Friday, June 26, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 06/26/2015

Daily Thoughts: At times when I hear or read certain Gospel stories I think wouldn’t it be great if Jesus could do that today! In today’s story (Matt 8:1-4) Jesus encounters a leper. Leprosy in Jesus’ time made people outcasts. They were disconnected from the community. They had to keep their distance. They were relegated to living in community with only other lepers. They were not to touch or be touched by others. They were seen as unclean.

However the leper in the Gospel story has the courage to approach Jesus and for that courage he is rewarded with a healing. He is made clean so that he can live once again within the community. Jesus heals by touching, by crossing the boundary of culture, society and religion. Jesus deals with the person as a human being created in the image and likeness of God.

I guess my point is that in our day there are many people who probably feel like the lepers of Jesus’ time. People who are looked upon as unclean, who are looked upon as not part of the community. People who are looked upon by culture, society and especially religion as misfits, who are often are excluded. Wouldn’t it be great if Jesus were here today and like that day long ago as he came down from the mountain he would stop and talk with them, touch them, perhaps embracement and make them feel like a person again accepted, loved not feared.

Making someone clean has many connotations some positive, some negative. Making someone clean presumes that they are unclean. Was the leper of Jesus’ day really unclean? Are people in our time really unclean? Asking Jesus to make those that culture, society and religion often see as unclean, clean, might not mean curing them of some disease or condition, it might simply mean clearing the way, stepping across the boundary and changing the attitudes that will allow them to feel accepted, to feel they belong.

“Lord if you wish, you can make us clean.” Stretch out your hand today and will it!

Have a great day everyone!

Daily Prayer: Jesus, our benevolent friend, at every moment of our existence you are present to us. You are our loving Savior who is gentle and compassionate. Reach out your healing hand and touch us today. Help us to step beyond the boundaries of what divides and excludes like you. Help us to be present to one another so that our presence, like your presence, may be a strength that heals the wounds of time, and give hope to all people. We make this prayer through the grace of your compassion and love. Amen!  (Adapt from a Healing Prayer by the monks at Weston Priory)

A Runner’s Thoughts: Let us run in the present moment, not from something and not to something. Let us strive for a grace-filled run and well as a graceful run. Run today not for time but fore grace. Run with God! (Adapted from Roger Joslin – Running the Spiritual Path)

Daily Blessing: Friday greetings and blessings to everyone! I hope your week has gone well and that you are looking forward to a little rest and relaxation over the weekend. I am enjoying a nice relaxing day with my brother and his family just north of Chicago. We are headed to Lake Geneva in Wisconsin today for a little lunch and hopefully a nice boat ride around the lake. Tomorrow I head to Manitowoc, WI to begin a sister’s retreat on Sunday so I am glad to have this nice relaxing Friday.

Have a great Friday everyone! May it be blessed with family and friends, laughter, fun, joy, rest and relaxation. May you and those you love be safe everywhere you go and in everything you do.  Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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