Thursday, February 4, 2016

Daily Thoughts - 02/04/2016

Daily Thoughts: Our readings today talk about faithfulness and trust, especially in the promises of God. In our first reading from the First Book of Kings David reminds his son Solomon to be faithful to God. David is dying and he is handing over the kingdom to his son. If Solomon remain faithful to the statutes, commands, ordinances, and decrees as they are written in the law of Moses then he will succeed in whatever he does. God will bless him and the kingdom.

David knows a things or two about faithfulness and trust on God. He knows that it takes faithfulness and trust to make the relationship work. He made a number of unfaithful choices throughout his kingship. At times he struggles in being faithful and trusting in God.

Being faithful and trusting is something we have to learn. For us human beings that is not always easy. We want to be in control and yet as we have learned God's ways are not always our ways so faith demands trust in God. We need to trust that God is leading us down the right road.

Jesus in the Gospel today is trying to teach the twelve the value to trust. He sends them out to preach, teach and heal but they cannot take anything with them. The have to trust, trust the communities that they go to and trust that Jesus will be with them. The twelve find out that if they trust good things happen. They cast out demons, they heal, they are able to proclaim the Good News.

So as we journey through our day let us take each step today with faithfulness by trusting in God so as we live this day good things will happen.

Have a great Thursday everyone!

Daily Prayer: O God, strengthen the gift of your hope within us so that we may be faithful and trust in your presence as we live our life today. Graciously, enliven our faith with your presence that we bring you to everyone we meet. Help us with your grace to know that our faith is the beginning and you love is the end and that we bring to two together by living our life in hope, mercy and joy! Amen!

A Runner's Thoughts: Remember our faith is like running – the journey is rarely a straight line. There are often hills, valleys and bumps in the road but we must always make the choice to keep looking ahead because God is always right around the corner!

Daily Blessing: I hope everyone’s Thursday has started off well. I am back in Pelham. It was a long rainy drive yesterday but I got home around 3:30 pm and got to bed on the early side so I am feeling pretty good this morning. I have a mass later this morning at the Wartburg Home and then I will be wait for the dishwasher repair person to come sometime this afternoon between 1 pm and 5 pm. We are to have another mild but cloudy day here in Pelham. I hope the weather by you is adding to the journey of your day in a positive way.

Many blessings on your Thursday, may it be a good one. As you wander through this day keep the energy high and don't let the everyday struggles get you down. I pray today that God will bless us all with much hope, strong faith, mercy and many measures of love! Enjoy the day, be safe and above all may you be graced with the presence of God throughout the day. Have a great Thursday everyone! Peace in Christ's Passion...Fr. Paul

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