Monday, July 13, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 07/13/2015

Daily Thoughts: Over the last week or so we have been reading a section of Matthew’s Gospel that seems to be a directive for discipleship. Jesus tells the disciples to trust in God by taking nothing with them on the journey, to depend of the hospitality of others, and to offer peace and to proclaim the Kingdom wherever they go. Jesus also tells them that the journey of discipleship will not be easy, that they will be rejected and at times the peace they offer will not be accepted. And in today’s Gospel Jesus also tells the disciples that the struggles of discipleship may even start within the family and friends that they love.

In a number of ways the picture Jesus paints of discipleship in Matthews Gospel today (Matt. 10:34-11:1) is one that seems impossible to embrace let alone live. The thought of being at odds with mother, father, sister and brother would make me wonder why I would want to journey down that road.

I think Jesus’ purpose for this instruction is simply to make it clear that if we get on broad it is not an easy ride. The journey of a disciple is not the journey of a fairy tale; it is not the journey of “happily ever after.” The journey of a disciple is a difficult road with many challenges, many struggles, many difficulties and often a great deal of change. It is a journey of choices and decisions that are not always easy. Discipleship is the journey of the Cross and Jesus wants those who take it up to understand the consequences along with the joys and hopes.

Have a great Monday everyone!

Daily Prayer: Compassionate God; bless us with anger at injustice, oppression, exploitation of people and the earth, so that we may strive for justice, equality and peace. Bless us with tears to shed for those who suffer, so that we will reach out our hands to comfort them and to change their pain into joy. Bless us with a foolishness to think that we can make a difference in the world, so that we will begin to do the things that others say cannot be done. Amen!

A Runner’s Thoughts: Remember we can make our runs holy by bringing to our runs a sense of God’s presence in us.

Daily Blessing: Monday blessings and greetings to everyone! I will be heading back to Pelham in a little while after a weekend in Virginia with my three grand nieces. I had the privilege of watching them for a little over 24 hours while their parents attended a wedding. I have always had great respect for parents but after beginning responsible for a one year old, a five year old and a nine year old I am truly in awe of parents. It was a great experience and I feel very blessed to have spent the time with three wonderful young women!

Once I get back to Pelham I will only have a couple of days home before heading to Scranton, PA for ten days. So once I get home I will need to do wash, clear my desk of paperwork, see how my car situation is progressing and begin to pack my bags once again. I am looking forward to my time in Scranton even though it will be a busy ten days.

I hope your weekend was a fruitful one and that you had some time to enjoy life. I pray that this new work week will be one gifted with many blessings. It looks like it will be a rainy drive for me today may the weather be better wherever you are!

May all of you be blessed with God’s peace today and as Jesus tells us in the Gospel today it is a peace that we must look for at times in the midst of struggle.  May you be blessed with God’s energizing grace so that you can find the gift of God’s peace and joy in your life today wherever you go, in whomever you meet and especially within yourself. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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