Friday, September 25, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 09/25/2015

Daily Thoughts: Last summer and early fall living in New York it was hard not getting caught up in Derek Jeter’s farewell tour. Now I am not a Yankee fan, I have always been a Pittsburgh Pirate fan, a National League fan, but I have to admit that during my 19 years of living in the Bronx and now Pelham I have come to respect and at times root for the Yankees because of Derek Jeter and Mariano Rivera. During my time living in the Bronx they became two of the faces of baseball and all that is good about it for me.

The greatest player in baseball, for me, will always be Roberto Clemente and I will always be a diehard Pirate fan but at a time when it is hard to find good in sports. When the day to day news about sports is often negative, I truly believe Derek Jeter was a man, a player of class, integrity and dignity. I know that I don’t know him and he could be a real jerk outside of baseball but something tells me he isn’t.

Perhaps in much the same way over the last few months it has been hard not getting caught up in the preparations for Pope Francis’ visit. Let Derek Jeter last summer this summer many have been asking the question who is Pope Francis? Certainly over the last few years I have come to respect and be in awe of Pope Francis because of the kind of man he is and the spirit of God he seems to bring to every encounter with others. I truly believe Pope Francis is a man of faith, a man of truth, a man of love and a a man blessed by God in a world that is often violent, negative and life taking rather than life giving.

In the Gospel today (Luke 9:18-22), Jesus asks two questions of his disciples, “Who do the crowds say that I am? and Who do you say that I am?” I might be stretching things here but in a way over throughout the baseball season last year we may have been asking ourselves the same thing about Derek Jeter. I am not comparing Derek Jeter to Jesus! I am just saying that a small part of last year’s baseball season was been about, at least for me, defining who Derek Jeter was. Celebrating what he had been for baseball over the last twenty years. Perhaps looking at his twenty year career in the major leagues and realizing he has been a great player, not the best, depending on how one defines the best, but a great player who touched the lives of many by the way he played the game.

In the Gospel, the disciples try to define who Jesus is for them and Peter is able to get it right, Jesus is “The Christ of God.” It is important for the disciples to come to know Jesus in this way because of where their journey with him is headed, the Cross and Calvary. They need to begin to see Jesus as he truly is in order to make the journey with him. With Jesus there is truly a time for everything under the heavens, an appointed time.

The same is true for us. In our journey of faith we need to come to know who Jesus is in our life. We like Peter need to know him as “The Christ of God” because of where our journey is going and the things we will face with Jesus. There have been and will continue to be many crosses and many journeys up Calvary.

So today I would just like to say thank you to Pope Francis and Derek Jeter for sharing their appointed time in this life with us but most importantly I want to thank Jesus for being “The Christ of God” and for your continuing your appointed time in our lives!

Have a great Friday everyone!

Daily Prayer:
Loving God,
We have no idea where we are going.
We do not see the road ahead of us.
We cannot know for certain where it will end.
Nor do we really know ourselves,
and the fact that we think we are following your will
does not mean that we are actually doing so.
But we believe that the desire to please you
does in fact please you.
And we hope we have that desire in all that we are doing.
We hope that we will never do anything apart for that desire.
And we know that if we do this
you will lead us by the right road
though we may know nothing about it.
Therefore we will trust you always
though we may seem to be lost
and in the shadow of death.
We will not fear, for you are ever with us,
and you will never leave us
to face my perils alone. Amen!
(Adapted from a prayer by Thomas Merton)

A Runner’s Thoughts: “How can one learn to know oneself? Never by introspection, rather by action.” (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe) So to in the spiritual life…introspection can help us see things about ourselves but it is our actions, through prayer and service of others that will really help us to know ourselves!

Daily Blessing: Friday greetings and blessings to all! I hope your day has started off well. It looks to be another beautiful day here in Tarrytown and I hope the same is true for you. I certainly enjoy these early fall days the night are cool and the days are sunny and energizing!

This morning I will celebrate the closing mass of the retreat and then head to Pelham for a short stop over to wash my clothes, re-pack and head to Kennedy Airport to catch an evening flight to Halifax, Nova Scotia. I will begin a mission in Chester, Nova Scotia on Saturday. I would ask your prayers for the sisters ending their retreat today, for safe travels and if you had a little extra time a prayer for this itinerant preacher would be appreciated. Let us also continue to prayer for Pope Francis as he continues his visit to the United States that it will continue to be a safe journey and one that inspires us with his spirit.

For my prayer of blessing for all of you today is this – As you journey through this day may you be blessed with Christ within you, with Christ behind you, with Christ before you, with Christ beside you, with Christ to comfort and restore you, with Christ beneath you, with Christ above you, with Christ in your quiet moments, with Christ in your moments of struggle, with Christ in the hearts of all who love you, with Christ within of all your friends and every person you meet. May the presence of Christ’s be within you and bless your day, Amen!

I hope you will have a great Friday and that you encounter many blessings today and much peace. May you be graced by God in whatever you do and may you bring God’s grace to whomever you meet! Work, pray, travel, study, laugh, cry, talk, be silent, be intense or relax today rich in the blessing and presence of God. Peace in Christ’s Passion…Fr. Paul

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