother’s Day touched by the presence of God and that if you are traveling today you will do so safely. May all your encounters with others and your time alone today be rich in the joy of God grace and love. May God’s blessing be upon all mothers especially those who are expecting and may the gift that all mothers are touch our lives today in a very special way. May God bless this week and may it be a week of blessings that will help us to encounter the joy of life! Peace in Christ’s Passion and Joy in the Risen Lord…Fr. Paul

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