Sunday, December 6, 2015

Daily Thoughts - 12/06/2015

Daily Thoughts: The focus of our readings today especially the first reading from the Book of the Prophet Baruch and Luke’s Gospel is about looking in a different direction, about seeing life differently. The prophet Baruch is a disciple of Jeremiah, and he wants the people in exile to look at life differently. Rather than seeing life hopelessly he wants them to see the hopefulness of life. He wants them to look eastward for to those who will be returning from exile. He calls for a hopefulness in Jerusalem so that the city will no longer have to mourn her lost children because they will returned. Baruch asks the people to look with hopeful eyes even in the midst of their struggles and sorrows.

John the Baptist in Luke’s Gospel is a voice in the wilderness struggling against the powers that be, Rome and his own Jewish community. He cries out words of hope, that soon the mountains will be made low and the valleys will be raised up and the path to God will be straight and flat. He wants the people to look in a different direction. First at themselves, letting go of the worldly paths they have walked and secondly to look toward the east, to the coming of Christ. Baruch and John in different ways proclaim a vision of hope by asking people to look at life differently!

A few years ago I spent the first week of Advent in a parish in Nassau in the Bahamas giving a parish mission. I had the chance to look at life differently, no TV, none of the usual comforts that create a comfort zone in life. Yet, I too had a sense of hopefulness. It came from the people that I met and what the week of mission told me about myself and about the presence of God in my life.

Friends in faith my hope for you today is that you will find your east to look toward. An east that will tell you a little more about yourself, an east that will create a sense of hope within you, an east that will help you to see and to know the gift of God in your life! Look East my friends...See Emanuel (God is with us!)

Have a great Second Sunday of Advent and make sure you give God a little time today!

Daily Prayer: O God of all searchers let no earthly undertaking hinder us as we journey in haste to meet you. May we learn the wisdom of heaven and always have the hope and joy of your mercy and love! Amen!

A Runner's Thoughts: “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” (Robert Collier) So in a spiritual sense may your run today take you into the heart of God and may it be a run of hope!

Daily Blessing: Sunday greetings and blessings to all and happy Second Sunday of Advent. I find myself getting ready to head to Naples, FL later this morning so that I can attend Fr. Edward’s father’s funeral tomorrow. I would ask you to keep Fr. Edward and his family in your prayers especially during these difficult days of mourning.

It looks to be another nice day here in Pelham and I am sure in traveling south by this afternoon I will be enjoying the warm temperatures of Florida. I hope your day is starting off well and that the weather where you are will help you to enjoy this Second Sunday in the season of Advent.

Blessings on your journeys, your family time, your projects, your TV watching, and your encounters with others today and may you all find hope and have peace in your living of life today. During our journey through last week we encountered another tragic event with the loss of many lives. This seems to be an event in our day and time that repeats itself too often. Whether it is international terrorism, domestic terrorism or one person who losses he or her sense of reality and respect for life our life today is not always a peaceful one. Let us live in the hope that the events of this last week and all like it never happen anywhere again. May the Prince of Peace find within us the desire for love, respect, joy and peace and bless us with these gifts today and always.

Have a Great Second Sunday of Advent and don’t forget to give God a little time today. Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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