Monday, August 24, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 08/24/2015

Daily Thoughts: “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” is Nathanael’s (Bartholomew) question to Philip in today's Gospel. In other words Nathanael wants to know why should I waste my time? Why should I leave what I am doing or not doing to meet this Jesus? Questions any of us might ask if we were in the same situation. Yet, Philip’s invitation to “Come and see” is a life changing event for Nathanael. It is an event that gives him a different perspective on Jesus, on people who come from Nazareth, on life. It gives Nathanael and encounter with God.

The gift of the feast of St. Bartholomew (Nathanael) which we celebrate today is that Bartholomew did not miss his encounter with God and that made all the difference in his life. Throughout the Gospels we encounter people who miss the presence of God. Who are blinded by power, authority and preconceived ideas about people and life. Jesus walks into their midst and they miss their change to encounter God. They hang on to what is comfortable, what is familiar.

Through the invitation of Philip, Bartholomew does not miss his chance, his opportunity. He however has to let go of his preconceived ideas, his comfortableness and when he does it makes all the difference. It leads him into an encounter with God that forever changes his life.

Let us ask to the spirit of St. Bartholomew to help us let go and let God today. Have a great Monday everyone!   

Daily Prayer:
Today, dear Lord, three things we pray
To see you more clearly
Love you more dearly
Follow you more nearly, today!

Today, dear Lord, three things we pray
To see you more clearly
Love you more dearly
Follow you more nearly, everyday!
(Adapted from the lyrics of the Godspell song Day By Day)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “Non-runners may not believe how beneficial running can be, but it's true. Running has rocked people's lives – improving the way they look, the way they feel, the way they think, and the way they look at life.” (Florence Griffith Joyner and John Hanc) Running can also improve the way we pray and the way we see and understand God in our life!

Daily Blessing: Monday greetings and blessings to all! I hope this finds you well today and rested from a weekend that was blessed by some down time with good people. My weekend was busy as it should have been but it was certainly life-giving and blessed by God’s presence.

As I look out my sitting room window it looks like another beautiful day here in Long Beach though there are clouds in the sky and humidity seem high. There is a little breeze but I have the feeling it is going to be one of those days that if you are moving you will probably be sweating.

I pray that God will bless all of you on this Monday. For some it is the beginning of a new school year, for others it is the beginning of a new work week, for others it may be the last week of your vacation and for still others it might be just another day of life nothing special. May God’s blessing be upon you wherever you find yourself. May God bless you with the grace you need to live this day and in living this day may you bring God’s presence to all you meet! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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