Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sunday Thoughts - 08/30/2015

Daily Thoughts: For my daily thoughts today I would like to turn to Pope Francis’ reflection today during his Angelus reflection at noon today in Rome. I found the Pope’s words to be refreshing and challenging because like Jesus in the Gospel today (Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23) Pope Francis does not look at what the person does outside but what is inside the person’s heart as the true test of faith. What follows is a report on Pope Francis’ talk by Joshua J. McElwee is NCR Vatican correspondent.

Pope Francis has strongly criticized Catholics who brag that they are perfect followers of the church's teachings but then criticize or speak ill of others in their faith communities, saying they cause scandal and even offer a "counter-witness" to Jesus.

"We all know in our communities, in our parishes, in our neighborhoods how much hurt they do the church, and give scandal, those persons who call themselves 'Very Catholic,'" the pontiff said Sunday.

"They go often to church, but after, in their daily life, ignore the family, speak ill of others, and so on," he continued. "This is that which Jesus condemns because this is a Christian 'counter-witness.'"

Francis was speaking Sunday in an off-the-cuff moment during his weekly Angelus address in St. Peter's Square, which focused on one of Jesus' teachings about the role of the proscribed laws of the faith of his time.

The Gospel for today, taken from Mark, sees Jesus questioned by Pharisees about why his disciples did not follow Jewish law regarding the cleansing of hands before eating. Jesus calls the Pharisees hypocrites, quoting the prophet Isaiah and saying they honor God with their lips but not their hearts.

Jesus' response to the Pharisees, Pope Francis said Sunday, "has the force of a prophetic pronouncement."

"They are words that might fill us with admiration for our teacher," said the pope. "We feel that in him there is the truth and that his wisdom liberates us from prejudices."

But then Pope francis sharply warned that Jesus words apply also to Christians today.

"Caution!" Pope Francis exhorted the crowds in the Square. "With these words, Jesus also wants to put us, today, on guard against considering that the exterior observance of the law may be sufficient to be good Christians."

"As it was for the Pharisees, there also exists for us the danger of considering our place as better than others for the only fact of observing the rules or customs, even if we do not love our neighbor, [even if] we are hard of heart or prideful," said the Pope Francis.

"The literal observance of the precepts is something sterile if it does not change the heart and is not translated into concrete attitudes," he said, giving examples: "Opening yourself up to an encounter with God and God's word in prayer, searching for justice and peace, giving help to the poor, the weak and the oppressed."

Exterior attitudes, Pope Francis said, are determined by what's in our hearts.

"The exterior attitudes are the consequence of what we have determined in the heart," said the pope. "Not the opposite! With outside attitudes, if the heart does not change we are not true Christians."

"The border between good and evil doesn't pass outside of us but rather inside of us," Pope Francis continued. "And we can ask ourselves: Where is my heart?"

"Jesus said your treasure is where your heart is," said Pope Francis. "Which is my treasure? Is it Jesus and his doctrine? Then the heart is good. Or is your treasure another thing?"

Beginning the Angelus prayer, the pope said they would ask Sunday that the Lord grant those present "a pure heart, free of every hypocrisy."

"This is [what] Jesus says to the Pharisees: Hypocrites," said Pope Francis. "Because they say something and then do another."

The pontiff said they would pray for hearts free of hypocrisy "so that we may be able to live according to the spirit of the law and arrive at its end, which is love."
(Joshua J. McElwee is NCR Vatican correspondent.)

Daily Prayer: O God, we love you and our only desire is to love you until the last breath of our lives. If our tongues cannot say in every moment that we love you, we want our hearts to repeat it to you as often as we draw a breath. Amen. (Adapted from a prayer by St. John Vianney)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “Looking forward to something is much more fun than looking back at something–and much more constructive.” (Hortense Odlum)

Daily Blessing: Sunday greetings and blessings to all. I hope your Sunday has started off well and that you will be able to give God a little time today? I will be headed back to Long Beach and St. Ignatius Martyr Parish later today and I will be there until Labor Day. Once again I look forward to helping out wherever needed and enjoying the gift of being near the ocean.

My prayer of blessing today is that whatever you are doing today, relaxing, working, traveling, vacationing or just being I pray that God’s blessing will be upon your Sunday filling it with the richness of joy, hope and the goodness of God’s presence. May today be filled with Spirit and life so that you will always live  in thr presence of God! Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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